What to do when war will start ?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I have just watched "Der.Untergang", and I have this strength felling that it will happened again... war..
What STO candidate who is good person, have conscience what this person should do ?
Hi Lucas

I'm not sure I can answer your question. But a good place to start looking would perhaps be examples of people with conscience who have spoken or acted to help others in past wars...and what happened to them.
Studying history is an excellent way to learn what works and what mistakes should not be repeated. fwiw
Lucas said:
I have just watched "Der.Untergang", and I have this strength felling that it will happened again... war..
What STO candidate who is good person, have conscience what this person should do ?

Lucas, have you read the book Defying Hitler by Sebastian Hefner? (I believe it is on the recommended books list)

There's a lot of good insight in that book on how a person of conscience might view the situation leading up to pathocracy and war and how they might act. Sadly, though, after reading the book, I realized that there really isn't a whole lot a person can do on their own. 'Defying', in the context of that book, meant laying low and rebelling in subtle ways, as well as being ready to 'get the heck out of dodge' before the walls of society start to cave in. I got the impression that one living in such an environment should try to form as few material attachments as possible and be ready to move or immigrate on a moment's notice. Every person and situation is different though.
Hi Lucas,
It is very difficult to know in advance what to do. A war situation is very chaotic. It comes fast and its effects remain for ever.
The biggest difficulty during a war situation IMHO is to preserve its own will and its own inner world. There is a strong hypnotic component that comes not only from the elite to the vast majority of people, but from the whole population around you. And there are those rationalisations who can undermine your will.
When the war comes the whole population jumps into another realm, and you will not recongnize people you used to know, even among you own family. You will have doubts about your own sanity, because you feel different from the majority, and the temptation (alongside with the colelctive hypnosis, proppaganda, rationalizations...) can be very strong. If you fail to preserve your personality you become like the others, a killing zombie. If you preserve your inner world you will suffer, but you'll be real, having the true victory.
sorry for asking on an asked question but when will come a world revolution ,that can occur in the near future ,what or how we must act ?
Andrian said:
sorry for asking on an asked question but when will come a world revolution ,that can occur in the near future ,what or how we must act ?

Yes it worried me too ; ] be strong.. and good.. no matter what happens
Andrian said:
sorry for asking on an asked question but when will come a world revolution ,that can occur in the near future ,what or how we must act ?

There is a saying that worrying [about future events] is like paying interest on a debt that may never come due. ;) But, as has been said, there is a lot you can learn from history and from others' experiences. In other words: read, think, network, and learn!

In order to be able to act (DO) one has to master themselves first, and be able to BE. There are no rules you can learn by heart and follow them in time of a war or another crisis. There is always a lot of mass hypnosis/hysteria going on on such occasions. You need to be able to recognize your emotions and keep them on a tight leash. You also need to be a master of your body, since the body is a tool and transmitter for your decisions to come into life.

That's becoming kind of cliché already, repeated again and again, but you've been given two excellent tools to master your emotions and bodies, the first being EE and the second the recommended diet. Are you giving all of yourselves in these areas? Can you improve any of those? Then do it, don't let your imagination distract you and take you over; do what is in front of you, right before your nose. Learn how to discipline your mind. Whatever will happen, will happen, but this way you will be much better prepared for that.

In any case, that's how I deal with this kind of worries myself, fwiw.
i do practice EE , but sincerely not regularly i am working on it ,i am not doing any diets yet but i will fix that soon i hope, i am a slow student :-[ but i don't give up and will continue the work,thanks for writing.

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