Warning Dreams??


FOTCM Member
Hi all,

Had a strange dream sometime back. Dreamt that I saw my youngest daughter sort of fell in a drain with fast following water. I ran after her floating/struggling body in the drain and somehow managed to pull her out of it. I casually mentioned it to my wife the next morning.

A few days later while I was reading, my wife was just talking to me about the kids school stuff and other matters when she suddenly said, "Oh and by the way, the other day, I managed to pull the youngest child out of the pool when she slipped and fell in it." Well my hair was standing on it's end.

On another occasion, I was overseas lying in bed in a hotel trying to sleep. I had to fly off that evening and so I was trying to get some shut eye. It was the middle of the afternoon around about 2.00pm and I was somewhere between sleep and awake after having put down a book that I had been reading. I was lying on my side when I heard this crystal clear voice of a small girl right behind me say "Mummy". It sounded like a little child calling for her mummy. I off course literally jumped up, turned around and sat up in bed only to wonder a bit later as to whether I had actually heard anything.

On my return back home a few days later, my wife as always started giving me the usual updates to what the children were up to ( I have 3 daughters) while I had been away. And then she mentioned that on a particular evening, the kids came back from school and for some reason or other, they all started crying for me, calling for me!! On verifying the exact date and time, I found that it was almost the exact time that I had heard that little child calling for her "mummy"!!

Any thoughts or similar experience by anyone?

Creepy, not unheard of thou. My dreams tend to be more situational. Its like, okay here's this problem, here are your tools, get out of it. Kinda like a mindtrap problem, but usually i have knowledge or powers that make the whole thing workable. I think i watch too many movies/play too many video games, and so it carries over.
I don’t have many thoughts about it. But yes they do happen to me as well.

Few months ago, I came home from work on a Friday evening. I was so tired that I decided to take a nap. While dosing away, I entered a lot of noisy dream states. When I woke up, I remembered, that I was involved in an accident, or at least very close to an accident. I hurt somebody. I felt terrible about that, and it just got worse as I imagined something like that actually happening in real life. I was going to meet some friends that same evening, and because of that dream, I was highly attentive, and I also drove at a much lower speed. After exiting the highway, and entering the city (at that spot the speed is usually still high). I decide to take a side street to the right, to find a place to park my car. Usually, you can scan the entire street for possible hindrances, or people or bikers that are about to cross the street. But this time the view was blocked completely by a large truck that was parked right at the corner after which I was going to take a turn to the right. Because of that dream, I remained attentive, decreased my speed even further, and right behind that truck I suddenly had to brake. Two couples came jumping on the pavement, right behind that truck. If I had taken that turn on automatic pilot (I ‘know’ that street and the turn), I ‘d hit all four of them. Pfew.

Here is another thing that I just remembered and it happened at about the same time. While driving home from work, I suddenly have the unmistakable smell of slightly rotten chicken. It was not a real life smell, more something that came up from my memory banks. I than remember that my partner was indeed about to make some roasted chicken that evening. And I imagine her asking me what to do with it, to which I come to the conclusion not to run any risk (after all we have to young children) and to discard it. Five minutes later, I come home, and as I open the door of my car and walk along the driveway, I have the unmistakable smell in my nose of tainted chicken. And it seemed to be real life. I remember the thinking pattern that went through my mind, saying that it’s impossible, and that it must be my perception influenced by the ‘imaginations’ I just had, and how strongly perception can be influenced and so. But when I enter the kitchen, and say hello to all three that are eating already, the first thing my partner says is: “Could you check those wings and legs of the chicken. I have the impression that it’s rotten already?” And oh yes unmistakable, and while the white meat seemed okay, we decided to not touch it further and discard all of it.
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