"Now I am a bit confused as to whether for some weird reason, I left at 2:40 instead of 1:40. This is worrying me because that would mean I stayed from 1:00 to 2:40 whilst in my head I thought it was 1:00 to 1:40"
So just to be clear you have no recollection of what you would have done during the hour that vanished?
If after showering you usually watch tv for a few minutes or read a book before going back to lectures, I can see how this 5 minutes could have turned into an hour.
I dont watch TV but I was listening to some music at the time. I think what most likely happened is I just totally lost track of time but didnt realise it maybe due to some dissasociation. That is the best explanation I can come up with.
wetroof said:
What I mean is sometimes, I can be thinking 2 simultaneous things in my mind. One thing is something external that somebody is telling me and another is something internal that has arisen independently from an external influence
Here I am reading that you are balancing the conversation in your mind with another subject and trying to think of both at once.
This to me sounds like there is some dissociation from the present moment (which could explain the time gap). It seems like you are not aware as you could be… and this is likely something you could fix with yourself I think.
this two things seem different than above:
I knew what I wanted to say but what came out was something totally different, I don’t even know where it came from
When you misspeak I get that you are saying that you have no idea where the words that you say come from whereas in the previous example you were having trouble holding the conversation solely in your mind. It actually seems like in this example you provide you ARE present in the moment at least intellectually, and it is your actions that are not under control.
I was in the kitchen making some pasta and my housemate walked in and asked me about what I was going to make. I was making it as I was describing it. I had cut up some vegetables which I intended to put in a separate saucepan but I was talking about the pasta that was boiling in a different saucepan and as I took the vegetables and was about to put it in with the pasta he stopped me saying I should put it in the other saucepan. This is when I totally snapped out of it and was like, omg, how was I on the verge of doing something contrary to what I intended on doing
This is another example you being present, but not in control of your actions. I guess this could be considered some type of dissociation but you do seem mentally present.
Thank you for noticing this. Yes, I think there are 2 different things at play here. In one of them, I dissasociate during a conversation as in my mind drifts away or a different thought process takes over and I am unable or find it difficult to stay grounded in the moment. The other is I am completely present in the moment but not in control of my actions and furthermore I am unaware that I have lost control despite being present intellectually.
I think I know what causes the 1st form of dissasociation. I think this is because, in my mind I am playing out how I want something to go, how I want to respond but I am unable to carry it through to the real world because of programs and mechanicalness which take over through the transmission process of thoughts to deeds or subconscious to conscious - it is abit like there is 2 separate elements fighting it out, I guess my mechanical side and the Real I or maybe more accurately mechanical side and essence. The problem is the essence needs the personality to interface with the real world but since the personality is currently fragmented and broken up and all mechanical in nature, these glitches keep occuring. Basically I think the essence might have got to a stage where it wants freedom and the predators mind and it are having abit of a fight.
The 2nd form - lose of control of action, I think might also be somehow linked to this in that I am deep in thought when I am talking about something that I momentarily disconnect or my thoughts run my actions in that whatever I am thinking at that point I am about to do something is what I will end up doing. So for example in that incident I was thinking Pasta in my head and so I went on to put the vegetables in with the pasta. My thoughts literally became my action. Also the fact that in the 2nd example where I didnt know where what I said came from means that, the thinking doesnt happen in the conscious mind solely but rather subconscious and conscious interfacing with each other or subconscious over-riding the conscious mind.
Here is just a thought or two. It seems that maybe you are over concentrating on what you say to people. this could actually cause you to notice that your words are not matching your thoughts even though this might be a relatively common and mostly unnoticeable phenomenon. I am not really sure. A lot of times the act of talking is thinking. I think people don't always know what they are going to say before they say it. Maybe the strange phenomena you describe is due over concentrating on the conversation i.e trying to think through your response before you say it. this is just a thought.
I wouldnt say I over-concentrate on what I say to people, I would say I over concentrate on how I would like my interactions with people to go but my words/actions dont match up to what I want deep down. This leads to a feeling of hopelessness and despair. Other times, whilst talking about something, I might be thinking way to much about what is being talked about that I dissasociate momentarily where a "glitch" takes place because of this dissasociation.
Again I think all this is to do with essence vs mechanicalness and the reason that makes me even think this more is I had a weird dream just the other day where a little boy was trying to tell 4 or 5 grown up men what to do, each one of these grown up men having a different ability or talent. I think the boy might have been the essence and the men might have been the personality in its different fragments. This is the thought I have about it.
My take on it is, the glitches keep occuring because things are not running right, one has to choose at some point whether to be mechanical or non-mechanical and it's a choice found and built on knowledge and understanding ones machine and mechanicalness. In my case I think I am torn between the 2 so as a result all the glitches keep happening. That is the best explanation I can come up with after thinking about what you said wetproof. Furthermore I think it's one of those situations where I run a slight risk of the glitches literally leading to a situation of a failed Being in that I'll get to a point where I can be like a broken up computer and the whole hardware/software thing might not be able to function as it should both in the mechanical state and pure state. Maybe the risk one takes in trying to get free from the matrix where certain aspects get free(either permanently or temporarily) and certain dont leading to one being caught up in no mans land...
This is highly theoretical but what do you guys think?? How can I test this out?
"Oxajil," you are right about the diet and I'll come up with a diet plan, so far I have depended upon the fact that I am still young and my body at its current age can handle it so I havent really got a squeeky clean diet but I try and eat healthy. Most of the time, like literally 6 days a week I eat home made food with fresh ingredients but somethings like sauces I buy already pre-made and who knows what is in them, like preservatives etc etc... I dont know much about gluten but my dad is allergic to it but I can eat glutten and do regularly as it's in bread and I have bread pretty much everyday. I dont know what else has glutten, it's news to me that pasta has glutten. I love pasta...