Weaponized Weather Modification observed in Harvey's Climate Patterns?

United Gnosis

Jedi Council Member
It's very interesting... like many people here, I'm sure, I had a phase geeking out on electric universe physics, things like suspicious observers and Thunderbolts Project highlighting a connection between solar forcing, electromagnetic charge points in the crust that drive earthquakes and climate events (sometimes even in conjunction), and of course this all ties in with things like HAARP, weather modification, and so on...

Yet as Hurricane Harvey developped, the thought never crossed my mind. I witnessed everything that came up on the news cycle about Harvey, but weather modification never crossed my mind, as if all my research and knowledge had just dropped out of my consciousness.

Until I saw this video, through NaturalNews. The first 5 minutes are just establishing context and showing the extent of suffering through mainstream media clips, but the absolutely interesting part starts around 5:35 when we can see the evolution of the storm on Saturday/Sunday, after the eye made landfall and was no longer being fed by the heat of the gulf waters... seeing the intensity of the patterns taking place, it seems simply impossible that this could be explained by mainstream metereology (an educated guess and deeply felt intuition, as my background is actually as a physicist). I'd barely watched 1 minute of those images before I ran here to share and see what your opinions are. This looks like a massive smoking gun to me.

Alright. Going back to the video to watch the rest and see if I have any other valuable impressions to share. Thank you.


Edit: Most of the video is so much raw footage without commentary and is close enough to noise that it's far from worth watching the 30 minutes. The key footage is from 5:30 until 7 minutes and is plenty for anyone to see what I'm talking about.

What do you think?
HAARP has nothing to do with weather.

There ARE modest efforts to influence weather but, for the most part, they are ineffective.

Climate change is real though what is happening is not due to anthropogenic global warming. Yes, there is "global warming", but it is happening throughout the solar system and humans are not affecting the other planets. If you have been reading the materials we research and present here, you would know all of this.

We are in a period of intensifying comet flux which is one thing that is affecting weather. Our sun is also probably being affected by a companion dark star; that is another thing affecting weather. The two may be interrelated. Additionally, the solar effects may be related to the infinitesimal slowing of the Earth's rotation. This slowing can cause increased interior heating. Also, we are experiencing a significant drop in the Earth's magnetic field which allows an increased flow of cosmic rays into our atmosphere. The effects are cyclical over long periods of time, that is, in the thousands of years scale. We are most likely heading into an Ice Age.

One of the major difficulties in understanding how Ice Ages begin has been figuring out how the increased precipitation occurred. It is now becoming clear that this increased precipitation is due to a period of Warming prior to intensifying cooling. That is what we see at present.

We see the effects of the increased interior heating of the Earth in a number of ways including increasing volcanic activity, opening up of sinkholes, gas release from under ground and under sea, "strange sounds in the skies" and more. All of these things contribute to the intensifying of the effects of "global warming". And global warming will lead to global cooling, inevitably, and possibly in a dramatic and devastating manner.

In short, what our planet is doing on its own in concert with its star and fellow planets is MORE than sufficient to explain what is happening on Earth. The feeble efforts of human beings to "engineer weather events" reminds me of a flea climbing up the back leg of an elephant with rape on its mind.
Laura said:
HAARP has nothing to do with weather.

There ARE modest efforts to influence weather but, for the most part, they are ineffective.

Climate change is real though what is happening is not due to anthropogenic global warming. Yes, there is "global warming", but it is happening throughout the solar system and humans are not affecting the other planets. If you have been reading the materials we research and present here, you would know all of this.

We are in a period of intensifying comet flux which is one thing that is affecting weather. Our sun is also probably being affected by a companion dark star; that is another thing affecting weather. The two may be interrelated. Additionally, the solar effects may be related to the infinitesimal slowing of the Earth's rotation. This slowing can cause increased interior heating. Also, we are experiencing a significant drop in the Earth's magnetic field which allows an increased flow of cosmic rays into our atmosphere. The effects are cyclical over long periods of time, that is, in the thousands of years scale. We are most likely heading into an Ice Age.

One of the major difficulties in understanding how Ice Ages begin has been figuring out how the increased precipitation occurred. It is now becoming clear that this increased precipitation is due to a period of Warming prior to intensifying cooling. That is what we see at present.

We see the effects of the increased interior heating of the Earth in a number of ways including increasing volcanic activity, opening up of sinkholes, gas release from under ground and under sea, "strange sounds in the skies" and more. All of these things contribute to the intensifying of the effects of "global warming". And global warming will lead to global cooling, inevitably, and possibly in a dramatic and devastating manner.

In short, what our planet is doing on its own in concert with its star and fellow planets is MORE than sufficient to explain what is happening on Earth. The feeble efforts of human beings to "engineer weather events" reminds me of a flea climbing up the back leg of an elephant with rape on its mind.

More on the topic can be found in the following two SOTT articles and in Pierre's and Laura's book "Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection":

- Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies
- Chemtrails, Disinformation and the Sixth Extinction
Pashalis said:
Laura said:
HAARP has nothing to do with weather.

There ARE modest efforts to influence weather but, for the most part, they are ineffective.

Climate change is real though what is happening is not due to anthropogenic global warming. Yes, there is "global warming", but it is happening throughout the solar system and humans are not affecting the other planets. If you have been reading the materials we research and present here, you would know all of this.

We are in a period of intensifying comet flux which is one thing that is affecting weather. Our sun is also probably being affected by a companion dark star; that is another thing affecting weather. The two may be interrelated. Additionally, the solar effects may be related to the infinitesimal slowing of the Earth's rotation. This slowing can cause increased interior heating. Also, we are experiencing a significant drop in the Earth's magnetic field which allows an increased flow of cosmic rays into our atmosphere. The effects are cyclical over long periods of time, that is, in the thousands of years scale. We are most likely heading into an Ice Age.

One of the major difficulties in understanding how Ice Ages begin has been figuring out how the increased precipitation occurred. It is now becoming clear that this increased precipitation is due to a period of Warming prior to intensifying cooling. That is what we see at present.

We see the effects of the increased interior heating of the Earth in a number of ways including increasing volcanic activity, opening up of sinkholes, gas release from under ground and under sea, "strange sounds in the skies" and more. All of these things contribute to the intensifying of the effects of "global warming". And global warming will lead to global cooling, inevitably, and possibly in a dramatic and devastating manner.

In short, what our planet is doing on its own in concert with its star and fellow planets is MORE than sufficient to explain what is happening on Earth. The feeble efforts of human beings to "engineer weather events" reminds me of a flea climbing up the back leg of an elephant with rape on its mind.

More on the topic can be found in the following two SOTT articles and in Pierre's and Laura's book "Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection":

- Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies
- Chemtrails, Disinformation and the Sixth Extinction

To added another page by Sott.net for your research United Gnosis.

Jet stream is shifting and it has nothing to do with HAARP
Sat, 03 Nov 2012 00:00 UTC

SOTT Podcast: Mind Control, HAARP, and the Coming Catastrophe
(Running Time: 01:06:33)
Fri, 04 Aug 2006 17:00 UTC

Another excellent reference:

Arctic Ice Increases in August & Europe Begins 1963 Cooling Repeat (446)
Published on Aug 31, 2017
Adapt 2030
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