'Wake Up Call' - New documentary on the New World Order/Illuminati


A Disturbance in the Force
Hi people,

I recently finished a documentary I've been working on for the last seven months, called 'Wake Up Call'.

The film covers many different topics, including:

The New World Order, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, North American Union, the Rockefeller/Rothschild families, Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove, the Illuminati, Illuminati symbolism, Problem-Reaction-Solution, 9-11, war profiteering, the phony 'War on Terrorism', the impending 'Big Brother Surveillance Society', the war on civil liberties, microchipping, mind control, media control and 'education system' indoctrination.


Alex Jones, David Icke, Aaron Russo, Jordan Maxwell, G. Edward Griffin, Jim Marrs, Bill Hicks, Daniel Estulin, Jim Tucker, Ted Gunderson, Anthony Hilder, Professor Steven Jones, Webster Tarpley, George Carlin, John Taylor Gatto, Charlotte Iserbyt, Dave vonKleist, Stan Monteith and others...

If you're interested, the film can be watched on YouTube (_www.youtube.com/user/JohnNada80) or downloaded via torrent file, which is in .avi format (_http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4338897)

I would appreciate feedback and, providing you like the film, if you could spread the word about it, especially to people who are new the the NWO and related subjects...

Google Video version and .iso torrents (PAL & NTSC) coming very soon!

Shame that with the amount of years that Laura´s work has been available on the net that her name is not mentioned in the names who seem to some to be the experts of where we are at. Maybe you have not read any of her work and are just passing this way.

Not having a go at you , it just crossed my mind how unfortunate that the real bigger picture is not being communicated much.
Uhm, yeah, I agree with the rabbit.

The featured "experts" you have listed are pretty much disinfo artists - otherwise known as cointelpro. Whether consciously or not, their dis-information certainly won't tell the whole truth and will only muddy the waters further.

You apparently haven't read anything on this or other Cassiopaea sites, have you?
Nienna Eluch said:
Uhm, yeah, I agree with the rabbit.

The featured "experts" you have listed are pretty much disinfo artists - otherwise known as cointelpro. Whether consciously or not, their dis-information certainly won't tell the whole truth and will only muddy the waters further.

You apparently haven't read anything on this or other Cassiopaea sites, have you?

Could you please enlighten me as to which of these people are disinfo agents, and to what end. I'm always eager to learn more and to consider different points of view...

JohnNada said:
Nienna Eluch said:
Uhm, yeah, I agree with the rabbit.

The featured "experts" you have listed are pretty much disinfo artists - otherwise known as cointelpro. Whether consciously or not, their dis-information certainly won't tell the whole truth and will only muddy the waters further.

You apparently haven't read anything on this or other Cassiopaea sites, have you?

Could you please enlighten me as to which of these people are disinfo agents, and to what end. I'm always eager to learn more and to consider different points of view...


Hi John,
These boards are a good place to start. You can also use the Search function at the top to search for names



Happy reading!
JohnNada said:
Could you please enlighten me as to which of these people are disinfo agents, and to what end. I'm always eager to learn more and to consider different points of view...


Hi JohnNada

The links which have been given are a good start. May I suggest that you read the main titled works written by Laura , "The Wave" "Secret History of the world " and so on. Make your own decision on the writings of course , and then if it strikes a chord with you , maybe your next work will include such thoughts.

God or who ever knows its needed by those who can see , understand and then communicate it via various media.

You came back to respond which is a good sign I think.
Thanks for the suggestions Meg and The Rabbit. I will have a look tomorrow, when I get a chance, and get back to you with my thoughts...
Mmmm I do not think its important whether or not these conspiracy 'theorists' are dis-info agents or not. Their extensive research about unfolding events happening as we breathe bares enough significance, I think.
Shan Shan said:
Mmmm I do not think its important whether or not these conspiracy 'theorists' are dis-info agents or not. Their extensive research about unfolding events happening as we breathe bares enough significance, I think.

Hello Shan Shan,

True enough, it is interesting to see what events they are talking about and in which way.

But it is important to know if these persons are really looking for thruth or if they just vector these informations to a specific purpose, the least to be creating more distortion and confusion to subjects that are already difficult to disentangle.

Are you aware that by saying half-truths or just plain baking noodles these persons are actually willingly or sometimes unwillingly directing peoples thoughts away from the real issues aka psychopathy.

Not to be rude or anything but this topic has been discussed over and over in the forum ;)
Shan Shan said:
Mmmm I do not think its important whether or not these conspiracy 'theorists' are dis-info agents or not. Their extensive research about unfolding events happening as we breathe bares enough significance, I think.

Labelling those people "consiracy theorists" is a bit restrictive since they do not only disclose theories but also some evidences. Some of them being true.

From my point of view exposing the disinfo dimension of those websites is highly important since most of their readers are behind the main stream medias and their obvious propaganda. Those people finally find those websites and think that its content is 100% true.

That were the trick is, 10% of lies, twists and spins added in the most critical parts of the reasoning.

Once a reader knows about this disinformation dimension of those websites he might be able to apply discernment more efficiently and stop taking their whole content at face value.
Shan Shan said:
Mmmm I do not think its important whether or not these conspiracy 'theorists' are dis-info agents or not. Their extensive research about unfolding events happening as we breathe bares enough significance, I think.

A problem arises when their ‘research’ causes harm. The drive behind their work is important. A ‘researcher’ may utilize one idea or another only to further their own internal tendencies, which in cases of disinformation often have a broad range of pathological features. This is where the importance of understanding poenology is needed. Are you familiar with Political Ponerology? It seems many in the 9/11 truth movement and alternative media are using the painful events occurring in our world as a part of their own ‘shock doctrine’.
Shan Shan said:
Okay. :zzz:

Did anyone watch the video?

Shan Shan, maybe -in my humble opinion- you should pay closer attention to the comments made by other members. Ok, the video of John Nada might be "shocking" and "revalational" for some people who were watching television thinking that they inform themselves. But here you will find quite a few people who are well studied and knowledgeable, people who won't "clap their hands" without thinking and questioning beforehand. And although this video does address some important issues, still in my view, this is not the complete or the most accurate picture of what is going on according to the data shared by this forum. And these are knowledge of psychopathy and also an expanded cosmology which includes higher densities and realms of existance as well as their influence upon us. The Illusion has many vails and we can never be sure that the one we believe that we just removed is really the last one, although we always tend to think so... It is more beneficial for learning to be aware, alert and observing. Expectations and beliefs might make us bored, impatient and sleepy. ;)
Ofcourse, I realise that folk here are aware and I am quite sure the original poster does, too...
I believe that JohnNada's intent was to produce a documentary that would invoke the minds of the less aware or what some like to dub 'sheeple' and would appreciate if people on forums such as this to share the information provided.. Its difficult to talk to family, friends, etc about the simplest of conspiracy theories and ofcourse there are countless videos out there but they never quite touch on a variety of issues that are linked together. JohnNada's video is perfect to get the mind cogs churning....
Shan Shan said:
Ofcourse, I realise that folk here are aware and I am quite sure the original poster does, too...
I believe that JohnNada's intent was to produce a documentary that would invoke the minds of the less aware or what some like to dub 'sheeple' and would appreciate if people on forums such as this to share the information provided.. Its difficult to talk to family, friends, etc about the simplest of conspiracy theories and ofcourse there are countless videos out there but they never quite touch on a variety of issues that are linked together. JohnNada's video is perfect to get the mind cogs churning....

Then that documentary is nothing special, it's just another documentary churning out the same things said as before by the same disinfo artists.
People who are not willing to open their eyes will dismiss it, others will look at it and will have their mind cogs churning as you said but where will it lead ? maybe to this site, so everything might not be lost.

The work Laura and the Sott team have been doing is where it makes all the difference ;)
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