Voting - necessary or useless?


Jedi Master
Lately I've been contemplating on the issue of voting, in particular here in the US.

Does it really still make sense to vote within this system? Considering that I cannot relate to any presidental candidates I feel like voting is equals aggreeing with this corrupted system and I'd rather not give my vote to anyone.

It seems that in order to even become or want to be a presidental candidate one has to be shut off from the higher centers.
Are there only psychopaths and full on OP's at that level anyway who have no interest in the better good for all but just a desire for control?
And in the end they are just puppets.

Do we really need "leaders"?

is it better to vote or not.........or doesn't it matter in the end anyway?

I'm not sure if this issue has been discussed on here before, but if not, any insights/opinions are appreciated!
Some say that voting for minority parties would increase the mutual control of the parties. Others say, that by not voting you give them power to do what they want.

But that's nonsense, because if you look closer, you see that with some variations regarding content, all parties are really the same. You may listen to the podcast "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".

But what could you do instead of voting? You could get yourself in shape by learning and reading to discern truth from lies. Psychopathic influences have to be removed from politics and science, and people need to awaken to their true state to make changes.

This would make more sense to me than placing a ballpen cross in a circle.
I too feel your frustration, but I do vote in every election. Women had to fight hard to earn the right to vote and their efforts are not lost on me, in fact I am grateful. I also agree that sometimes when I'm looking at canditates I begin to think that it is sad that this is all we have to choose from. I do not always stick with one party, but try to consider the character of the candidate as well as the issues. Sadly, with electronic voting I'm not sure our votes are not manipulated or dicarded all together if we select someone not to the manipulators liking. I have sometimes written in candidates when the choices were so repulsive.
With that being said I do vote and I would encourage you to vote, just because short of a revolt it is our chance, albiet small to voice our opinion. I will not just let them have what they want and say nothing.
I too have a voting problem. The problem being in the candidates themselves. Most, if not all seem to be like puppets on a string. I wonder if my vote REALLY does count. And yet I still vote with the hope that my vote does count. I do feel that if you don't vote, you have no right to complain. Comes down to DOING something, anything...
Seeker 1313 said:
I too feel your frustration, but I do vote in every election. Women had to fight hard to earn the right to vote and their efforts are not lost on me, in fact I am grateful. I also agree that sometimes when I'm looking at canditates I begin to think that it is sad that this is all we have to choose from. I do not always stick with one party, but try to consider the character of the candidate as well as the issues. Sadly, with electronic voting I'm not sure our votes are not manipulated or dicarded all together if we select someone not to the manipulators liking. I have sometimes written in candidates when the choices were so repulsive.
With that being said I do vote and I would encourage you to vote, just because short of a revolt it is our chance, albiet small to voice our opinion. I will not just let them have what they want and say nothing.
Even if someone works hard for a false system, it is still a false system. It seems that it's through apparent sacrifices for these false systems that assists in maintaining the masks of these empty and phony schemes. By believing in these things you are letting them have what they want. The history of wide scale voting scams didn't start with electronic voting; it looks like it's always been a false front. When we dig into this, as with most every other system we believe in, we can find out how the false system has been manufactured, and with the knowledge of ponerology we can find out why. But attachment to lies holds us back. We don't want to acknowledge that others fought hard for a lie or that we've been duped. But we must face these things if we're to develop a real voice that can Do something real.
But we must face these things if we're to develop a real voice that can Do something real.
Before I begin, please understand that I am not Mr. Spock. I retain my feelings and emotions. To remove feelings and emotions is perhaps to stop being human. And I am a human being upon this 3D STS BBM. Perhaps I shouldn’t say what is to follow, but I cannot fight this urge. To me, understanding how the ‘system’ operates doesn’t really change anything. Understanding may change my perception, but does not change the world that surrounds me. I am frustrated with talk. Seems like many can talk a good talk, myself included. Without actually knowing anyone out here in the forum, with all honesty, and with no animosity, I must ask, ‘How can I (one person) stop THEM from succeeding? Any Suggestions?’ What can be done?

[edit] for those who may not know, Mr. Spock is a character from Star Trek. He is from the planet Vulcan where feelings & emotions are suppressed. They live by the dictates of what they call pure logic.
If you are a voter, you are probably aware that there is quite a bit more on the ballot than which puppet is running for president, senator or govenor. As has been mentioned before, I usually write in for those slots.

The rest of the ballot--the county comissioners, constitutional amendments, school levies, ect,--is important and real IMO. The process that interests me is the study of the issues, candidates, and I VOTE. Here in NW Montana this truly does affect me and my community and there has been some really close calls in the past few years.

It's the process of educating yourself that I feel is the most important part of voting. How can you vote if you don't know any of the people or understand the issues?

I'm wondering if part of the dumbing down of the peoples is to give them the message that their vote doesn't really count. Therefore, not only do they not vote, but they don't research the issues and candidates, don't care, don't get involved. All of this stuff gets done by "other" people while the majority is sitting on their butts further numbing themselves with TV. Imagine what would happen in the USA if EVERYBODY got involved, got educated, researched and VOTED. hmmmmm

It's not that easy to vote. I remember one time I stood in line with an 8 month old fussy baby for over an hour. Voting is a hassle.

Whether it's worth the hassle, personally, I think it is.

That being said, I also know that there is a bigger picture to see and this could all be in vain. While I may not be of this world, I am, however, still in it.

NOw, if you had to pick ONE thing and only one thing that you could DO to make a possitive change in the world, VOTING, is not what I would pick. But there's an interesting question. I'm going to have to think on that a bit...hmmmmm
I vote everytime i post a blog, or comment on anothers about ponerology. I vote when i buy organic products. I vote when i refuse to eat fast food. I vote when i write my politicians about issues that concern me. I vote when read another psychology text or a history book.

In short, voting for a politician matters little to me, do i do it? Yes. Am i expecting it to matter? No. I feel there are other ways i can contribute to our lil society here on earth other then voting once every two years, in a likely fradulent election.
The smaller the election, the more important it is to vote. Voting for president is a waste of time, especially since these days we can't even count on them to count the votes correctly. Voting for stuff on the local ballot, that might actually accomplish something.
Al Today said:
I do feel that if you don't vote, you have no right to complain. Comes down to DOING something, anything...
Yeah but if voting is rigged, and if both parties are 2 sides of the same coin, then what? Then voting does nothing. If that's the case, wouldn't those who do not vote be taking the sensible course of action? If you have a choice between 2 psychopaths, then doesn't voting mean you are pro-psychopath rule, and so it is those who do vote that actually have no right to complain, because they bought into the lie that voting can change things and as a result failed to do anything that could really change things?

I'd agree with Cyre on this one, "voting" is done through not just market a ballot, but through everything we do. Refusing to vote is a "vote" as well. Participating in this forum is "voting" also, probably the only real "voting" that can be done. Marking ballots has long ago stopped making any difference, and those who cling to the hope that it can make a difference are wishfully thinking, denying the reality of our predicament, osit. If the idea behind "if you don't vote you can't complain" is that the non-voters did nothing to prevent the psycho in power from gaining power, it is only true with the assumption that voting can do this, and based on my understanding of our predicament, it never could.
The odds of an individual vote, yours, mine or anyone's, making the difference in any election issue large or small it is not significant. I have voted in some elections, not others. If I had never voted at all it would not make the slightest difference in the out come.

When we vote in politcal elections are we not just giving our sanction to the system? The whole system not just the parts we like? It fosters the belief the we can influence things through a vote when an individual vote has no effect at all.

I am finding that it is better to invest my energy in learning the truth and communicating what I have learned to others who are seeking.
We vote most effectively by making wise choices on where to spend our precious energy and time.

This sounds like the beginnings of a rant, but when I look at the votes I have cast it seems so futile.

Al Today said:
To me, understanding how the ‘system’ operates doesn’t really change anything. Understanding may change my perception, but does not change the world that surrounds me. I am frustrated with talk. Seems like many can talk a good talk, myself included. Without actually knowing anyone out here in the forum, with all honesty, and with no animosity, I must ask, ‘How can I (one person) stop THEM from succeeding? Any Suggestions?’ What can be done?
I don't think we can change the system of our world - trying to do so seems to feed its growth. Our current world system has probably always been and will continue to be around. But hopefully we can create a new one to live in. How to do that? I suppose the first order is to free ourselves of ponergenic infection, which as we know needs a group working toward that aim. In doing that here, it seems we're learning how to create such a new system.
I agree with DonaldJHunt , but I would vote if there was a 'None of the above' option. A proper protest vote instead of spoiling your ballot paper or voting for a deposit loser. Maybe if someone changed their name by deed poll to 'None of the above' they could garner enough media exposure to not lose their deposit.
I dunno , just an out there thought...

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