What I said to George Galloway


John White

What I said to George Galloway.... and what I would have said if he'd let me

By John White, www.malvernmessages.com

On Sunday 10th September 2006 Galloway hosted his regular radio show on Talksport 1053am

The topic of conversation that evening was "911 Conspiracy Theories", and Galloway, in his usual bullish mood, had effectively issued a challenge to anyone who could phone in and prove a conspiracy to cover up the truth of 911

I decided to ring in with information from www.911pressfortruth.com, and as I kind of expected, it wasnt something George or his "expert" guest Richard Seymour, had been expecting to hear

I've decided to write this experiance up as a posting not out of any disrespect to George Galloway, who I consider to be a man with tremendous strength and courage whatever other people say about him, but becuase clearly the information is very hard to dismiss and should be "out there"

You can download the excerpt from the show here:


And torrent the whole show from:


Here is the conversation...


GG: I'm going to John in Malvern. John

JW: Hi George, how are you?

GG: I'm well son, I'm well. Tell me your theory

JW: Well George I want to talk about something which doesn't get much exposure so far in the UK, which is the Jersey girls and P* (EDIT on air)
Have you come across this at all?

GG: I have not I'm afraid

JW: Ok, well basically the Jersey girls are four ladies whose family, whose husbands, died in the collapse of the twin towers, and they were instrumental in pushing for there to be a 911 Commission in the first place, at the government level, lobbying members of congress and so forth to get the whole thing going, and I'd like to talk about this because it is clear evidence of a conspiracy regarding 911, and if you give me half a minute here I'll lay it out for you

GG: Quickly then

JW: Ok, well basically, the Neocons, as a result of the work of the Jersey Girls and Paul Thompson, and how the commission was run, have been showed to have lied about receiving warnings about Al-Queda planning to fly planes into buildings.

The Neocons resisted the 911 Commission for over a year, they starved the commission of funds. They initially allocated only 3 million dollars, when over 100 million was spent investigating what Clinton did with his private parts. Eventually that budget was increased to 18 million but the Commission was restricted to only a year and a half. They tried to install Kissinger as the chairman of the Commission, until his Saudi clients, including the Bin Laden's, came to light

They starved the investigation of funds, restricted the time to a year and a half.

They wouldn't put officials under oath, only two commissioners were allowed to see the most crucial evidence, and one of those was the guy who was behind the whole Plan for the New American century

Clearly a total whitewash, a conspiracy to hide gross incompetence on the part of these government officials, who KNEW about these warnings, who KNEW about these plans to fly planes into buildings, and then straight-out lied barefaced to the American people about it

GG: Ok John (end of conversation)
I didnt get any reply from George Galloway, although he did talk about the Jersey girls for a few seconds with Richard Seymour late in the show, essentially confiriming their role in pushing for the Commission

What got left out was what they are NOW saying, and the fact that they have just produced a 2hour documentary which is devestating in its efficient demolition of the credibility of the 911 commision


I would have said to George that here was exactly what he's been looking for:

Clear evidance of specific foreknowledge of the attacks being covered up,

Clear evidance of whitewashing the commision

Added to the incontraveratble abscence of proof for Iraqi WMD's and the US Congress declaring "No Link between Saddam and Al-Qaeda", shows that not only the War, but the facts behind the event that catalysed the War, show just how deeply the Bush administration has betrayed the trust of the American people and the whole world

Surely there now exists a cast iron basis for impeachment

And yes, I do believe this should be heard


Please feel free to copy and distribute this post
Good job: clear, concise and compelling to the average person. Unlike the crapola that was being bullhorned by Alex Jones at Ground Zero on the 911 Anniversary:

Alex Jones said:
"The sleeping giant has arisen-we won't be silenced," declared Jones. He went on to explain to the media how the decision to stage a new Pearl Harbor on 9-11 was made not by Dick Cheney and the neocons, but was dictated from on high by David Rockefeller, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Queen Elizabeth of England, and the other financiers of the secretive Bilderberg Group that controls world resources from behind the scenes."
The above was published in the Village Voice.

It's people like Jones and Hufschmid and Daryl Bradford Smith and Christopher Bollyn with his latest stunt, and Ruppert, etc, who give the whole idea of 911 Conspiracy a bad name and make it ridiculous in the eyes of the wider public.
Now, if you could only get him to read Ponerology and Controversy of Zion...
Galloway should be into the second one: can only agree it would be fantastic if he looked at the first
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