what is a high pitched sound?


Hello everyone.
Could someone tell me what is a high pitched sound I hear sometimes in the middle of the night.
It is not an external sound.

I hear a loud high pitched sound in my head in a middle of the night,
and I wake up.

:rolleyes: :huh:
I hear it 3-4 times a month.
I don't find it too scary, but annoying, and bamboozling.
:huh: Could someone help me please on this one.

(I asked a friend who knows something about paranormal phenomena, and she told me
''it's a sound indicating you've returned from 4th dimension'' :cry:)
Hi Medulin,
You might want to investigate the "Tinnititus" option before assuming it is something paranormal.
There are few treads that deals with it in here
I have it sometimes as well, mostly in the night, it could be very well related to the diet and some stress factors, it seems to me a lot of people are suffering from that.
What informations your friend has to bake is statement?
Medulin have you looked at the diet and health section of the forum?
Diet can be the trigger or cause of many physical issues, so it might be worth to look into that...
How does your diet look like at the moment?
I try to follow the keto diet, but I struggle with it.
I've lost appetite, and I feel kind of dehydrated, but not thirsty.
I take melatonin (5mg) and magnesium (1000 mg) before going to bed.
Should I take magnesium in the afternoon?
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