The Living Force
The current National Geographic article, Cosmic Explosions has some great photographs of the cosmos and includes the fantastic computer-generated image of a super nova shown below to illustrate what's happening "inside a massive, fast-spinning star in its death throes. After the core collapses, plasma jets spew forth (blue) surrounded by four plumes of slower gases (orange). A few seconds later, the jets stream toward space, where they'll release a brilliant burst of gamma rays...Such massive explosions blast elements like iron...out into the universe."
"The iron in our blood comes from supernovas," says astrophysicist Andrew macFadyen. "There's a direct connection between stars and us."
Or as Moby sings, "We are all made of stars..."
Doesn't the word star come from "aster," thus the French contraction of "my star" would be "M'aster"? And completing the circle, "my star" is called the Sun. So perhaps the "Sun of God" is my true master.
"The iron in our blood comes from supernovas," says astrophysicist Andrew macFadyen. "There's a direct connection between stars and us."
Or as Moby sings, "We are all made of stars..."
Doesn't the word star come from "aster," thus the French contraction of "my star" would be "M'aster"? And completing the circle, "my star" is called the Sun. So perhaps the "Sun of God" is my true master.