When all you have is rights,

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When all you have is rights,
all others can only be wrong.

When all you have is rights,
you find everything others do incomprehensible.

When all you have is rights,
you can no longer be conscious
of your own actions and thoughts.

When all you have is rights,
others must succumb
to your rights,
to your rights and wrongs.

I want to use the example of driving to underline negative emotions(neg emo) and internal consideration(int cons).

With Internal consideration you give yourself rights, you set yours own rules and expect others to think the same. When acting internally considerate you are choosing automatic action instead of conscious action.

Let's explore this.
Your driving and someone cuts you off. Negative emotions immediately flood you.
Your thinking to yourself: I have respected the rules, I was driving responsibly and was paying attention -he cut me off like that - I am right to be nervous, this neg emo that I'm having are justified.
You do not find any wrong doing in your actions, and after a while you know that this neg emo are not good for you. So you try and stop them, you stop yourself from having then - in other words you are putting them under the rag.
This reaction is based on internal consideration and the neg emo you're having are controlling you whatever you are denying them or not.

Why is that?
Because all, from the beginning, is done with the wrong mind preset. It is all a big int cons -in other words is all about YOU and whatever you try to change and do good is set to fail.

Others may think that transforming this neg emo into positive emo is the way to go. This is true, however when done on the base of int cons, only illusionary transformation can take place.

Why illusionary?
Because with this kind neg emo you have no control over them.
It is probably why they come in the first place, because you have no control over the situation.
When you do get control over them, one is most surely on the wrong highway.

I want to clarify that neg emo resulting from internal consideration and VERY different from the ones that result when ext cons and have quite a different taste and feeling to them.

Back to driving.
So you are at the wheel or maybe just a pedestrian, it doesn't matter - you may not believe that others have the right to drive irresponsibly but they do,
you may not think they have a right to cut you off or pose danger to other drivers but it is their choice and that is part of their lesson.
I'm not suggesting this people should be allowed to do it, here I only want to underline that you the driver, if you are mad on such people, you are then mad because they do not do it as you do it and so you are automatically int cons.

So back to rights. When all you have is rights, the actions of others become incomprehensible and their free will becomes something to be changed based on personal beliefs.

There is a fine line, for those of us that don't understand this matters enough, between preserving the free will of others (even if their actions are not acceptable by you) and acting in favor of our destiny.

So next time you drive, drive differently.
Many want to pass in front of you, others are flaming behind you - there is no point in forcing their hand and resisting them just because you too have a right to be there. Just allow them to do that that witch they will do anyways. Try and see why they do it, how and when. Don't stay in the middle of it -you will flame too - just let them be and observe.

I arrived at what I wanted to point out - if you do this in this way, you will immediately see a big difference.
The most important one being your neg emo. They no longer fuel you with anger the way the other sort of neg emotions based on int cons do - they are a lot kinder and the moment you are having them, there is immediately a possibility of transforming them into positive emo - unlike the other kind. OSIT

I tried to better understand Laura and the C's when they suggest learning to not allow neg emo to control us and act under their influences. Neg emo can also BE fuel -still I think the fuel needed from them is only needed at the beginning only; they are not to be allowed through out the hole journey in the work with our-selfs.
I think they could be really dangerous.

Both neg and pos emo are needed.
But, ther are two kinds of neg emo I think: one based on int cons and the other based on ext cons.

I think that neg emo based on int cons should not be part of our-selfs if we want to grow.

I stand corrected in everything I said. I didn't know how to put it, so it sounds like a letter to be corrected.
This is not intended to offend or teach anything (I know, it sounds as it would). This is along my current understanding and this is what is worth. ;)

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