Charles said:
Ah Monsieur ou Madame. Either / or ?
Wasn't José Bové also a candidate for the presidentiel elections ?
Yes, and he finally got the 500 required signatures.
He condemns Israël for its crimes and supports the Palestinians - he went to see them a few years ago.
He's for the disarmement.
But he's famous for destroying MacDonalds and GMO fields - I don't know if that's very productive (as much as i don't like this crap).
I'd say it's the least worse of all the candidates, I might vote for him at the first round.
Bayrou is the now star in the media.
He supports Israël - he went to the CRIF's (representative council of France's jewish institutions) annual supper and signed the CRIF's call to having Israël entering the francophony (of which Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia are part - isn't it a provocation ?)
I wouldn't vote for him.
If Bové isn't in the second round (which is highly probable), and le Pen is present, I'm considering voting for him, as a strategy (some people are wondering the same). A clash in the system might be interesting.
Otherwise we take the same (sarko/royal/bayrou), and here we go again... and nothing changes.
I don't know if it will be productive, but what choice do we have ?
Too bad Dieudonné didn't obtain the 500 signatures - but logical!
Here's the list of all the candidates - they're 12, like the apostles ;)
François Bayrou
Olivier Besancenot
José Bové
Marie-George Buffet
Arlette Laguiller
Jean-Marie Le Pen
Frédéric Nihous
Ségolène Royal
Nicolas Sarkozy
Gérard Schivardi
Philippe de Villiers
Dominique Voynet