who is Michio Kaku ?


Jedi Master
I discovered this video a couple of years ago and I found it disturbing.


Mishio Kaku


The guys basically describes the terrorists as those who oppose the globalisation process. According to him, the Hollywood machine is useful to create one mindset fit to have a new civilisation which he called type one civilisation...

has anyone got a clue about that person? should he be considered a cointelpro?
sankara, here's a short discussion under the cointelpro section of the forums: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=12159.0

if you do a search of the forums for "michio kaku", you'll find more info, perhaps that can start you on your research...
Ok, so I read the discution on the forum. I write the following in that section.
I said that when I fist heard about this Kaku I had been annoyed by what I heard. After that, I had been unable to ask you about what to think about that guy's assertions, because the discovering of that video had been fortuitous and I hadn't check for the guy's name. I must admit that it had taken me a long time to accept the UFO thing, and at the time of my first encounter with Kaku's claims, I just did think the UFO phenomenon was just a way for the PTB to distract the people from real issues on that planet and the imperial policy.

Thanks to the Sott Team, Jean Pierre Petit, I finally had to change my point of view and so, since two years I have been trying to get informations to make sense out of it. Yesterday afternoon I took some time to listen to an exopolitik 2009 conference of a personn called Dean.


This person briefly mentioned Kaku relating to his civilisation classification and I just jumped on it, made a search and found back that guy's video which had scared me like no Bush or sarkosy speeches had ever.
While trying to make sense out of it yesterday, I didn't feel that uncomfort I had at the first time and this is what I understand if I connect what Dean had said.

So the real power on this planet, who is private and only uses gouvernments to enforce their will, knows well that:
. The UFOs are real
. They know ET's live in our solar system, have bases on Moon, Mars...and have been observing us ever since they engineered us.

The PTB has had the opportunity to study ET technology after some UFO crashed on earth. According to Jean Pierre Petit (I don't give the link because it is in french), the overclass is already flying around in the solar system and it gets kind of crowed in there since humans are NOW in position to mine the space like the different ETs do.

The quantum jump has already been accomplished and the earth has reached at the level one of the Kaku's system. But the problem is that most of the humans are still living ignorant about it and still live in a 0 civilisation and worst of all, most of them just don't want our planet to accept that very fact. All of Hollywood and mass media production is designed to create a new world civilisation which is a prerequisite to start our way to type 2 civilisation. All the atavisms must be erased.

The war on terrorism is in fact, in that light, a war against all the forces who would be against the implementation of that world civilisation, ruled by it's illuminated one. All the game is staged so that, at some point, the survivors would be ready to be a type one civilised cosmic people.

So war on terrorism is waged against those who refuse to evolve...

That means that the PTB is well intentioned and only want to take us a step further in evolution. because we are still attached to our earthly customs, morals etc we are unable to accept and live in that new cosmic environment that them, as enlighted type one rulers can exploite in the best interest of...
I find it sick...Dean backed his point of view.
A cover up to accept an alien invasion?

this a link to madame Kucinich worrying...

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