What is meant by "attack"


The Force is Strong With This One
Could someone give me examples of what attack means in the sense of what Laura talks about when she states that she undergoes attacks? I am assuming she does not mean physical, that is a given. However how and who attacks please.

The reason I am asking is because I think I am undergoing attacks in my life this past year, and wonder if I'm correct.
From what I've gathered, attacks can be mentally or spiritually related.

This may not be the best example, but in the past I have had moments when my mind fills with thoughts that are undesirable and disturb my peace of mind. The predator mind is usually at fault.

If you are having problems along the lines of what I described, I discovered some tricks that may help.

1) rapid eye blinking: this momentarily clears my mind of any and all thoughts for a few milliseconds, including the negative ones

2) visualize a metaphysical barrier around your head and/or body that wards off any negative influences

For more information, check out the works of Gurdjieff or some other topics on the forum that are related. Hope this helps.
Rena said:
The reason I am asking is because I think I am undergoing attacks in my life this past year, and wonder if I'm correct.

There can be so many different reasons for things we might perceive as attack.
Perhaps it would be useful to give a bit more detail of the type of events you are experiencing?
Well, since she has done many things that had gone against many control systems, the “dark forces” attack in many ways, I had understood those attacks being in that way, using dark, negative energy.

How and whom could be anything and whomever closest ones, even ourselves, one do many things against us, until you observe your own programs.

I had been observing my case, and …“bad luck” are lessons, cause and effect are lessons, all are lessons, perspective, emotional state of mind and knowledge allows me to contemplate and get rid of that kind of negative thoughts.

I also had thought about being attacked …but that is the first though from my being that is quite surprised experimenting bad luck, I disregard some time later when I do connect certain points. And besides, I don't think of my self being that important to be a target.
Laura had a lot of physical attacks as well like when she mentioned in Amazing Grace how her ailments flared up after she witnessed a UFO hover above her house I think. I also suspect that derivatives of secret projects like HAARP can have a physical effect as well :(
Nomad said:
Rena said:
The reason I am asking is because I think I am undergoing attacks in my life this past year, and wonder if I'm correct.

There can be so many different reasons for things we might perceive as attack.
Perhaps it would be useful to give a bit more detail of the type of events you are experiencing?

Good point! I need to explain some things.

I have been in a slow wake up mode to how the world really is for only a couple of years. I am a naive type, positive personality yet strong welled. Seems the more I find out about the truth of the world, the more negativity is entering my life. Husband was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with mets to the liver and neck gland. He is doing very well now, but it has taken a lot out of me. These last few months my teeth keep chipping little by little. Getting cut back on the job, fewer hours, pay cut, equals more stress about making ends meet.

Just like learning about Laura and this forum and reading her e-books, I am pondering the things she writes about (Currently the wave series). The more I try to grasp, the more interruptions I have with those thoughts. For instance, I finally got the connection about the lizards are what is referred to in the bible as Satan, which was a biggy for me, but yet as soon as I had that epiphany, seems like every customer in the store came up to me just to interrupt my thoughts. I feel like I'm being pulled in 10 different directions every time I ponder on a subject of truth.

Many other things but you get the jest of what I'm saying, at least I hope you do.

I feel like I have had a blessed life when I was asleep, and all was right with the world. Now that I am waking up, my life has turned to crap. Is this the way it is with anyone else?
Rena said:
The more I try to grasp, the more interruptions I have with those thoughts. For instance, I finally got the connection about the lizards are what is referred to in the bible as Satan, which was a biggy for me, but yet as soon as I had that epiphany, seems like every customer in the store came up to me just to interrupt my thoughts. I feel like I'm being pulled in 10 different directions every time I ponder on a subject of truth.

Many other things but you get the jest of what I'm saying, at least I hope you do.

I feel like I have had a blessed life when I was asleep, and all was right with the world. Now that I am waking up, my life has turned to crap. Is this the way it is with anyone else?

Hi Rena,
Be assured that most of us have been exactly where you are. Just keep pushing against the force. It'd be better for some if you just went back to sleep, right? ;) Hang in there!
Attack can be from the false self, the part of the personality that has it's seed in powerful programming, parental, social, whatever. Causing some stupid reaction that is the result of having your "buttons pushed." The real self knows better and is objective. One of your many I's is an irrational, whack-job, subjective lunitic. It's from the mind that you inherrited from a preditor that can influnce you from some place you can't see.
Rena said:
Good point! I need to explain some things.

I have been in a slow wake up mode to how the world really is for only a couple of years. I am a naive type, positive personality yet strong welled. Seems the more I find out about the truth of the world, the more negativity is entering my life. Husband was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with mets to the liver and neck gland. He is doing very well now, but it has taken a lot out of me. These last few months my teeth keep chipping little by little. Getting cut back on the job, fewer hours, pay cut, equals more stress about making ends meet.

Just like learning about Laura and this forum and reading her e-books, I am pondering the things she writes about (Currently the wave series). The more I try to grasp, the more interruptions I have with those thoughts. For instance, I finally got the connection about the lizards are what is referred to in the bible as Satan, which was a biggy for me, but yet as soon as I had that epiphany, seems like every customer in the store came up to me just to interrupt my thoughts. I feel like I'm being pulled in 10 different directions every time I ponder on a subject of truth.

Many other things but you get the jest of what I'm saying, at least I hope you do.

I feel like I have had a blessed life when I was asleep, and all was right with the world. Now that I am waking up, my life has turned to crap. Is this the way it is with anyone else?

Yes this is the usual turn of events. Outside forces seem to pop out of nowhere to "keep you in your place". Have a read of "The General Law" in the Cassiopaea glossary.


Here's an excerpt from Gnosis which is part of the entry.

Mouravieff says in Gnosis Vol. I :

"As long as man accepts the principle of the final annihilation of his Personality without a fight, he can carry on in life without attracting the increasing pressures of the General Law upon himself.

"The case is totally different if he struggles to surpass the limits which it imposes. It acts simultaneously on several planes: physical, mental, and moral. Its action on the moral plane is conceived by man, since time immemorial, in the form of a personification: the Devil.

"In the orthodox Tradition demonology occupies a considerable place. We find there practical constatations, fine and profound observations on the highly sophisticated and insidious forms that the Devil's action takes in very varied circumstances, in which it goes as far as using the good faith of humans for its own ends.

"We will also find precious advice, based on accumulated experience over the ages, which is particularly helpful to students of esoteric science; because once the first positive results are obtained those students will unmistakably run up against the active opposition to the law and the GAME OF THE CRAFTY ONE.

"It must be realized that in placing himself under the aegis of the Law of Exception, man goes against the General Law, which he is even called upon to overthrow, if only on an individual scale. He must not forget--under penalty of 'surprise attack'--the salvation depends on victory over the Devil, which as we have said, is the personalized moral aspect of the General Law. This is so, even though this, being a cosmic law, is naturally a divine law. One must not be afraid, as the Law of Exception is also a divine law. In choosing it, man continues to serve the interests of the whole, but differently and in an incomparably more efficient manner. During his fight against the first law, he is subject to tests that often take the form of temptations. In orthodox Doctrine deep studies are devoted to this theme, As stated above, they contain precious advice of a practical nature, details of which we cannot cover in this present book. We are however permitted to draw attention to the indirect nature of the diabolical action. If, aiming straight towards his goal, which is liberation and salvation, the seeker successfully overcomes the obstacles and by this shows proof of a strength that would permit him to defy the authority of the General Law, the latter will begin to act upon him indirectly, generally by the mediation of his near ones if they do not follow the same path: this action occurs on the moral plane, and often takes emotional forms appealing to his most noble, generous, and disinterested sentiments: to his charity; his obligations; his pity. It impels him down blind alleys, insinuating that he will be returning to his duty, that by so doing he will go on walking in the right path, etc. This will clarify the profound saying of Jesus that: 'A man's worst enemies are those of his own household.'
Rena said:
I feel like I have had a blessed life when I was asleep, and all was right with the world. Now that I am waking up, my life has turned to crap. Is this the way it is with anyone else?

Hi Rena,
Yes that has been a common experience amongst many walking on this path - general law and all that. Also in present times, the stress on the lives of almost everyone seems to be increasing rapidly irrespective of whether they are trying to wake up or not. It is just the way things are on planet earth at present.

Are you familiar with the EE meditation program ? It is a great tool to destress and heal oneself.

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