Wearable Garbage Disposal Unit.


The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
Before I go into this dream which I had this morning, I must emphasise that I am retired, and that I am not American.

The dream:
My boss comes in and demonstrates this device which looks like a pair of calipers with a ring on the end. The device is about six inches long and the ring is about two inches in diameter. Somewhat like the architect's drawing tool. She feeds various types of rubbish into the ring, and the rubbish disappears. I don't know where the rubbish goes to, maybe another dimension, but I get the feeling that what we feed the garbage unit might be converted into food for us, and absorbed into our bodies. The boss advises that wearing these things is now compulsory.
The Council garbage collection stops, and they remove the bins.

The caliper attaches to your arm. I try mine - it attaches and I can't remove it.
Then I put a blanket over it, and it dropped off.

Later President O'Bama came to our place to extol the virtues of the device.
After he leaves, I put my device out into the gutter of the street.
Then I wake up.

Why I dreamed that I had a job or a boss, I have no idea.
And I have no idea why the President made the scene, maybe he's the 'dark man'.
I don't even live in America.
Hello MusicMan. If you allow me, this is what I understand of this dream: First I think the pair of stirrup, is the domestication of the horse. So in your dream, it symbolizes man's domestication. Obama represents the authority of "the greatest power in the world." This authority requires us to eat waste. I would say it is already the case (sugar, gluten, GMO, and vaccines). Perhaps, they will accelerate the process. They make us believe that the food and ecological, for our good, but this is the "crap". This would make us increasingly tamed. The fact that you throw your stirrups may be that you realize the deception. The ring "Magic, another dimension" can mean that behind this dimension, hide the 4D STS. And thanks to this food makes us tamed, they can quietly consume us. :shock:
Hello Music Man. Here is my interpretation of this dream...

  • Boss, the Council and President are three "faces" of government.
  • If boss affects you on the individual basis, the council governs entire area with people in it and the image of a President has influence on entire country
  • Boss is a position in work place. So when we speak about boss we mean individual whom we can see and/or defy
  • On the other hand the Council is something different. Here we have in mind group of people, governmental institution, bureaucratic machine. Each member of this "machine" is doing particular task without seeing entire picture(hierarchy?)
  • President as a public figure and "celebrity". He not really rules, governs or administrates but more like creates an impression, suggest, advertises something according to the aims of existing regime.
About food...
So no more rubbish bins. Waste goes through that device. At the same time it feeds us. We are not hungry anymore. There is no appetite for normal food.
Lets say we have few generations who spent their lifes using these calipers. For them it becomes as normal as electricity or TV.Remove the devices from peoples hands and they don't know what to eat. They don't know/forgot what normal food is. They are basically starving.

Music Man, is there anything more to say about the blanket? Any details that attract your attention?
Thank you Kisito and Zee Ley for your intelligent responses. Some things for me to consider.
Zee Ley the blanket was woollen but other than that just a plain one.

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