Wave Ch 21 ... This happened to me decades ago

Being pretty much a newbie to material presented (just discovered The Wave in Feb/March) and trying to absorb as much as possible, I decided to step back and re-read the Wave more carefully (since I was so enthralled with the information presented, I wanted to read as much as possible as quickly as possible). So, right now, I'm on ch. 21 which describes an event in my life pretty much to tee...

What about stimulation of pleasure chemicals? How easy would it be for them to implant an idea, send a voice message via an idea construct, and then simultaneously stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain so that the individual is washed through and through with warmth and love, thereby being convinced that the idea that is being contemplated is very positive and life affirming when it is, in fact, actually the opposite.

I was a very naive 20 yo ... my girlfriend would no longer associate with me since I was not 'saved' and living a 'sinful' life. But I wasn't thinking about this, I was only in my room and laying on the bed, not thinking about anything at all when all of a sudden I had the feeling I was 'touched by an angel'. The feeling was indescribable, I've never felt so loved or secure before or since. Naturally, the very next day I called my friend, told her what happened and gave my life to Christ, was baptized, bought bibles, etc.

This has always puzzled me, and I never heard of this happening to anyone before. It was never easy to talk about, since Christians would warn against Satanic influence and other friends would perceive a sort of 'me special' attitude which I never felt. It only seemed to be a calling, a purpose to get my life straight; that the harvest was coming and the event confirmed for me the spiritual reality that I needed better direction. And naturally, the bible was the ONLY truth anyone ever needed.

Anyway, at this point I haven't seen this girlfriend in years (she refused my request to be a bridesmaid since I was living in sin with my soon to be husband) and I have tried but have never succeeded in contacting her.

On a completely different note, I have a current friend that tells me she has had 'visitations' from both her mom and dad after they died...and also that she remembers as a little girl, seeing a 'reptile-type' thing looking at her through her bedroom window. She couldn't be sure, but says this has happened more than twice to her as a child. She also happens to be the only person I can talk to about UFOs and aliens...she being the first to actually introduce me to these strange sightings, which ultimately led me here.

So, in my haste and excitement of actually having a person who can confirm some things, I began telling her about the things I've read, explaining parts of the upcoming Wave, when she stopped me and said she couldn't handle any cataclysmic type talk, and I realized what a terrible mistake I had made. The Wave has never again been discussed by me with anyone else, but we do still talk about aliens, UFO disclosure et al.

This so called angel visitation completely changed my life, and came at a time I really felt I was unloveable by anyone except god. That deception led me to waste 30 years believing a lie, and led me in directions I wouldn't have taken otherwise (especially since being a woman, I now knew my place). More importantly, I believed any information besides the bible in spiritual matters was a path to destruction, so now I find myself in completely foreign territory ... behind the 8-ball, so to speak. But I can't worry about that...step by step.

I wanted to express my gratitude for the above referenced quote...It really explained how very personally these critters can affect you.
Join the club, maryjk_99!

As for people's aversion to discussing cataclysm, that still puzzles me. If you study it, you come to realize that people DID survive it or we wouldn't be here today. Not only that, it was those who had either 1) dumb luck or 2) knowledge in advance by whatever means, that survived! I don't think many people are going to be lucky in that sort of situation, but knowledge in advance is very helpful. After all, even the Bible says that Noah had a message from god to prepare an Ark. That's written after the fact, so for all we know, the guy (he's a symbol) was either a scientist or psychic or both!

I wonder if this same person who doesn't want to hear anything about cataclysms also doesn't want to know if there are sexual predators living next door to her that she lets watch her small children?

Knowledge really does protect, eh?
Hi maryjk_99,

Laura pretty much said it all. I would like to add that this "friend" of yours that you have been trying to contact and haven't been able to, does not seem to really be a "friend." I wouldn't waste anymore time or energy on her. She is where she wants to be. As far as telling your other friend about the Wave, I know how hard it is not to be able to tell people about what we are learning. We want to "save" these people. We want them to "get it" and learn about the things that we think are important.

Since you are rereading the Wave, maybe you have noticed in there that it talks about free will and all needing to learn their own lessons. This is what is so hard to do. Let others suffer so that they can learn their lessons. We cannot determine the needs of another and we do not know their lesson plan. What you may want to look at is what we call strategic enclosure and external considering. These may help you to understand why we should not be telling people about the things that we are finding out UNLESS they ask. We can drop seeds of information and then let them learn by themselves. But most people would rather remain asleep following the "ignorance is bliss" line of thought. So be it. It is their choice.

As for not having others to discuss these things with face to face. I know that it is very hard to not be able to do this. But this is what this forum is for. We are not face to face, but we are building quite the community here and there is an "energy" that is starting to build.

Hang in there. When you are done reading the Wave series, try taking a look at the Diet and Health section of the forum. And maybe you can get and read the Narcissism Big 5 books, In Search of the Miraculous and more. :) Then, as you read and have questions, there is always someone here, 24/7, to answer your questions. And don't forget the Eiriu Eolas program!

We are all here for each other. You are no longer alone. :flowers:
Thanks to both of you for your replies.
As for people's aversion to discussing cataclysm, that still puzzles me.

Well, it seems people are more than happy to talk about things that affect personally, such as unemployment, the cost of gas, taxation on cigarettes ... but when you get down to the nitty gritty of the origin of of our distress, the state of the world and how it is run ... they get all glassy eyed and look at you like you've had just a little bit too much to smoke. It invades their comfort zone, doesn't comply with preconceived notions; they just want to go back and watch America's Top Model and zone into a world of make believe. Really, what can you do? My girlfriend says simply she has enough of her own troubles, has given up on the human race and believes there are too many of us anyway ... the planet can't take anymore. (she doesn't have any kids, btw, but your point is well taken ... you really need to be on guard and aware of your surroundings at all times).

I wouldn't waste anymore time or energy on her.

You're right Nienna, and I don't. But there are plenty more that seem to fall away from us, we lose touch. Truly, not only friends, but family as well...

And don't forget the Eiriu Eolas program!

OK ... this is where my dedication problems come in, along with working on diet and basically taking care of myself as I know better and I should. I love reading and learning, but I get lazy and have never been one to do things I know I should. And this is where personal contact for me would help ... BUT this forum is full of people who have done it themselves, pulled up their bootstraps so to speak; and done very HARD work, suffering all the while. So I really don't want to go there to complain, especially since I know I'm the only one that can do it if I want it.
I've read the article on Strategic Enclosure, but not yet External Considering. Thank you for bringing this up for me.

Then, as you read and have questions, there is always someone here, 24/7, to answer your questions.

Thank You, this really is so very true! More so, in fact, then people I actually know..

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