Hi Lucas,
It is very difficult to know in advance what to do. A war situation is very chaotic. It comes fast and its effects remain for ever.
The biggest difficulty during a war situation IMHO is to preserve its own will and its own inner world. There is a strong hypnotic component that comes not only from the elite to the vast majority of people, but from the whole population around you. And there are those rationalisations who can undermine your will.
When the war comes the whole population jumps into another realm, and you will not recongnize people you used to know, even among you own family. You will have doubts about your own sanity, because you feel different from the majority, and the temptation (alongside with the colelctive hypnosis, proppaganda, rationalizations...) can be very strong. If you fail to preserve your personality you become like the others, a killing zombie. If you preserve your inner world you will suffer, but you'll be real, having the true victory.