Water Memory reset, programming water, Rekki, Sound


The Force is Strong With This One
Hello Fellow Humans,

Currently i am on 2016 year of CS Transcripts, Lots of fun, so i am sorry if spamming and this maybe was already discussed

topic is regarding resetting water memory and perhaps reprogramming it with beneficial targeted help to heal body. since we are made of water maybe there is something in this concept. i thought about Rekki but of course sound or frequency are an option.
What better way to see if this idea makes any sense then asking all of you :)

attaching pdf of compiled work on water done by Viktor Schauberger on water.

link to documentary on nobel price winner

3d printable devices for water memory reset and link to video on quality testing of such water


cant wait to see what you who will check above think,
meanwhile going back to reading ,


  • 123670300-implosion-viktor-schauberger.pdf
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