water car inventor murdered

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This fits in very well with Jean Pierre Petit's podcast regarding fusion energy:


The facts of pathocracy will come down hard on inventions that offer workable solutions to the world's ills. Those that step on the tiger's tail - as we can see from the world - don't live to tell the tale:


More here:


Very interesting. Thank you. Unfortunately I could not find the story on how,where, and when, the American inventor was murdered. Is there a link?
Saman said:
Very interesting. Thank you. Unfortunately I could not find the story on how,where, and when, the American inventor was murdered. Is there a link?
This is the title of the video - but quite right Saman - meant to put the title in quotations: "murdered..." However, my thoughts still remain that scientists are bumped off on a reasonably regular basis.

There's this comment on Meyer's death from a respected cold fusion scientist:

While doing a search in DejaNews, I had seen a brief mention of this from the alt.conspiracy forum. However, based on past experience with such statements and the fact that it was a conspiracy forum, I chose not to act on it. Later, a couple of emails repeated the claim. Finally, Gene Mallove chose to call to see if there was any truth to the report. Here is his email.

From: E.F. Mallove
Subject: Meyer IS dead
Date: Sunday, March 29, 1998 10:38 AM


I just called the funeral home listed in the announcement of Meyer's death. I used directory information to get the number.

The gentleman there at Evans Funeral Home confirms that Meyer had indeed died and that there was a service there. I hope this ends speculation about the reality of Meyer's death.

Gene Mallove

Dr. Eugene F. Mallove, Editor- in-Chief
Infinite Energy Magazine
Cold Fusion Technology, Inc.
PO Box 2816
Concord, NH 03302
Phone: 603-228-4516
Fax: 603-224-5975
http://www.infinite-energy.com In the Dejanews posts I saw from alt.conspiracy, mention was made that Stan had died of some kind of mysterious food poisoning.

It is sad to see the death of anyone before their time and Stanley Meyer made quite a splash during his years of work with water as a fuel. We here at KeelyNet extend our condolences to his family and friends.

No doubt, the conspiracy buffs will jump on this and blow it way out of proportion to the reality. I can only hope they rely on history rather than fanciful speculations stated as fact. I last spoke with Stan at the 1997 INE conference in Denver. At that time, he and I rode down together in the elevator and walked to the main conference room. At that time, he seemed in good health and full of energy.

I asked if he had driven or brought his hydrogen powered automobile, he said no, that it would have required too much logistics to arrange.

I said that it would be great to actually have the vehicle there for examination and demonstration by all at the conference. He said, yes, but it was still under development.

I asked whatever happened to the spark plug he had described back in 1994, which was supposed to let anyone install these plugs in their car so that it would also run on water. The idea being that water vapor was injected into the cylinders, exploded by a Keely type resonant frequency (42.8khz) and the products of that explosion burned by a high voltage spark.

He said that was still under development. Only this year, 1998, was I informed that this idea had been 'lifted' from Dale Pond at a 1989 conference in Switzerland and no credit given to Dale.

This has been posted before, but consider it a reality check as to what had been accomplished as opposed to what had been claimed, in an attempt to short circuit the inevitable conspiracy diatribes that will arise.


Ironically Mallove WAS murdered in 2004:


more links to Meyer's work:

http://stanleymeyer.com/ - Run a Car On Water
http://www.wasserauto.de/html/stanley_meyer.html - Stanley Meyer: Water Fuel Cell
http://www.rexresearch.com/meyerhy/meyerhy.htm - Hydropowercar: Article / Stanley Meyer: Water Fuel Cell
http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_1.html - Letter From Water Fuel Cell (regarding Stanley Meyer's Water Fuel Cell)
http://waterpoweredcar.com/stanmeyer.html - Stan Meyer's Dune Buggy.
As I watched those videos I wondered...why do these people keep the work secret? Why aren't those designs published on serwers all over the world? What are they waiting for? They hope that some day the world will change, that the system will welcome their inventions with open arms?
They gather patents, put them on the walls and continue tinkering in secrecy, to protect their inventions from being copied. I mean..I understand that they deserve all the money and glory which are due to such marvelous inventors, but Powers That Be will never let them transfer those designs to mass production and receive rightful profits. They just get killed, one by one. That's terrible waste of lives and possibilities. It's very sad.

We've got so many talented people around the world, in every country, every city, every village. If those designs were in public domain people would use them on individual basis. Gosh..is it really that difficult to imagine - hundreds, thousands home-made water-powered cars cruising the streets? And it would spread like a virus! In Poland there are thousands small workshops, where you can convert your car to be propelled by propan-butan - and many people indeed convert their cars. It's 50% cheaper that gasoline or diesel fuel. People in these workshops often have only a dim idea how it works, but they know enough to put the stuff together - it's all nuts and bolts, for christ sake! If a guy from Philipines can put water-powered drive together in his garage, using parts accesible in a hardware store nearby, surely ordinary John Smith in France, Poland, Canada, etc can do it as well.

What do you think, friends? Is my reasoning faulty? Am I too idealistic?
j0da said:
As I watched those videos I wondered...why do these people keep the work secret? Why aren't those designs published on serwers all over the world? What are they waiting for? They hope that some day the world will change, that the system will welcome their inventions with open arms?
It's all on http://video.google.com
Hard to find? Nope, just type "water engine" and there you go.
So what, will journalists watch? Will there be stories on TV in news sections? Nope. They like to report car accidents. Car accidents are random and you can't blame government for them and also they remind you how small and hopeless you are in this big workd.
Besides, people are so brainwashed they are not interested in this. They say "really? Interesting!" but give them link to 1 hour video - they won't watch or do anything with this.
Smart guy wrote: work-home-entertainment, that's how most people live their lives these days.
One reason is that if you publish the work before getting a patent on it, a company can steal it, file for a patent, then prevent anyone from implementing the technology.

j0da said:
As I watched those videos I wondered...why do these people keep the work secret?
Well, yeah. Emotions took me for a ride in that post of mine. Only later when I began to think it over in detail, I saw all the implications. When different 'I's run rampant, it results in such outbursts, I guess :)
As I thought about it I understood that networking could help those people tremendously. If only they could work together, in some safe virtual environment, unthreatened and invulnerable to big industry snooping... Eh, I'm a incorrigible dreamer sometimes.
there is a poor guy in Poland who invented some kind of breakes, which when attached to elevators, cars, absorb energy on impact causing no damage to vehicle/persons inside. It was on TV, we saw cars hitting each other and elevator with person inside dropped loose from high - no damage.
The thing is it never got any further than those TV shows.
Guy mentioned that once someone wanted to buy the patent from him, later it was discovered that it was one of big car companies wanting to buy and just hide it...
It was years ago, we haven't heard of it since then...
This type of thing is all too common-and like Schriss said people in the main stream do not care and the Media never mentions it or glosses it over with an honorable mention.

Many opportunities for "free" energy and highly fuel efficient motors have been suppressed or the inventors paid off to remain silent, or in some cases just murdered outright-with the deaths listed as "cause unknown" or natural causes (like the rash of un-related deaths that took place in the eighties of researchers working for a certain electronics firm in the UK-one fellow was found sitting on a chair in his flat with his hands tied behind his back, gagged and blind folded-with his feet in a bucket of water and an electric cord with bare wire ends stuck into the water and plugged into a wall outlet-the authorities said he committed suicide!-as an example of the lengths to which these beggers will go to keep this stuff secret)

Another way to deter inventors is to ridicule them and publicly humiliate them-label them as "crack pots" and no one will take them seriously-like Nicola Tesla (who claimed he received help from extra terrestrials on his work-and was made a laughing stock)-all his really important papers have vanished or were destroyed.

There are probably any number of inventions we have never even heard of -any one of which could have been the answer to the worlds woes-that have been kept off the radar by greedy coporate scumbags and the minions of the MCS/PTB. We will just never know.
To clear anyones doubts on this:
Today I read about scientist murded, there were 5 persons in my room when I said "scientist has been murdered", they got interested "really?", I said "yes, he invented engine running on water and someone killed him for this". They said nothing, continued their work. I said "he made some stuff producing free energy from water". Silence. Nobody interested in free energy from water. Change of topic. Conversation never happened.
schriss said:
To clear anyones doubts on this:
Today I read about scientist murded, there were 5 persons in my room when I said "scientist has been murdered", they got interested "really?", I said "yes, he invented engine running on water and someone killed him for this". They said nothing, continued their work. I said "he made some stuff producing free energy from water". Silence. Nobody interested in free energy from water. Change of topic. Conversation never happened.
Maybe your tinfoil hat put them off ?!

Just kidding ;)

I know exactly how it feels.
If people aren't willing to listen or be interested beyond their own personal little bubble, so be it. The lack of curiosity is sometimes appalling.

I remember an invention that was made by a sixteen years kid two or three years ago.
He invented a machine that could produce ice for practically nothing and he did it for the African people who had problems with clean water. (Sadly, I can't find any link about it)

I don't think his invention is used anywhere in Africa right now.
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