White Giants and Raging Bulls


Hello everyone, just wanted to share a very vivid nightmare I had the other day.....
It goes like this

I am in this bedroom. I am getting ready for a trip/journey. My husband is standing next to me drawing water out of some kind of water unit and with it comes out all these goldfish. I find this curious and see that he puts them in a big aquarium but there is too much water in the tank and so out jump the fish. I try to save them but many die.
I hear voices coming from outside so I go into the corridor to see what is going on. I see an enormous black bull come raging towards me. I feel my stomach turn. I have nowhere to run but I try to flee anyway. He takes me and twists his head and neck around me. I feel a deep surge of fear. I try to put up some sort of a energy wall between us but he feels it right away and tightens his grip, looks at me and nips me in the neck. I wake up. . . .

I'm in that room again. I look around frightened thinking of that awful creature. I could still touch his coat. I get out of the bed. I hear voices in the corridor, I go to see what the commotion is about. I reach the end of the corridor where there is a front door/entrance and standing by it is a small group of people. I see a huge buck running towards me. There is a metal gate between us and he starts ramming it furiously. I know he's going to get through so I start running with these people. We run out into the night into this field surrounded by small hills. I fill up with utter horror when i see the scene...The bulls are there running around mad and are being chased and hunted by these strange White Giants that are not from this world. They are hunting them with spears, it's a game to them. The bulls are goaded with anger and kill anyone in reach. I look to the left and see that on the hilltop there are cars with people in them watching us.
I feel the world has turned into an inferno and I feel a great mixture of sadness and fear.
I know I might not make it but I run out to the field anyway into the madness.

And that's when I finally REALLY wake up!! whooaa what a dream. It felt so real, I have to say I layed in my bed for quite a while before getting up for a very early breakfast. This dream has remained with me for a few days and I can still feel that bull ;) so I thought I would share it.

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