anart said:
Woodsman said:
The changes in Spielberg I've noted began to crop up around 2005.
I've known a few Jews who have struggled hard with their, quite specific, programming. Every now and then, an individual does manage to swim up from the murk.
I don't want to cast myself as a Spielberg champion of some kind; I'm not. I'm just observing his behavior and it struck me that he seems to be revisiting his own beliefs and I was wondering about some of the systems which might be functioning behind that apparent shift.
Can people wake to realize that they've erred?
Do you know the man personally? You speak as if you do. You are ascribing qualities to him that you have no way of knowing are actually existent within him.
No, I've never met the man. He may be a robot and I might be seeing nothing but illusions. This is true. I don't know if the patterns of behavior I've noted actually exist within him or if I'm just projecting.
You are coming across as his champion, which is really interesting since for some reason you've identified with Steven Spielberg.
Yikes! You see that in me?
Well, being that you are reading my behavior and I can't see it without a mirror, and being that I respect your opinion due to the amount of work you have done, I will proceed on the assumption that your perceptions are accurate and that I have a skewed perception of reality and of myself. Here we go. . !
(Time out to think.)
So, upon considering this, it is clear; I HAVE identified with Spielberg. I definitely
have been trying to solve this puzzle based on my own projections and assumptions of human behavior, assuming he thinks and reacts the same way I do.
I think it is part of the same reason set that allows me to identify with other people in a social network. I assume the people around me have similar responses I do to stimuli. Spielberg's creations being put before me are mistaken for those from a person in my immediate social network and so I am able to connect with "him" in a manner which feels intimate. In this case, I was duped by many aspects of the matrix, went through shock and painful realignment after learning how things really worked, and I assumed that Spielberg was experiencing something similar. Of course, if Spielberg is a pathological deviant, then these assumptions have been false.
Here's a better question - exactly what behavior on his part (personal behavior, not movies he's made) has made you think he has made a shift?
I have no behavioral basis to look at other than his films and a few interviews, which of course, are pieces designed for media consumption and cannot be considered reliable pictures of his inner psyche. The interviews I recall were also from the earlier days, so they would not suggest any shift. I cannot remember when he spoke if he did not exhibit examples of strange wording (Bush-isms) which psychopaths fall into. I'd have to revisit that to see what his language and body language reveal. (That would be an interesting project, actually. Wouldn't it be fascinating to find that he does "put food on his family"?) Though, as we've seen with Obama, one does not necessarily have to be a psychopath or exhibit such tells to still be some flavor of mechanical personality.
You don't take his movies as aspects of himself, do you?
Yes, I do. But it's a matter of definitions, I think. To be clear, I consider energies put into any creative project to reveal the mind of the creator and as such, are open to analysis. For instance, hand-writing analysis can be very effective, (analysis of the medium), just as text content analysis can reveal the mind of the author, (analysis of the message). Of course, a film is not a one-person endeavor; they require hundreds of people and so there is a lot of noise to any signal. But the director directs and has a hand in key script and creative decisions; some directors more so than others. A Spielberg film has a look and feel which is quite unlike that of any other director, and these identifying qualities are, I conclude, a result of the leader's personality and decisions. There are numerous directors whose personal styles are similarly apparent in the end product.
Of course, this is no different than any signal a psychopath puts into the world; it can be used to manipulate and sell lies. --I was thinking earlier that a person who made a film like
E.T. would have to contain some kind of human warmth inside to be able to understand and communicate such emotions, and therefore MUST have finely tuned emotions, and I based that on my own projection of what I would be thinking and feeling if
I were trying to create such a film. I am now thinking, as I go through this analysis, that it might not necessarily be true that human warmth and soul are required to make such a film. A film like
E.T. COULD result from a souled person being at the helm, but it might also be the result of a very observant psychopath plucking heart-strings with great facility. I'm not sure how one could tell with any definitive certainty which was which. Obama was certainly good at making people feel warm and cuddly, and he duped the masses with great facility. The C's indicated that he was functioning as a split personality of some kind.
The puzzle for me (was) that
War of the Worlds put out a message which seems to work in opposition to conventional alien propaganda. As did
Munich work in opposition to conventional Israeli propaganda.
This is incongruous with past messages. Why?
My attempt to understand why led me to wondering if Spielberg had not undergone some kind of personal awakening.
That theory, however, begins to fall apart in two places. . .
1. The Fourth Indiana Jones film, about the crystal skulls, falls back upon the tar-ball notion of (hyper-dimensional) aliens being
benevolent builders and guiders of advanced civilizations. Space Brothers from 4th D. A blatant lie.
(From the wikipedia summation: "Indiana deduces that the creatures were kindred spirits: they too were "archaeologists" studying the different cultures of Earth.") This film was made in 2008,
after War of the Worlds, suggesting not an evolution, but a
devolution in thinking. I got my timing wrong in the pattern. I thought the order of the two films was reversed.
2. His attendance at the Bilderberg meetings. That item really stood out in my mind like a burr for the last couple of days and didn't fit the theory I'd built.
So that's where I am now. I still don't understand why WotW presented things as it did. It's still puzzling me. Maybe that kind of reaction alone is reason enough?
Anyway, thank-you for taking the time to work with me on this stuff! I really appreciate it! Do you see anything else I could be working on?