View from a young American


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
I had a really interesting conversation yesterday with a friend of mine who lives in Texas. Unfortunately we chatted on a web voice-com program so I can only refer to what we spoke about from memory - which may not be very accurate. For reference I think he is about 20. So this is mainly an interesting view of a young Americans opinions.

We have not spoken in a while, so after catching up, a thought occurred to me and I asked, "I would be interested to know what someone actually living in Texas thinks about those domes being built by FEMA on the coast."
He responded, asking if I meant the 'Tornado shelters'?, I mentioned how I wasn't sure what they were for - but I had read that they were possibly storm shelters or equipment depots. He said how he thought this was odd because they usually build their storm shelters underground.
The conversation continued - and I was surprised at some of his opinions considering his age and activities. He enjoys playing 'realistic war simulator games' with his friends, and various other games that challenge teams in strategic and reactionary ways I suppose.
I mentioned how shocking I found it, reading about the DHS armed army, and the armored trucks being commissioned for disaster support. He implied he understood the 'need' for some of those measures to prevent looting and mobs in those situations - he said how he wasn't surprised that the government would take those sorts of measures to control the population as the 'government is going to shit'. He also said he 'would not be at all surprised' to see a 'civil war' in his life time - except the faction that would 'win' would simply be whoever had the airforce.
He seemed very aware that a portion of the population is very angry. He talked about how much racism there is, about the Republicans catering to a 'faction' of the population that is racist and religious - and that those two seemed to go hand in hand.
He also agreed with how the military didn't seem to be 'civilians in uniform' anymore, said that was what the police were supposed to be but how they were really abusing their authority. So in any scenario, a 'rising up' of the populace, were it to be met with force, would simply be squashed - or 'bombed' as he put it - and they would have no chance as the government just 'doesn't care'.

It made me so sad to see how hopeless someone so young could be. However it did impress me, in a way, to hear some of his more observant opinions - how he saw some of the things that were happening - and how he carried the conversation after my initial question, which was out of a genuine curiousity to know the views of someone actually living in the area.

In any case I thought it was interesting and wanted to share.
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