Video - Ufos or soaring birds?

Looks like birds flying but the strange reflection is puzzling indeed.
Other videos of Storks don't show such peculiar reflection and would flap wings sometimes fwiw.
I agree-birds would flap wings and move their heads occassionally-all of these objects are completely uniform in appearance, and appear to be illuminated in some way. Not saying that it is not birds-but the objects appear distinctly mechanical in behaviour-no flapping of wings, no turning of heads-that should be visible even at the poor resolution of the images...very strange.
tschai said:
I agree-birds would flap wings and move their heads occassionally-all of these objects are completely uniform in appearance, and appear to be illuminated in some way. Not saying that it is not birds-but the objects appear distinctly mechanical in behaviour-no flapping of wings, no turning of heads-that should be visible even at the poor resolution of the images...very strange.

Large birds like storks frequently make use of thermals (large pockets of rising hot air) to gain height and can glide for long time periods without flapping their wings nor would they necessarily need to move their heads, thus saving extra energy expenditure and ensuring a near free ride. The way they circle each other also seems to indicate birds. The migration season back to North America is also about now. As for the illumination I'm stumped.
I thought it was strange at the 1:45 mark when they appear to turn upside-down - and continuing flying around like that. Do birds normally ride thermal drafts upside down?
Well, well, well. It's amazing what's out there on the internet. Maybe here's another option. A ufo disguising itself as a large soaring bird. Take a look at this video - a very similar 'species' involved and what seems to be a strange vanishing act to boot. Then again perhaps the camera simply went out of focus and the object could not be relocated.

Again, this is all assuming genuine footage.
what about the possibilities of some genetically modified birds or some bird bleed through 's. Unless some body confirms or gives more information we will not be knowing for sure.

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