Whatever this thing is...it is weird

Our twin sun? If it is we should all see it- if one resides in North America. According to the two YouTube vids, it has been photographed 3 times. NY/NC and Alabama. Last one-looking WSW at 3PM. What would a brown dwarf look like at the edge of our solar system? Unknown. And if it is not that, then what? One mother of a mothership? Amazing photoshop conspiracy? Here are the two videos


When we talk about our binary solar system (which it indeed most likely is), then it is not very likely that the second sun can ever be seen with the naked eye form earth. And if it indeed is a dark star (which the data so far suggests) then it is very hard to detect with the eye even with big professional telescopes.

More on that can be read in Pierre Lescaudrons new book "Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection: The Secret History of the World - Book 3":


So whatever it is, that we can see in the videos, it is not our twin star.
Yes, the phenomena being a twin sun was unlikely and the first line implied that. A Brown dwarf sun should only be visible in the infrared range. But, there may have been an energetic anomaly, just like the one that the C's stated caused an airliner to disappear into another dimension that caused a temporary appearance of a twin sun. Very low probability. Another thought crossed my mind that it may be a holographic projection. Maybe part of the test of equipment for the "faked alien invasion".

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