Were're running out of troops, warns UK army chief


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
This story was the second topic on the BBC tv news on Saturday morning, the lead item being the flooding in central England. I thought at the time that perhaps some people may start to ask the question, why are the limited numbers of British troops engaged abroad in illegal wars when they could very well be needed in the flooding emgency?Sometime during the day the situation regarding the floods was obviously becoming more serious with one county council asking the govenment for military assistance. Roll on the news that night and the lead story was still about the (now)worsening floods but the second concerning the UK running out of troops had been completely ditched. It seems that orders had come down the line to drop that topic (for now). It looks like the PTB didn't want people asking awkward and pointed questions had these two stories appeared in the same news program that evening.

Did anyone else in the UK notice how this story disappeared from the TV screens? I was told that it was covered by BBC radio 4, but I don't know if it was similarly suddenly dropped later in the day.

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