Vivid, viscous comets


Jedi Master
As I awoke this morning I remembered vividly a dream I was having about comets.

In the dream I was visiting and staying with parents that I did not recognise, in a very remote and very northerly village up in the Scottish Highlands. The town was run down and dilapidated, with many houses crumbling apart, roofs missing, and just abandoned and left to ruin. The roads and streets in some places were near impassable, and abandoned, old and rusting cars every road and street I walked along. There was no work for anyone in this town, except for a nearby and very small nearby diamond mine, whose affluence and money seemed not too touch this town at all. It was a place in which despair and listless oblivion seemed thick in the air I breathed.

As I walked to the very edge of this village and beyond I found myself on a hillside, overlooking a valley of lower hills undulating into the distance. As I watched, a great distance away from me at the horizon, what seemed like a grey cloud of mixed hue’s, what I thought was a fairly rapid moving cloud appeared only just above the horizon and touched some hills as they rose to meet the horizon. As the cloud cleared this area of hills on the horizon were glowing a deep orange pitted with dark areas, like the pictures and film footage I had seen of the volcanism on the Island Hawaii. As I realised that the cloud, was actually something falling from the heavens, I begun to see more, and more clouds appearing, some very fast moving, some slower, but each and every time they touched the hills in front of me, there would be a pause for the cloud’s to clear, and then it was as if the hills had become volcano’s, pulsating with that deep fiery magmatic glow. As the comet rain begun getting closer and closer, it seemed to me that as each set of multiple small pockets were hitting the land, they were not only having this deep burning effect, but that there were pockets of black oily substance erupting from the tops of the hillsides where the larger pockets of comets hit. It was as if the hills were now oil volcanoes, surrounded by magma, but spewing forth an oily substance that was igniting the air around and causing huge flames to shoot up into the sky. I begun to run back to my parents home, and warn everyone like Paul Revere, that I met along the way. The only people I did meet trying to outrun the ever nearing comets were some young men, who were also watching this phenomena approaching form the horizon, I told them it was comets coming, and they joined in running back to the village and their families to warn all they could. When I reached my parents, they had told me that they would not leave the village with me and the few other young men, no matter how much I pleaded with them for their own lives, in fact apart from myself and the young men I met along the way, the whole town remained and consigned themselves to their fate come what may. As this troupe of young men and I were leaving the area, we looked back and saw the entire town and surrounding area being engulfed in the same bright fiery flames and magmatic, oily volcanic like visage we saw approaching from afar. We had managed to get away and clear of the shower, and as we later found out, it was only what was described as a small comet shower, covering just a small area around the limits of the village parish. The news was only broadcast on a small local Scottish TV station, with one of the young men named Peter and myself being interviewed. This took place in an old grey television studio, where all the décor and furniture were different shades of grey, and we were interviewed by an even older and greyer looking man about our experiences. My dream ended before the interview started.

I thought I would share this due the subject matter, and the fact that now, almost an hour after awaking, I still remember the dream with such vivid clarity, and the emotion and terrible awe of what I witnessed are still lingering with me. It was not a nightmare in any way, but still a little upsetting and disconcerting. I wonder if this dream has more to do with not being able to help or save, those who do not wish to be helped or saved, and it’s my souls way of telling me not to worry or pity them, just to let them make their choice, and carry on as comes naturally and let go of any guilt for not being able to do more? I haven’t studied enough about dream interpretation too know for sure if that was the real message or if I’m missing something else.
Considering that we view information on Weather (clouds), Volcanos, Oil spills, Comets, Meteors, Dark Clouds of Maniacal Machiavelian Machinations, etc, it is no wonder our dreams at times furnish these symbols for us.

Also the media is grey, (to us anyway as I see no true colour there, only a grey mediocre thing that passes as real unmodified and colourful news) managed by grey men,
even the link to 'Greys' thems elves may well have <cough> coloured your dreams.

No matter how close or how detached we become to that which we engage in/experience/observe, still, our deeper conscience is still busy-busy on such matters.
I often dream of bizzarre and intensive concoctions of things I have been dwelling on, weeks and months after the event. Maybe it is just a result of your deeper self
resolving all the events we see unfolding into a coherant(sp) whole.

Maybe the question is not why you dreamt this (as in is there being an externaly related reason that needs voice), but maybe to look at it as a whole view in ones waking life, ie. maybe a review of the
world as it stands now (events after event all getting closer till they merge into one event in the future?),
as opposed to the past when events were coming together singularly, say as a review from your now more 'educated/knowledgeable' perception?, how you feel, what to engage next in terms of the
resolution of all these events that are coming together not in seperate events, but do appear to be coming together merging faster and faster towards one big event with all
the aspects moving towards one huge event in the future where all these other aspects become one huge catastrophic Pizza, rather than as individual events.

Though from what I have read of some of your posts, you sound up to date on that score.

If it was my dream I would be looking at it as a conclusion to all my past experiences and that I had finished that internal processing, (maybe we need to internaly process
it at a deeper level and not just accept it at the waking conscious level that one has accepted intelectualy already anyway). 'SEEING' that what were seperate events in ones mind years ago, are indeed linked and we are in a phase where things are gathering momentum. The fact that volcano's, storms, quakes and new news relating to our solar system are increasing almost daily, it is no surprise that
our deeper selves are processing as hard and fast as our conscious selves are.

Thank you for your input Leon. As regards to processing, I tend to do most of my processing consciously in the waking state, often self remembering, doing a great deal of work on self therapy, and regressing through my past with new insights that come daily, which allow me to consciously understand the yellow brick road I've been on far better. Usually I do not remember my dreams much, which I think is a result of this analytical processing I do daily and have done for many years now. However the dreams I do have and remember usually have a very similar flavour and are accompanied by a vivid sense of recall, such as this latest dream. Most of the time, these dreams I do vividly remember, are warnings, warning me about negative influences of people close to me, or negative situations I find myself in, that while not consciously aware of, my subconscious can see clearly. So in my mind, I usually try to understand any vivid dreams I have, as there is usually a message of sorts that I need to receive and learn from. I feel that after many years of processing exactly the earthchanges, cosmic catastrophe's and phenomena you have mentioned, both consciously and subconsciously, this dream was not about the comets themselves, but about the overall message of the dream, in that not everyone wants to be helped or saved from what may possibly be coming our way. From this perspective, I think what you have said below rings true with a situation I have just experienced.

If it was my dream I would be looking at it as a conclusion to all my past experiences and that I had finished that internal processing, (maybe we need to internally process it at a deeper level and not just accept it at the waking conscious level that one has accepted intellectually already anyway).

I was just having a conversation with my housemate, about the spiking discharge events going on, and some new information regarding the comet Elenin. My housemates response was, "Well if these things are coming what can we do about it?". I then talked at length about a range of things we could do to help ourselves, others and help to mitigate any potentially negative consequences of what is coming on our surrounding, friends, family and environment. However I have had this chat with my housemate before, and as before his response was like my parents in the dream, "Well if they are coming, there's nothing I'm gonna do about it, and if all this stuff really comes our way, then I'm finished anyway, so why care or worry". So I think I can now understand the dream to be more about many of my friends, family and people around me, choosing to be wilfully self destructive, and do nothing to help themselves, in the face of what's coming, which could (I'm very sad to even contemplate) lead to their own destruction. The point being that there is really nothing more that I can do to help anyone in this state, and I should let go of any attachment to people like in this state, that may hold me back from helping those who do want to help others and help themselves. I have learned through the work on this site that I cannot and should not help anyone who will not help themselves or genuinely ask for help, and this dream was my subconscious way of encouraging myself to accept this. Thanks for helping me learn Leon.

If you don’t mind me asking – and feel free not to give anything away that you do not wish too for privacy’s sake – I wondered if Leon was your real name, or if it was a name you used after seeing the movie of the same name? I very much like the name Leon, as it reminds me of the words Lion and Aeon, both words which I like both the sound and the meaning behind them :)
No problem Appollyon,

I chose Leon primarily because my starsign is Leo, I thought Leo itself may be too popular so settled on Leon.

As for helping one another learn, well, that is why we are all here. I have been visiting the various Sott/Cass siets for many years but rarely used the forums, but felt a strong urge to at least attempt
to give something back in terms of my experiences over the years rather than just taking, ie reading. If my ramblings stir something positive for someone all the better, if I also can learn something
then also that is to the good. We are constantly learning and new knowledge modifies or concretes that which we think/thought we know/knew.

I felt also a ceratin synchronicity, if you like in feeling the need/urge to at least try and contribute and my nick of Leo or some variation relating to the sun/sign over the years, and the C's entering Leo.

Felt a good time to start to contribute what I am able.

Things are changing very fast now, lots of things are on the go, politically, universally (physically). I certainly have been feeling different too, more light headed, more something in the gut that feels like
ride down the big dipper, you know, the butterflies, albeit low key feeling yet getting stronger. Something is afoot it feels, more so than any other time in my life. Like all the pieces are falling in place.

Though my typos are not changing for the better my inner calm is deeper even though the changes are getting rougher. Hard to fathom I guess, but hey, knowledge protects right? ;)

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