What the Hell is going on?

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This is just a suggestion but I think I know what is happening. I had a company in China for many years and got an opportunity to see the US government in action when they thought no one was looking.

The indirection and odd warning that you see may be coming from people trying to honestly warn you when the basis of what they are warning you about is a false construct or a kind of Potemkin terrorist reality.

What may look odd to you is actually quite common place for people living in countries ruled by totalitarian governments. An alert is issued. People hear it and don't know what has happened or will happen except the official story, but they know that something no one wants to talk about openly has happened or will happen.

Warnings have to be veiled in such a way that the writer cannot be arrested. The party line must be towed even in warnings. What they are saying is that it is dangerous to question the reality of what I am saying but be careful.

We need to get used to it.

For your consideration The book of 24 th chapter of Matthew offers a warning at the end of time.

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." Matt. 24:42. Was this a warning to us today? We do we know when Bush and his cronies will strike but we must be ready.
avendui said:
We need to get used to it.
Why do we "need to get used to it"?

And what is the REAL cost if we do?

What, exactly, is being "saved" or preserved by "getting used to it"? What is being lost?

"Getting used to it" is an implication of going along with it in order to perceptually maintain an illusion that the personal status quo is not dwindling, at the expense of knowing how things can and should be, in real terms.

It is an exchange of freedom paid in interest to the bankers of fear.
Azur we have to get used to it in order to fight what is happening. The sooner we know how to move unseen the sooner wa can launch meaningful resistance.

We move unseen by recognizing patterns and allowing those patterns to camouflage.

The resistance is just beginning. Right now we are angry and believe that speaking out will change things. That is what we were taught in school. Our Constitution tells us that we have freedom of speach. But the world has moved on. The bankers of fear have won too many battles and scirmishes. Our rights are now abridged and efforts to win them back have largely been bread and circuses calculated to make us think something is happening. These segments of legal charade are artistically cut between snippets of Paris Hilton, NBA scandals and election mayhem du jour.

did you notice on the NBA scandal the number of law agencies that are hunting for evidence in the case? There are more agencies and man power being directed at illegal gambling in the NBA than hunted down Osama Bin Ladin in the entire time since 911! The CIA is even involved.

Our Constitution has been turned in the Prostitution by corporate America. I saw first hand what happens when law is breached. I saw it in China. Now I see it here. I truly fear that US businesses made backroom deals with TRIAD groups in China to make money. I more than fear it I know it. I saw it. They did it with the full blessing of the Clinton White House and Kissinger who sits on the international board of CNOOC. That means that business and our governmental bodies are blackmailable. I believe that is why we have been sold out.

I also believe that is we do not understand that the power behind the power is TRIAD gangs. We must learn to read the patterns of a new America. When we do we can resst more meaningfully. We will find new ways to band together and by so doing, bring back our beloved law.
avendui said:
Azur we have to get used to it in order to fight what is happening. The sooner we know how to move unseen the sooner wa can launch meaningful resistance.
What would you consider to be a 'meaningful resistance'?

avendui said:
We move unseen by recognizing patterns and allowing those patterns to camouflage.
I'm afraid I don't follow you.

avendui said:
The resistance is just beginning. Right now we are angry and believe that speaking out will change things.
Who is 'we'? What if all is exactly how it is supposed to be? What if the battle isn't outside of us but within and through us?

avendui said:
I also believe that is we do not understand that the power behind the power is TRIAD gangs. We must learn to read the patterns of a new America. When we do we can resst more meaningfully. We will find new ways to band together and by so doing, bring back our beloved law.
What 'beloved law' is this? The 'beloved law' that committed genocide on the Native Americans and gave voting rights to male white landholders? Which 'beloved law' are you talking about?
Aven, i don't get what you're trying to say.

The original piece mentions the feeling of 'moving through jello' or screaming for people standing infront of an oncoming train to get off the tracks... you suggest 'you know what's happening' and then you mention organized crime... Okay.

While organized crime does have a good bit to do with it, i suggest you read Andrew Lobaczewski's work, Political Ponerology, to get a handle on just how the psychology of the individuals involved works. He also gives a great explaination of how groups of normal people, esp business, governments, etc, become infected by this psychological illness and then suffer from symptoms thereof.

Without Conscience, by Robert Hare is another excellent discussion of psychopaths, and gives you an idea what these kind of people are capable of.

Snakes in Suits by Paul Babiak/Hare discusses what happens when these individuals infect and manipulate individuals in the corporate environment.

If you haven't heard of any of these books, or read at least one of them then i think it's highly unlikely for you to 'know what the problem is'. I also think Anart asked some poignant questions and you glazed over/ignored Azur's main points IE:

Azur said:
Why do we "need to get used to it"?

And what is the REAL cost if we do?
Avendui said:
Azur we have to get used to it in order to fight what is happening. The sooner we know how to move unseen the sooner wa can launch meaningful resistance.

We move unseen by recognizing patterns and allowing those patterns to camouflage.
From your discussion you seem to be justifying a lack of action based on your belief that there is nothing we can do now to alter the course of history. That belief is extremely flawed to say the least.

1. meaningful resistance is a resistance that works. This Resistance must bring us back to lawful government where every citizen has equal access to courts., freedom of speech that allows us to say what we believe without fear that by speaking we can end at Guantanmo, Resistance that frees us from criminal taxation that robs us of our hard earned money, freedom from fear that our businesses will fold because the industtry in our towns has moved off shore , free to call law enforcement unafraid that the cop is more crooked than the criminal who has victimized us. I could go on on on.

2. we move unseen by recognizing patterns and moving accordingly, this camouflages us when necessary. This is a Secret of the Triads. It is also a secret of covert ops. Find the patterns of behavoir common to any social group and move accordingly to remain invisible. Understand your enemy. Here we have 2 the powers that be and the American publics inertia.

It is the aim of our government now, to find our patterns, live among us and threaten to arrest anyone who speaks out. Opposition is hand picked to lull us into the belief that something is being done.

People see impotent peace movements and a Congress and Senate where everyone is busy, busy, busy, doing nothing, More americans see this charade than you think. But they say nothing because they fear the pattern of a coming crackdown. Each person who sees this, fears that they stands alone. A successful pattern of resistance has not yet formed. There are no Gandhis or Kings among us as yet and fear of assassination precludes anyone from wearing that mantle Untill the patterns of resistance form we are swatting at fleas.

In forming that resistance and patterns of resistance we must look to the successful patterns of other peoples.

In WW2 the most effective resistance occured from within the Nazi and occupied organs. Those who spoke out died in the first wave. In totalitarian governments like cold war Russia and Nazi Germany and China's interior today people listened to the news , they listened for warnings and knew how to read between the lines. We must kearn this in the face of every effort to label us conspiracy kooks.

BTW the Triads believe Americans are so stupid they cannot learn pattern recognition. They believe that no opium war is necessary because Americans are so smitten with comfort that they will be a pushover and that we will NEVER get our Constitution back. But I believe they are wrong. I believe that Americans are silent because the events are so foriegn to our belief paradigm, The American people see something strange and keep waiting for someone to validate what they are seeing. That is what this board is for, to recognize and document the patterns of our collective nightmare so that we can validate these strange patterns to evole a resitance.

Understand nthat government is working a psyops against people like the people on this board to keep them from validating the horror and thereby creating an effective resistance.

So we here on boards like SOTT must educate our people to see the patterns that we are seeing. Patriot act Voter fraud, 911, War, Jesus Camp etc. Educating the Americans will take time. We need to get used to that and recognize that we will lose many more rights until the American people start fighting en mass

3. The 'we' I spoke of are we Americans because I am an American but it applies to British, Scots and Irish as well as anyone who believed in just law.

You are correct- the battle right now IS in us and through us. Unfortunatly we live in a Democracy and are not a republic any more. In a Democracy the will of the majority rules and the majority can be manipulated . We are watching the manipulation of the majority each time we turn on the news. Our ability to address the issues is hampered by elected officials who are slaves to the will of the majority.

4. In resistance there can be only one beloved law the unalienable rights derived from natural law. As you point out "take care of yourself. This is the only thing that the Universe (God?) wants from you, I think." Arkadiusz Jadczyk

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

What govenment is built after this hideous time will depend on the people left alive.
avendui said:
1. meaningful resistance is a resistance that works. This Resistance must bring us back to lawful government where every citizen has equal access to courts., freedom of speech that allows us to say what we believe without fear that by speaking we can end at Guantanmo, Resistance that frees us from criminal taxation that robs us of our hard earned money, freedom from fear that our businesses will fold because the industtry in our towns has moved off shore , free to call law enforcement unafraid that the cop is more crooked than the criminal who has victimized us. I could go on on on.
You seem to be lacking a comprehensive understanding of history - not to mention the forces/psychologies/people behind the PTB. If a 'resistance that works' means restoring these things (and on and on) to this country, there is no such thing as a 'resistance that works' - please read Political Ponerology to get yourself up to speed on this.

avendui said:
2. we move unseen by recognizing patterns and moving accordingly, this camouflages us when necessary. This is a Secret of the Triads. It is also a secret of covert ops. Find the patterns of behavoir common to any social group and move accordingly to remain invisible. Understand your enemy. Here we have 2 the powers that be and the American publics inertia.
This sounds like some sort of militaristic, militia nonsense. Understand your enemy? Have you read Political Ponerology? If you truly want to 'understand your enemy' - read it.

You are only seeing one tiny part of the picture. The American public is hypnotized, lobotomized, drugged and so sound asleep that even those who think they see this charade, think it is limited to America, or their government - it goes much deeper than that. This resistance you are speaking of is sounding more and more like the perfect way to put more people in the direct line of fire of the control system - that is NOT what this forum is for.

av said:
That is what this board is for, to recognize and document the patterns of our collective nightmare so that we can validate these strange patterns to evole a resitance.
No, that is not what this particular 'board' is for - and it is certainly not for building a 'resistance' that will get people killed. Read the forum rules.

av said:
Understand nthat government is working a psyops against people like the people on this board to keep them from validating the horror and thereby creating an effective resistance.
The powers that be also work psyops against this forum and many others by sending in someone who tries to organize a 'resistance - a revolution' - a 'tar baby' that can get people killed. That is not what this forum is for. You are not grasping the bigger picture, here, avendui. This forum and it's associated web pages serve the purpose of approaching an objective understanding of reality - of waking people who choose to wake up - of working together to really understand what is going on so we clean our own machines and, then, be able to 'Do' something.

These pages are not for starting a resistance against this or any government - that is tilting at windmills and anyone who is so driven to do such a thing is very likely either woefully uninformed, or a cointelpro agent. Feel free to read this, to understand more - http://www.signs-of-the-times.org/articles/show/124490-How+to+Spot+COINTELPRO+Agents

Here's a tiny excerpt that might apply to this discussion:


1) Want to establish "leaders" to set them up for a fall in order to stop the movement. 2) Suggest doing foolish, illegal things to get the activists in trouble. 3) Encourage militancy. 4) Want to taunt the authorities. 5) Attempt to make the activist compromise their values. 6) Attempt to instigate violence. Activisim ought to always be non-violent. 7) Attempt to provoke revolt among people who are ill-prepared to deal with the reaction of the authorities to such violence.
I understand the frustration of seeing that something needs to change and not knowing what to do to change it, but getting oneself neutralized right from the get go by starting a 'resistance' isn't the brightest way to go about anything. First, people must get information that helps them understand why what is happening is happening - then they might be able to do something about it, effectively and without dying in the process. Read Ponerology.
I am not trying to get people killed. I am trying to keep them alive. I hardly think of myself as militaristic. In fact I mentioned Gandhi or King. But without a Gandhi or a Ml King and without access to meaningful lawful action there will become only one action possible-violence. Violence will come out of frustration and desperation. The Declaraiton of Independence was written by men frustrated at every turn. No legal avenue was left to them. I am certainly not encouraging or advocating violence but I am explaining that humanity is headed that way because every access to change has been cut off.

Have I advocated the overthrow of any government? I did not see that I did. If I did please point it out to me?

Thank you for the sites on Ponerology. You say "First, people must get information that helps them understand why what is happening is happening - then they might be able to do something about it, effectively and without dying in the process. Read Ponerology." This is exactly what I am saying except that I am also saying understand the patterns of evil to evolve a resistance. I speak of resistance not as an entity but as a recognized pattern of behavior that allows us to work within a paradigm of validity.

As for this


1) Want to establish "leaders" to set them up for a fall in order to stop the movement. 2) Suggest doing foolish, illegal things to get the activists in trouble. 3) Encourage militancy. 4) Want to taunt the authorities. 5) Attempt to make the activist compromise their values. 6) Attempt to instigate violence. Activism ought to always be non-violent. 7) Attempt to provoke revolt among people who are ill-prepared to deal with the reaction of the authorities to such violence.

1. I have NOT sought to establish leaders. The only leaders I mentioned were King and Gandhi. I said there were no leaders.
2. What foolish and illegal thing have I suggested to get activists in trouble? I have asked activists on the board to look for and document recognizable patterns of behavior to create a paradigm of successful resistance. To my knowledge this has never been done.
3. How did I encourage militancy? By quoting the Declaration of Independence? The Declaration of Independence was a last ditch effort to avoid war.
4. How did I taunt authority?
5. Compromised values? How? By saying get used to the evil that surrounds us? It is not going to go away until the American People move to make criminals in our government subject to our laws. I do not see this happening any time soon.
6. Where have I attempted to instigate violence? Is knowledge and understanding instigating violence?
7. Advocating meaningful resistance is not advocating bloody revolution.

When I said government of the future will be built by those who are left alive I was talking of the eternal war being foisted on humanity by he PTB, endless war that seems doomed to end in holocaust. That is if humanity survives the ecological disasters that we now face.

I will read the ponerology article. Believe me. I understand evil personally. I have seen Chinese prisons. I have never said that evil is limited to the American people. I told you I have seen at least one face of the PTB up close and personal. They are Chinese TRIADS. They are the puppet masters I fear most. When you say "The American public is hypnotized, lobotomized, drugged and so sound asleep that even those who think they see this charade, think it is limited to America, or their government - it goes much deeper than that" you say exactly what gang members have they have told me. They say that Americans are lazy and stupid. I say American do not see now because they have no experience with this deep evil. But they will come to see and understand. Americans will come to understand that the influence peddlers in Washington are no different than the princelings in Beijing.

If you want to know more about the Triad puppet-masters in North America check out this suppressed report from the RCMP- the sidewinder report


They are not just in Canada. Remember the rush to China to make a buck in the 90s? What was traded for those contracts?

I think we are a saying the same things. I am sorry you took offense

Thank yu for your reply I intend to read the books you mentined. Anart recommended Ponerology. It is the first time I had heard that word. I laughed when you mentioned Snakes in suits. Are you familiar with people called "snakeheads' the are traffickers from from Fujian province. I will pick that up In the mean time you may want to look up the sidewinder report.


This is the jello we are moving through. Organized crime networks. Because teh PTB are involved and people's livelyhood is predicated organized crime we can scream all we want and the people will still stand on the tracks in the face of an oncoming train.

You are calling it Ponerology. Organized crime certainly is evil. Orgaized crime at the highest level of government and monetary institutions is certainly pervasive evil. My husband worked for Goldman Sachs for many years. I think we can all agree that GS has some interesting and creepy connections.

I am not sure where you got this idea "From your discussion you seem to be justifying a lack of action based on your belief that there is nothing we can do now to alter the course of history. That belief is extremely flawed to say the least."

Why do you think there has been a lack of action? how could you know there is a lack of action since I have only just come to the board? Why would you think I believe that the course of history cannot be altered? I have spent the last 16 years working with victms of Chinese gangs and government crackdowns. If I did not believe that there was an ability to alter history I would not have bothered.

But I thank you for your thoughtful reply and plan to read your book suggestions
avendui said:
Azur we have to get used to it in order to fight what is happening. The sooner we know how to move unseen the sooner wa can launch meaningful resistance.
To "fight" what is happening can be understood in many ways. It is wholly dependent on your perception of what fighting means to you, when you say this.

And then there's "resistance". Ever hear the aphorism "What you resist, persists"? Is this your goal?

Although co-opted by the New Agers, there's a kernel of truth there you should explore, on more than one level, in order to understand it.

What may or may not have escaped your attention, is that understanding HOW things are, and how they came to be, provides more solutions to the perceived problem than first, or secondarily, ad infinitum, meets the eye.

Is your motivation to mount a "resistance" based solely in fear?

Again, I ask you: what is it that you are trying to "save"? If your resistance is successful, let's say, what is it that you will have afterwards? What is it you seek to secure that you think is being threatened?

I may be reaching here, but I sense that you really didn't understand, or delve deep enough, into the implications of what Anart said, when she made this statement:

anart said:
What if all is exactly how it is supposed to be? What if the battle isn't outside of us but within and through us?
When you said:

avendui said:
2. What foolish and illegal thing have I suggested to get activists in trouble? I have asked activists on the board to look for and document recognizable patterns of behavior to create a paradigm of successful resistance. To my knowledge this has never been done.
You made an assumption about the nature of the activism, if it can be called that, of members here.

Do you recognize this stratagem?

Lure The Tiger Out Of The Mountain

For the Work being done here by members, the mountain is understood to be fear and emotional automatic reactionism, amongst other things. The Tiger's territory, the mountain, is the main means of creating the illusion of dominance over his self-tithed domain.

Every strategy employed here is designed to first make it known that there is a mountain, and second, to understand, to know, to REALLY realize that it is unsubstantial, that in effect, the mountain can be moved at will.

Understand what drives you to say what you are saying.

avendui said:
Why do you think there has been a lack of action? how could you know there is a lack of action since I have only just come to the board? Why would you think I believe that the course of history cannot be altered? I have spent the last 16 years working with victms of Chinese gangs and government crackdowns. If I did not believe that there was an ability to alter history I would not have bothered.
First and foremost understand the nature of the real problem. As has been advised to you read Ponerology and you will begin to understand how groups who “want to serve the good� are eventually infiltrated and end up serving the nefarious purposes of psychopathic deviants. In the end the group becomes ‘ponerized’ and wind up 'serving the devil.' All the while they continue thinking that they are serving the highest good.

The end result is violent revolution or 'creative destruction' which only gives more power to the puppet masters who hide behind the scenes and inspire others to kill in the “name of the good. One example of this 'Holy War' that led to more violence and 'creative destruction' is the raid on Harpers Ferry by John Brown that led directly, or indirectly, to divisions between the North and the South that later developed into the.American Civil War. Fears of Brown’s 'slave rebellion' and other rebellions like his eventually reorganized the decrepit militia system of the South into the Confederate army.


The destruction of slavery in the United States was the driving ambition of abolitionist John Brown. He came to believe that it would take bloodshed to root out the evil of slavery, and by the mid-1850s he dedicated himself to an all-out war for slave liberation. On October 16, 1859, he and his "army" of some 20 men seized the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia). By the morning of October 18, marines under the command of Bvt. Col. Robert E. Lee, stormed the building and captured Brown and the survivors of his party. The operation that Brown envisioned as the first blow in a war against slavery was over in 36 hours.

The fears inspired by the raid on Harpers Ferry exceeded and outlasted its actual threat. For thousands of southerners, it was evidence of a vast conspiracy of northern abolitionists whose object was to incite violence and destroy the southern way of life. John Brown's raid exacerbated a deepening sectional crisis between north and south and brought the nation one step closer to civil war. John Brown was hanged for treason on December 2, 1859.
Ponerology gets to the root of the problem.

The infiltration of social group begins with what Lobaczewski calls spellbinders that set the stage for the infiltration of the real psychopaths.
Thanx this is very helpful I had forgotten that the way that can be spoken is not the only way. The words you speak are golden-14K!

Have a nice day all of you and thanx again

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