This is just a suggestion but I think I know what is happening. I had a company in China for many years and got an opportunity to see the US government in action when they thought no one was looking.
The indirection and odd warning that you see may be coming from people trying to honestly warn you when the basis of what they are warning you about is a false construct or a kind of Potemkin terrorist reality.
What may look odd to you is actually quite common place for people living in countries ruled by totalitarian governments. An alert is issued. People hear it and don't know what has happened or will happen except the official story, but they know that something no one wants to talk about openly has happened or will happen.
Warnings have to be veiled in such a way that the writer cannot be arrested. The party line must be towed even in warnings. What they are saying is that it is dangerous to question the reality of what I am saying but be careful.
We need to get used to it.
For your consideration The book of 24 th chapter of Matthew offers a warning at the end of time.
"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." Matt. 24:42. Was this a warning to us today? We do we know when Bush and his cronies will strike but we must be ready.
The indirection and odd warning that you see may be coming from people trying to honestly warn you when the basis of what they are warning you about is a false construct or a kind of Potemkin terrorist reality.
What may look odd to you is actually quite common place for people living in countries ruled by totalitarian governments. An alert is issued. People hear it and don't know what has happened or will happen except the official story, but they know that something no one wants to talk about openly has happened or will happen.
Warnings have to be veiled in such a way that the writer cannot be arrested. The party line must be towed even in warnings. What they are saying is that it is dangerous to question the reality of what I am saying but be careful.
We need to get used to it.
For your consideration The book of 24 th chapter of Matthew offers a warning at the end of time.
"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." Matt. 24:42. Was this a warning to us today? We do we know when Bush and his cronies will strike but we must be ready.