Vivid UFO dream


FOTCM Member
i think i had the mother of all Dark Man Dreams last night.

i'm taking in a beautiful sunset somewhere by the water's edge. A bright star above the horizon; must be Venus, i think. Then i spot another. Perhaps that one's Mars. But now i see a cluster... hmm, is that Cassiopaea on the horizon?! No. It's an expanding vista of white specks which, though individually stationary to my eye, seem to stream overhead into the encroaching darkness. It looked like this 'fleet' that was filmed over Mexico, except that it was night-time. i'm in awe watching this unfold before my eyes, and naturally begin to wonder if these are UFOs.

A couple of people wander near, one beating a bongo drum. Distracted into my own thoughts about why i don't play a musical instrument, i have an urge to join in with them, and reluctantly beckon the wandering musicians to sit with me. i point out the scene overhead, but they seem nonplussed by it. Perhaps they reason that “it's just stars” and nothing extraordinary. Perhaps they can't see these lights at all?

My dream then takes me through various combinations of friends from the past as we giggle and play-act throughout the night. Now it's daytime once more. i find myself engrossed with some dates displayed on the wall of a building, pondering whether they are of any numerical significance. i'm just about to step indoors, when i spot a craft hovering motionless nearby. Though i barely glimpsed it in my peripheral vision as i stepped inside the building/house, i have an unmistakable sense of recognition about what i had just seen. Without sticking my neck out to verify my sight, i somehow know that there are hundreds of these craft all around, some right down at street level. Furthermore the one i spotted first somehow had it's “sights trained on me,” as if these craft were conscious entities-in-themselves. i'm terrified, daunted, excited, and thinking, “well, they've 'arrived'!” Even now as I type this I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach from the vivid shock of this dream.

The craft looked like full-size versions of the tiny ones in the movie Batteries Not Included, except these were definitely not cute! Probe-like, they were moving very slowly through the neighbourhood, some now down at window level. i struggle to remain out of view - i think that somehow, if they don't see me, i'll be ok. i feel alone. There doesn't seem to be anyone else about. Where has everyone gone? It's becoming ever more difficult to hide because the building i'm in is open-plan and everywhere i turn i sense one of these malevolent craft just around the corner.

My panic increases. i feel helpless. All that is left for me to do is bury myself under as much bedding as i can find. It's only a matter of time before they lift the covers...

Then i wake up with that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and begin writing down what happened. Possibly one of the most vivid dreams i can remember. perhaps because the emotional centre was very much involved aswell? Whatever combination of factors produced this, i feel like i have just been jolted sharply by the Universe.
I have had a few UFO invasion dreams. I haven't had any recently though, but I love them... and hate them ;), the fear is like nothing I've ever experienced, along with a feeling of humiliation. In some dreams actually the aliens do things to humiliate the people, such as totally ignore them whilst building something large and just nuking cities out of the way, or by performing displays of their technology before they attack. One was really cool where their ships could change colour, so when they had a huge fleet it was like a big TV. The dreams did open my eyes to how fragile all this can be.

Its a classic nightmare really, if you just let it sink in, how quick it could happen, and how much control they could have, how exposed we are here, etc. I found that if I see UFOs in a dream, the fear can create expectation, and the expectation can affect the dream. So if you expect the aliens to attack because they look menacing (and of course they will if they are showing signs that they're much more advanced than us), then it can happen. And this perhaps is a basic part of us which is revealed in a dream. The feeling of being out of control just piles up the fear.

Its possible that if you can change your expectations when you're awake (not easy to do in dreams), you could find that your personality has changed, and next alien dream you have, you will be cautious but open. The C's said it in some sessions - to prepare for the worst but not to expect it, or words to that effect. When you think about it, its such a hard thing to do (especially in a dream). But I think its possible that dreams can be a good way to see if you really have changed, because its so basic, you have no real conscious intervention, but are on auto, in some ways, you are more "you" in your dreams than when awake, because you can't stop your thoughts from manifesting, the programs can't hide as well as they can normally. I'm not talking about intervening in dreams, but seeing a natural change in the direction that dreams take, in relation to how you have changed in the waking world.

Another thing is, if you get UFO dreams a lot, eventually you might lucid dream, because you will realise how its all going to play out. It happened to me before, I don't really know how, but I'm sure its mainly because they happened a lot at that time. I know that I got angry with it, and that got rid of the fear, but I don't know if I realised I was dreaming before or after I got angry. Anyway they didn't really stand any chance after that, it was like they were trying to fight with God (but maybe a less creative version eh ;) ). The lucid bit didn't last very long, but it did change the dream, from that point I just came up with inventive ways of destroying them. I think the only real lucid bit was when I decided I wasn't going to stand for it any longer, ie. "this dream is NOT happening like this again". I didn't plan for it to happen so it was a bit of a shock. I say this just because I thought you'd find it funny, and maybe interesting ;)

Sooo I do like UFO dreams, it just feels amazing to have experienced it. Acually I suppose I mean, I like them when theyre in the past ;) when they're in the present I hate them, seeing them in the sky and just thinking "ohhh no", and seeing everyone being scared, running away pointlessly. Its horrible.

The only alien dream I had where I wasn't scared, was where I was taken to the moon and they done things to me, and there were other people there aswell. It was like a mechanics yard for people. The people were all stretched in some way, like their head etc could be stretched around an invisible shape, and I was above my body looking at it. There was a strange floating "droid" type thing with a company name on it "working" on my body, but it wasn't like a robot, it was like it was alive, it had a bedside manner, and was telling me what bits of me were similar to on earth, which weren't like brain/heart/kidney but something else they had access to from the stretching. Mostly it was comparing these bits to computer parts, such as "this is like your motherboard" etc. I just found it to be a really interesting dream, and like I said at the time I wasn't scared, I was even excited because I thought it was all beneficial. But when I woke up the first thing I thought was, if I had been abducted and seen some of it. Then more thoughts come, like, maybe the dream was their best way to hide it and make it look pleasant. It just didn't bode well that I wasn't scared, because what was happening should have been scary.

But ah well, better end it here or I won't stop ;)
I generaly do not have bad dreams and nightmares (and the ones i have are usually about schoo!). Instead, quite often i actually wake up by the shaking of my own laughter and feeling very joyfull (i really hope it's not because of some kind of wishful dreaming!). :-)

But in the past months i also had 3 UFO dreams which were VERY vivid. Of course, i have to take into account that i was reading Val Valerian's Matrix series at the time and that might have something to do with it :-) . In my dreams i was together with some friends (persons i don't know in reality, or at least not yet) and we met all together to view something like a UFO fleet that we knew was coming in due time. We did not know what to expect, and we all had mixed feelings of happiness and worry. The whole atmosphere was like having a this gothering to witness a new "reality" that was approaching and we were there to witness this special and world-changing event. We were listening to music while looking at the skies, having our last "old-times" party. At some time, through the clouds, we started to see huge motherships crossing the sky and illuminating the clouds with red and purple light. We were watching with awe, and i had the feeling that the huge motherships of various shapes, belonged to different alien cultures or races. It looked like watching a motley crowd of different animals traveling to a common destination. There was some fear felt, and also some sadness for some reason. My next dream was quite similar so won't go into the details, but my last UFO dream was a little more anxious and i remember having to hide so as not to get spotted by flying crafts or machines. This dream was more like "War of the Worlds" kind of thing, and it had a totalitarian flavour.

I admit being an incurable sci-fi fan, and my subconsious mind must be pretty full of such images! Never the less, these dreams were so "real" that i can still feel their intense emotions as i am writing this. I was surprised by the similarities of my dream with Starsailor's. But what i get from all that, is that if a DREAM of a UFO fleet can be so intense i can only imagine what i could be like in reality, if that ever happens. And i consider ourselves fortunate to have some fore-warning and knowledge to cope with such an experience, even if it is only occuring in our dream world for now! But, I can only begin to imagine what the reactions of the average people would be in case we experienced such a future timeline, and an actual UFO invasion took place...

Anyway, our dreams will silently wait for us to explore them, as they have always done. And here i will quote a piece of a very nice poem:
"Am i dreaming myself thinking this moment, or i am just the dream of the begger who stands there in the corner looking at me?"
Last year (2009), it was 31. march or 30. april, I had a dream abot UFOs invasion. I remember that day because according to Malahov loonar calendar, it was the day called Gamajun (day good for making predictions) and that was one of the reasons to take dream as maybe signifficant.

Anyway, in my dream we were on some kind of conference (it seems I knew that present people) in some hotel on the hill (familiare to me in a dream, but not in reality), on the teracce. When I looked up I saw, very high in the sky, thoundsands of UFOs in some triangle formation. The firsth wave of them was with white lights and the second way had red coloured lights. Than I saw many terified people running, trying to hide. I knew they are going in wrong direction.I did not see, but I knew that distruction was started. We were running to, so I told my group to go in different direction than the others. I do not remember everything, it was some mountin, basement, the stairs where we were running. And I tried to remember something that V. told me ( I know her in real life). It seemed she had a message for me. It was probably more, don t remember details.

I tried to analyse a dream, my emotions, symbols, people, hotel, a message from V....
That dream was so clear like as I was watching a movie! I don,t dream such dreams (my dreams are often full of symbols).
So, I had to call V. She is a bioenergetic healer, has some special psychic skills and was my firsth reiki teacher. And she is able to «come into a dream» to explained it, and now she was in my dream...! Sometimes I called her for advice in everydays life.

I called her and before I told what was in my dream, asked her to tell me if that dream was relevant. She «asked Universe» (as she often says) and told me: «yes it s important to explained a dream». I told her I dreamed about UFOs and she was very surrprised because last night she dreamed UFO, too! I told her a dream and than phone conection broke!

I got her after for-five hours and asked what she had to tell me about my dream, what was her message to me. Her answer was that the most important was that I must have not fear, that I had to feel only love, unconditional love and so on... everything what «new age» says about what I allready knew (mind positive, unconditional love and so on), nothing about that UFOs. I asked:»Is that your mesage for me?» She said yes. I dont know what I expected, but was little disappointed.

I told her that I wasnt to much terrified or panic in dream. I felt real enormous danger and naturaly some feare, but something in that was so finaly, like a woman who had to born a child. You feel some feare of course, and you are not calm but you know it is something to be done, and you know that is the end, just must to be finished. She said:»good point»

Than I asked what was her dream about. In her dream was a huge ship covered with cloud or a mist, she could not see it clearly, but knew it was there. Many people were coming towards ship. I asked if that is good for them. She said: «No! But they were drawn to ship as they could not avoid acttraction to ship, thinking it was good, did not realize that was wrong».

So, until now I am not shure why I had that dream, was that prediction, or was the message in dream just not to be afraid, just to know the love is the most important ?!? But, how can anybody not to be afraied, not to be terified and just to feel love in such situation...

I know that the Cass always say not to expect anything and: wait and you will see...

I am new on this forum and and hope my English is good enough to understand me.
Very interesting similarities, i also had a UFO fleet invasion dream many years ago as a child. The weird thing about this dream was that it was extremely vivid, like i was channeling another person or something. This is how my dream took place.

I am at some kind of get together with many other people, most likely it was party of some sort. I look out through a sliding glass door and notice a breath taking sunset. So i walk towards the door out to a enclosed wood patio and i stand and watch the beautiful scene. I see real vivid colors in the sky, oranges, violet, purples, blues, it was awesome. I also notice certain things about my surrounding; i am in a second story apartment building, and it looks like im in a large populated city. I can see cars driving around, people outside, i can also hear cars driving around. I see many apartment buildings and some large commercial buildings far away and most have lights on because it is beginning to get dark out side. I stand there for a little more and it was finally pitch dark; the sky is filled with thousands of stars, i look up and remember what it felt like as a little boy to look up and stare at the stars and i reminisce little.

I guess when we grow up we forget about the beauty of the stars, as a kid i always stayed up at night and watched the stars; now as a grown man its been years since i stood and watched the sky. Any how this is where the dream gets weird.

I am star gazing and i see a shooting star streak by, and it left a tail behind it. I was amazed by the sight. Then i see a star blink on and i look towards the far left side of the sky. The star seemed larger then the others and it had a bright shine to it different from the stars. Then another right next to it turns on, then another. It formed a triangle, and my jaw just dropped and stood there in awe staring into that direction. The star or object then looked like it changed formation, like the object danced with one another and moved every which way, but stayed in the same small area. Then that small cluster of light stayed still. Around that area another object turn on followed by another, and followed that same pattern. Then before i knew it there was hundreds of them dancing in the night sky, but in sequence in there own small areas. All of of a sudden they all joined together like a cluster of birds and flew in a swirling path. I notice my surrounding again and i see people screaming and pointing towards the sky, welling to hide; i can hear cars breaking hard and honking. It turned to mayhem real quick, mostly fear of the unknown. For some weird reason i felt calm and at peace.

They began speeding up faster and faster in random patterns but still together as a long cluster of lights. As there speed of the clusters increased long colors trails started following them. Then they left what looked like streaks in sky, brilliant beautiful colors streaks, all types of colors from the spectrum. Then there where so many color streaks that it just filled the sky and looked like one big aurora borealis. The ships where no longer visible through the aurora, but the aurora started to move like it was going up into space, and it slowly dissipated. The ships where now visible again, but slowly started combining with one another. They turned into larger balls of light and some disappeared completely

There was a hand full of ships left and they started moving slowly, they where getting larger; they where moving towards the ground. By this time i could not hear a single car or see a single person, everyone was hiding from sight. People turned lights off and you couldn't hear a single noise; the streets where empty. The ship came down into the city slowly, hovered and i could see it land a couple blocks from the apartment i was in. Me and a group of people ran out and started heading towards that direction. I could see the ship a block away, it landed on a abandoned lot. It had bright reds, blues and purples lights that where spinning in both directions around the ship. It was round, metallic like normal saucers but it was taller, kinda like a bundt cake. I was about 100 feet from it, and could feel it vibrating and humming as the lights spun around, then the ramp opened up. Fog or pressurized air escaped the craft. Then as i got closer i woke up!!!

This was probably the most beautiful, craziest, most vivid dream i have ever had. The weird thing was that many years later on TV i saw footage of a fleet of UFOs over mexico that looked similar; crazy coincidence.
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