Well isn't this neo-convenient...



By MARY CLARE JALONICK, Associated Press Writer
31 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Democratic Sen. Tim Johnson (news, bio, voting record) of South Dakota was in critical but stable condition Thursday after emergency brain surgery, creating political drama over whether Democrats will control the new Senate next month if he is unable to continue in office.

Johnson suffered from bleeding in the brain caused by a congenital malformation, the U.S. Capitol physician said. He described the surgery as successful. The condition, present at birth or immediately after, causes tangled blood vessels that can block the flow of blood or rupture.

"The senator is recovering without complication," said the physician, Adm. John Eisold. "It is premature to determine whether further surgery will be required or to assess any long-term prognosis."

Eisold said doctors drained the blood that had accumulated in Johnson's brain and stopped continued bleeding.

Democrats hold a fragile 51-49 margin in the new Senate that convenes Jan. 4. If Johnson leaves the Senate, the Republican governor of South Dakota could appoint a Republican to fill the remaining two years of Johnson's term - keeping the Senate in GOP hands with Vice President Dick Cheney's tie-breaking power....
Yep - my mother even brought this up to me on the phone this morning - she is a conservative republican who is sound asleep and even she said, "Honey, I think this is kind of suspicious. The news keeps changing the story of exactly what happened to him."

A democratic senator from one of the few states with legislation that allows the governer to appoint a replacement senator and this governer is republican! He was giving a phone interview, apparently, and started to stutter and lose articulation ability, then collapsed later in his office. Laura's comment on RUTHLESS MEN in another thread fits to a 'T' here, if you ask me.
Johnson suffered from bleeding in the brain caused by a congenital malformation, the U.S. Capitol physician said. He described the surgery as successful. The condition, present at birth or immediately after, causes tangled blood vessels that can block the flow of blood or rupture.
The only thing we can be sure of is that ...
Johnson suffered ...
but in all honesty, from there it stops. From then on anything could happen I think, considering the state of the world after 9/11. I am also reminded of Arik Sharon's fate. First it was a an infarct, for which he was treated to get the blood cloth away, but then it suddenly turned to a bleeding, so that he received the wrong (eufemism) medication.

The condition, present at birth or immediately after, causes tangled blood vessels that can block the flow of blood or rupture.
Is this an aneurism he is talking about? "Tangled" bloodvessels? What is it with these aneurisms??! I knew (or was learned) that these could cause bleedings. And now I learn they also seem to cause the exact opposite, a "blocking" of blood.

Gee, I am glad you are still around :)

which can no longer be said about Mark Purdey :(


because I have learned that I do not always see what others see and that others not always see what I see ...

From http://www.markpurdey.com/mark_purdey_tributes.htm

Jerry Brunetti said:
Gandhi said, "Almost anything you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it". For those of you who agree, and who know that Mark Purdy was a true gift to us all, whether or not you laughed in his presence, let's keep his company amongst us by creating a living memorial to him. His work, and his legacy to change this place.

Maybe what I'm beginning to learn is that "the work" lives on, regardless of when and how we leave it in the hands of those we can trust to carry on. We are, after all, mortals; the work is our gift to immortality.
You can also find some info on aneurisms and how they (could) relate to a lack of copper over here
Charles said:
You can also find some info on aneurisms and how they (could) relate to a lack of copper over here
I have added this link too quick. I came to some conclusions prematurely, which was mainly due to some synchronicity. It is not the first time that such makes me overenthusiastically. Sorry about that, and time to rectify.

In short the link describes how a certain Dr. Joel Wallach (a veterinary) claims how aneurisms are due to a copper deficiency. So I searched a bit more around this person and what I have found is pretty damning it seems.

And, please do not confuse with Mark Purdey who has found, documented and researched a relation between excess Manganese, and organophosphates and the occurrence or incidence of BSE, vCJD, CWD, scrapie and related encephalopathies. Here IS definitely some truth that is worth to remember. When there is a lack of copper, the manganese toxicity will become demonstrable at even lower concentrations.

In fact Joel Wallach is claiming the opposite as Mark Purdey, as he is selling Manganese to the gullible public at rather high concentrations :

which has been very informative.
Wallach and Co recommend taking 4 of these capsules daily, which would equate to 40mg of manganese per day. Another component of Wallachs pig pack is a multivitamin and mineral supplement, which customers are advised to take 6 of per day (a recommendation which would exceed the amount of selenium that the Therapeutic Goods Administration deems as safe, which is why the 6 / day recommendation is not printed on the label but given in person).Another component of Wallachs 'pig pack' is a product called 'Ultimate GlucoGel', which contains 500mg of glucosamine sulphate, gelatin (an incomplete protein used as a thickener in foods which Wallach falsely claims can be used to treat arthritis) and 10mg of Manganese.
Wallach and Co recommend taking 4 of these capsules daily, which would equate to 40mg of manganese per day.
Manganese toxicity is unlikely to manifest until many years after toxic exposure. Mine workers exposed to high concentrations of manganese dust developed what is known in the mining villages of northern Chile, where this disorder has been found, as a "Manganese Madness"? In the latter stages of this disease, symptoms similar to those of Parkinson's disease are observed. Furthermore, manganese can accumulate in the liver and may damage hepatic tissue in those with liver disease. [41]
One might thus speculate that any of his other claims is to be taken with a grain of salt (or an entire bag of it), and thus also his claim that copper deficiency can cause brain aneurisms. After all, such gross generalisation was based on the incident with turkeys, which indeed all died of ruptured aortic aneurisms, but than again also had a COMPLETE lack of copper in their feed.

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