Vivid, almost lucid dream: Spaceship with gills, and a portal jump


Jedi Master
This was a cinematic dream that unfolded with ‘clues’ that get linked together in the end, which may or may not be just dreamstuff vs some ‘planning and plotting’ in the dream machine. I call these cinematic dreams because in these rarer dreams it seems like I am plopped down in the middle of a movie as a character, and there are cinematic elements to the storytelling, where clues and events unfold in sequence, rather than just the gibberish and associations of recent events in a common dream.

I’m in a large room, a grungy sort of hang-out but also a holding area, there are large crates here and there, benches, tables, boxes and other items laying about. There are various people in it (none from real life), I know them, they know me, but not well. I know this because conversations are sort of introductions and re-introductions, some recounting of shared and unshared experiences among the people. Most conversations are not ones of immediate familiarity. Lots of goofing off among the people, could be 5 or 6 immediately around me, but others unknown in and around, but not hanging out in our general area.

A clever, sort of devious guy is fooling around with this lesser intellect, by saying he’ll be appointed the judge at his own trial, and they both laugh. The lesser guy goes on about not going to college, and a quick discussion of lesser colleges he could have gone to are bandied about by the group. For some reason I say, Midlothian. And in real life, I don’t know this college, if it exists. I know the ‘clever guy’ is not looked at too fondly by the group, being arrogant about his intellect and abilities.

A young woman is goofing off digging at a hole in the ground (which is odd because it doesn’t seem like a place with a dirt floor, but there is an open area just past us you can see a field and some woods. She is digging at some dead snakes, looking at the skins, they are recently dead, with a few wounds. I notice one is a large diamond back rattlesnake, I say, ’I bet you could sell that skin for some decent money.’

The rattlesnake she is poking at suddenly wiggles and comes back to life, it then immediately strikes at her and starts chasing her around, she jumps up on some bench. A few of the other dead snakes start to revive. No one takes too much notice of this!
Someone shouts, ‘It’s here.’ — pointing up to sky you can see through the window, and others see through the large open area.
Way up in the sky, a large space ship, elongated and angular appears. It has gills of sort near the front, these are oozing out some red and yellow plasma or even fluid-like light. There’s a rainbow like circular light around it, but only the shades running from golden yellow to deep red. This is starling beautiful, or at least mind-bending and it catches everyone’s attention.
Someone else says “I bet you could sell videos of that!’ and then quite a few people jump up with their phones and start filming it. It’s way up there, and I think in the dream, that it will all be just small blobs on their phones, no details.

At this point, the room shifts mental modes. As someone says, ‘The jump is coming, everyone get ready.”
The attention turns to this barefoot young adult, possibly teenager, maybe 20s. She is in a yellow, simple dress acting rather silly, prancing about barefoot. She has decided to ‘flip out’ and produces some gibberish writings about how’s she’s now crazy or something like that. Everyone sorts of goes along with her, no one complaining. The group readies itself tying their shoes and adjusting their outfits, tucking things here and there. A sort of nervous energy is about. But not this aloof girl who’s still bouncing about, jumping from stool to box, to table. She is referred to by name in the dream, but I can’t remember it. It think it started with S, possibly Sarah. Someone says something about Sarah still being barefoot. And everyone just sort of nods and ignores the situation.
Then it happens, without warning, we all just jump to this new location. There it’s big, stark and white, or bright gray. We are now seated at a table, through no effort, we jumped into our seating positions at the table. We’re all wearing the same clothes, including Sarah, who is still barefoot.

After we have a brief discussion of the jump, eyes turn to Sarah, the crazy girl. It is clear she did not bring her earth consciousness with her, she is a different person. The rest of us sort of check in on each other and we have our memories. But we do know this new/old Sarah as well, and we are all aware that she had left part of herself back on earth. There is some chatter about having to catch her up on things now, but she seems to be in some authority, so the group is reluctant to speak too openly. There are a few whispers about her being barefoot, but no one tells her.

Here, I self-reflect in the dream. I find it remarkable that I have memories in tact of my earth self, I remember being there, but slowly start to remember being in this room, too. Memories I didn’t have at the beginning of the dream, the whole jump thing being just odd and unknown to me as the dream unfolded. And then I woke up.

After the fact, I seem to link the re-animation of the snakes with the arrival of the gill-spaceship overhead, or a precursor to the event. However, in the dream, I did not make this connection.

Prior to this fun and immersive dream, I've been having a few annoying business-like dreams where I'm heading up or involved in a business that is having contract negotiations (stakes, obligations) and I'm having to make tough choices, some good, some bad. I thought these very weird dreams, as nothing like that is going on in my life right now.

Edit: paragraph breaks, typos.
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I wonder what is your job in real life. Are you looking to be in a team with like-minded people or thinking about a position where you're the one who wants to call the shots?
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