Who Is Richard Warman?


FOTCM Member
A reader recently wrote to me about some guy named Richard Warman - who I had never heard of - and I was sufficiently intrigued to do a little web search.

Well! Apparently, a lot is going on out there that involves this guy and I just can't quite figure out who's on first.

Hopefully, some of ya'll can follow some of these threads and unravel this one:

David Icke spends much energy dissing this guy. I have known this for some time and felt this was a distraction. David never mentions the role Psychopathy has to play.
Richard Warman, an agent of International Jewry was himself behind manipulating the Kanadian government into inacting “hate speech” laws that have since been used in Kanada to completely shut down political dissent, especially when any Jews are involved. Kanadian’s are pretty much able to say and/or write anything they like as long as it’s approved by world Jewry.
source: http://www.davidduke.com/general/richard-warman-gets-busted-manufacturing-evidence-for-the-profitable-kanadian-anti-racism-industry_3499.html

Richard Warman and the Human Rights Commission's Homeopathy Of Hate

By now, everyone knows that our Human Rights Commissions are slot machines that run on tears. Bringing Canada and Canadians into growing international disrepute, these illiberal Commissions are nothing more than a way to rob one's enemies under colour of law and at no personal cost or risk.

But, by the ingenious Orwellian principle of their name, they can still arouse a certain sympathy among people who know nothing of their operation or their sleazy beneficiaries. That is changing as people start to pay attention to these illegitimate institutions, and start feeling towards them that unfamiliar, un-Canadian, illegal tingling sensation of hate.

Richard Warman, Human Rights Hatefinder General and former CHRC goon, is notorious for using these commissions in the same way other people use game shows. It turns out that he, and the CHRC, fight hate in the same way their Leftist compatriots have always "fought poverty" -- by adding to it, encouraging it, and using its continuing existence as a reason not to find a real job.

After all, if the bogeyman is truly defeated, or doesn't even exist in the first place, who's going to give an activi$t a pen$ion for fighting against him? Who among the economically illiterate will laud the Otherwise-Unemployable-Canadian taxspender community for making the world a better place, if it's already a pretty good place? It needs to be made worse. Vacations and second homes are at risk.

So when you go to work tomorrow morning and in days to come, always remember that you are giving half of that time to pay the likes of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and their then-employee Richard Warman to allegedly go on the internet and post that "Not only is Canadian Senator Anne Cools is a Negro, she is also an immigrant! And she is also one helluva preachy c*nt... women n****r imports"

Is Richard Warman a racist bigot, or was he "just following orders" issued by his masters at the Canadian Human Rights Commission when he posted the headlined message above on a Freedomsite forum on September 5, 2003? Whatever the answer, the same CHRC that has ruled Bible verses to be hate speech doesn't seem to consider these words to be a problem.

Now let's really get Canadian, and have Robert Pickton consult for an Anti-Cannibalism Task Force. I bet we can bring incidents of cannibalism down from two or three a year into the low hundreds. Activist jobs all around! Mark Steyn:

Mr Warman posted these words on a website and then used them as part of his complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission. That is Scandal #1.

Furthermore, when the defendant then made plain that he wished to subpoena the records of the ISP to uncover the author of the above post, the Canadian Human Rights Commission mysteriously dropped it from the case. This suggests an explicit collusion between the CHRC investigators and their former colleague, Mr Warman. That is Scandal #2.

For posting these words on the website and then taking said website to the Human Rights Commission, Mr Warman has been substantially enriched by the Canadian state. That is Scandal #3.

Section XIII is misbegotten in theory and a shakedown racket in practice. It's time to end it.
source: http://thelondonfog.blogspot.com/2008/01/richard-warman-and-human-rights.html

Whom the
CHRC attacks?

Active and Past cases: 46
Cases the tribunal ruled on: 37
Total complaints received by CHRC: 100

• No respondent has ever won a section 13 (Internet censorship) case before the tribunal.
• 100% of cases have Whites as respondents
• 98% of cases have poor or working class respondents
• 90.7% of respondents are not represented by lawyers
• So far, $93,000 has been awarded in fines and special compensation since 2003.
• 35 respondents have lifetime speech bans (Cease and Desist) orders and if not followed the victims could face up to 5 years in prison.
• 72.4% of complaints specifically identify "Jews" as victims.
• 48.8% of all cases are by Richard Warman
source: http://richardwarmanhatesfreedom.blogspot.com
Wow. This guy sounds like a one man crusade against Free Speech.
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