loreta said:
Yankees According to media, residents of Nevada and California were shaken by a loud explosion and a bright light in the sky on Sunday morning. Quickly, the 911 IS FILED REPORTS of neighbors on both sides of Sierra Nevada who claimed to have witnessed a UFO. "I saw a fireball that streaked across the sky and then spun down and exploded," said Pamela Farley, California, to FOX40. "The curtains of my room shook the window a couple of times," Nicole told Carlsen, Reno area, told The Associated Press. "I spent looking for information about an earthquake, but found nothing," said Nicole. Astronomers say the sonic blast and fireball were casuados by a meteorite. They say this type of cosmic event is fairly common, but rarely so clear and bright enough to be seen or heard.
The video quality is questionable, as it keeps shifting from bad, to good, to bad.
This is kind of interesting, if it is implying that it was a UFO crash. If that is the case, the military would have been seen in the area muy pronto, with helicopters, and a recovery expedition team. Any one living the area seen this kind of activity? It would be eye opening to see theses of maneuver's on the on a public road.
There also seems to be some inconsistency in the reporting of the meteors size, from the size of a baseball, to a mini van.