Whats happening in the middle east?


Jedi Master
The problem with becoming aware (in the constant process of it) i find, is that my mind goes crazy at any new event.
Rather than taking the news for what it is, (which is what i would of done 5 years ago) i now end up having 20-30 different feelings as to what is happening in any one situation.
And in the end, i end up discarding all of them, because one thing always contradicts another.

Can someone give me their interpretation as to what is happening in the middle east?
Is it 'just' another up-rising created from the inside to remove a government, so certain powerful people from the outside can gain more control?

Or is this a case of people living in poverty and coming together to fight for their cause? Am i over-thinking it?

Any input would be appreciated, because im as confused as a very confused person.

Maybe a bit of both of your hypotheses? The thing that I think of when looking at that situation is that throughout history there have been specific periods of time when people "revolted" against abusive leaders. The strange thing is that for centuries the antecedents of the same 'revolters' did nothing even though they experienced the same abuse. So I sometimes think that certain cosmic forces (solar radiation etc) act on people to provoke something in them and they react, but sadly it is largely just reactionary with little understanding of the true nature of the forces against which they fight. In the end, nothing changes.
ISOTM said:
What is war? It is the result of planetary influences. Somewhere up there two or three planets have approached too near to each other; tension results. Have you noticed how, if a man passes quite close to you on a narrow pavement, you become all tense? The same tension takes place between planets. For them it lasts, perhaps, a second or two. But here, on the earth, people begin to slaughter one another, and they go on slaughtering maybe for several years. It seems to them at the time that they hate one another; or perhaps that they have to slaughter each other for some exalted purpose; or that they must defend somebody or something and that it is a very noble thing to do; or something else of the same kind. They fail to realize to what an extent they are mere pawns in the game. They think they signify something; they think they can move about as they like; they think they can decide to do this or that. But in reality all their movements, all their actions, are the result of planetary influences. And they themselves signify literally nothing. Then the moon plays a big part in this. But we will speak about the moon separately. Only it must be understood that neither Emperor Wilhelm, nor generals, nor ministers, nor parliaments, signify anything or can do anything. Everything that happens on a big scale is governed from outside, and governed either by accidental combinations of influences or by general cosmic laws."

Ask yourself what are these people fighting for and go on to look at the results of victory. Let us take Egypt for example, they fought to get rid of mubarak. They suceeded but now the army is in power and most of the personnel under mubarek are still in power. So what is it they suceeded in doing? They got rid of mubarek but things are pretty much how they have always been, or am I mistaken? Maybe change takes time! Now look at all the other countries in revolution. They revolt but somehow dont suceed in changing the underlying system, just personnel.

It does seem that there are things happening up there, out the reach of human beings that are having an effect on us humanbeings but what that thing is, is as of yet unknown, atleast by me. Maybe the wave?? In all this revolting, the PTB are bound to make there own moves. See, the beauty of the whole thing is the PTB dont exactly have 'Power' if I take what is written in ISOTM as a given.

What do I mean?

Well G. says, things just happen. So it appears the power that 'they' have and the 'influence' that they think they have is paper thin. So they can go in there and try and change things, try and manipulate the situation but they are doing exactly what they should do, because they have no 'power' to do anything else other than what is in there nature. To me, it appears a cruel joke is about to be unfolded upon there heads, in that from a 'supposedly' strong position, they are about to find themselves in a whole lot of cosmic thunderstorm aimed directly at them. I dont know if you can 'out-spin' the universe into making it think you are the good guy when infact you are the bad guy. They need one hell of a PR department for that. So in short, I think alot of things are going on in the middle east right now but I think ultimately, it really doesnt matter, because I think the universe has just had enough... I am starting to think, in mouravieff's terms, that we are in for baptism by fire, rather than the whole holy spirit thing. It is even becoming abit worrying about the well-being of our planet and our species, not to mention our souls, in that, we are failing miserably and if current trends continue, we might become nothing more than a distant memory. I am crossing my fingers for the much talked about non-linear effects to start kicking in.

I was thinking that the 'libya' situation is being used, to 'dissipate' these excess energy:

ISOTM said:
This was all I heard. Only much later I understood what he wished to tell me—that is, how accidental influences could be diverted or transformed into something relatively harmless. It was really an interesting idea referring to the esoteric meaning of "sacrifices."

Civil war over there could release the tension in the neighbouring regions because the people in the neighbouring regions will be appeased atleast for awhile since, war in itself is an ugly business especially when you are going up against psychopaths so, they will settle for reforms instead of a full change of the status quo which might seem like to much of a 'pricey' thing to aim for as is being discovered in libya. However, this depends on the 'ferocity' of whatever it is 'up there' that is causing all this changes. OSIT.

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