Why Being a Psychopath Is The Secret to Success


Dagobah Resident
"They", are at it again. I was getting seriously annoyed just a few paragraphs in. A return from "everyone's" self-confessed psychopath to boot.


Why being a psychopath is the secret of success: New book by SAS hero Andy McNab reveals why having their character traits is vital to winning life's battles
PUBLISHED: 01:58, 6 May 2014 | UPDATED: 01:58, 6 May 2014

Hello. My name is Andy McNab and I’m a psychopath. That statement comes as a bit of a shock when you first hear it, doesn’t it?

Finding out that I could be classified in this way was certainly a surprise to me but it turns out that I’m what they call a ‘good psychopath’ and it’s certainly done me no harm in life. In fact, I believe it’s the reason I’ve been so successful.

I’ve certainly come a long way since I was a kid. Abandoned on the steps of Guy’s Hospital in a Harrods bag as a newborn baby, I was adopted and brought up on a tough housing estate in South-West London. I’ve faced a lot of challenges, but one has always been pretty much like another to me.

If you’ve read my books, you’ll already know that I was in the British Army for 18 years. Eight as an infantryman and ten in the Special Air Service.

My first book, Bravo Two Zero, was the story of my time as part of an eight-man Special Forces operation behind enemy lines in Iraq during the first Gulf War. For that, I was decorated for bravery along with three other soldiers from the Bravo Two Zero patrol. In fact, our mission became the most highly-decorated action since the Boer War battle of Rorke’s Drift in 1879.

I’ve since written more non-fiction, thrillers and film scripts, and produced films. I’m also involved in business both in the UK and the U.S., particularly start-up ventures. I’ve gone from enemy lines to movie lines and from battle plans to business plans and I’ve never given a single thought to the possibility of messing up.

And I have always been up for stuff, whether it’s being number one through the door on a hostage rescue; going undercover in Derry with a South London accent; or, these days, talking to the board members of a company that’s going bankrupt because they don’t know their backsides from their elbows. Whatever the situation, I’ve always thought, ‘I’ll get away with it’ and I always have.

This is just one quality of the ‘good psychopath’ and I’m telling you all this because, with the help of my psychologist friend Dr Kevin Dutton, I want to show you how to make the most of your own inner psychopath. Don’t panic. We’re not trying to turn you into Hannibal Lecter, just to identify some simple psychopathic strategies for getting the most out of life.

DR KEVIN DUTTON SAYS: Whenever most of us hear the word ‘psychopath’, images of infamous serial killers flash across our minds. But psychologists use the term to refer to a much wider group of individuals who have a distinct cluster of personality traits.

As you might expect, reduced empathy for others and lack of conscience are among them. But they also include ruthlessness, fearlessness, impulsivity, self-confidence, focus and coolness under pressure.
Imagine each of these as a dial on one of those recording studio mixing desks. No one characteristic is necessarily ‘bad’ in itself. It’s the particular combination of levels at which they are twiddled up or down that matters.

Bad psychopaths cannot regulate their behaviour in this way. There are many possible explanations for this, including the start they get in life and what else they’ve got going on in their personalities. But the end result is that their dials are set at dangerously high levels and either stuck fast, or very difficult to turn.

In good psychopaths, those able to adjust the settings according to different social contexts, the same traits can actually be very constructive and there are various jobs and professions which, by their very nature, demand that some of these mixing-desk dials are cranked up a little higher than normal.

For example, there’s no point having the visionary thinking and instinctive feel for the market necessary to be a top businessman if you lack the ruthlessness to fire people who aren’t pulling their weight, or the nerve to take a calculated risk when appropriate. One of the world’s leading hedge fund managers told me he produced his best returns when the markets were chaotic and panic was rife.

‘I find that environment relaxing,’ he said. ‘Take 2008, when the market was down 20 to 30 per cent. I was up 20 per cent. When markets are calm and steady, my returns are not materially different to the average. I have no advantage in that environment.’

A certain level of psychopathy is also required to be a great surgeon because you must disassociate yourself emotionally from your patients.

‘I have no compassion for those whom I operate on,’ one leading neurosurgeon told me. ‘That is a luxury I simply cannot afford. In the theatre I am reborn: as a cold, heartless machine, totally at one with scalpel, drill and saw. Emotion is seriously bad for business. I’ve hunted it down to extinction over the years.’

Soldiering is another profession in which it seems reasonable to expect some unusual settings of the dials and in 2010 I got a chance to do a radio interview with Andy, the UK’s most famous trained killer.
Some time later, he agreed to be subjected to one of the gold standard tests for psychopathy, which involves measuring subjects’ brain activity as they are bombarded with nauseating images of road accidents, torture and death.

In most of the population, these images have the grey matter firing like the brain’s answer to Guy Fawkes’ night. But Andy’s graphs were as flat as a pancake. The explanation lies in a little peanut-sized structure within the brain called the amygdala.
Ancient and steeped in evolutionary tradition, it regulates those emotions that are chiefly related to survival, including fear, anger and pleasure, and it’s where the big instant decisions, such as fight or flight, are made.
In psychopaths, like Andy, a section of the amygdala, the part that corresponds to fear, is underdeveloped and, when I explained this to him, many things about his life slotted into place.
‘Even as a kid, I never thought of anything as dangerous,’ he told me. ‘I thought of it as fun, like going through the levels on a video game.

‘In fights, I felt detached, like I was watching myself in slow motion and thinking clearly about what needed to be done and how I was doing to do it. There was no fear, no emotional connection to what was happening.’
While you might not identify with those feelings, there is evidence that psychopathy — like height and weight — lies on a spectrum. Sure, at the sharp end you may well find your serial killers and axe-murderers. But all of us have our place at some point along the continuum.

You can get a general indication of where your psychopathy dial is set by taking the test on the facing page. And remember, there is no objectively ‘correct’ setting at which your mixing-desk levels should be set.
That will always depend on the particular circumstances you find yourself in, and with our help you can fine-tune your individual dials to ensure you get what you want out of life, starting with the first and most important principle of being a good psychopath:

There are many ways to avoid success in life, but few beat procrastination. With the advent of modern technological distractions — Xboxes, Facebook, Twitter and the like — it’s steadily on the increase.
In the late 1970s, roughly five per cent of the population thought of themselves as chronic procrastinators, whereas today that figure hovers around 25 per cent.

Procrastination costs billions of pounds a year in lost profits, decreases personal effectiveness and destroys teamwork by shifting your responsibility on to others, who become resentful. It also has a negative effect on health, with studies suggesting that students who are chronic procrastinators have weaker immune systems and report more cold and flu-like symptoms than those who aren’t.
But there is one group of people who never put things off. Psychopaths.

This is down to their under-strength amygdalae. As I’ve explained, the amygdala is involved in many of our emotions and motivations. And it’s this hedonistic, spur-of-the moment part of our neuro-anatomy which sees us dreaming instead of doing, and turning on the telly instead of filing that report.
To over-ride your own amygdala, try these practical steps:

1. Visualisation.

Research shows that when we imagine doing something — playing tennis, for instance — the same areas light up in the sensorimotor region of our brain as if we were doing it for real. So close your eyes and visualise yourself doing what you want to do. Picture yourself carrying out the task, and executing it successfully — avoiding interruptions and focusing on the job at hand.
This is one of the methods used by members of the SAS’s Counter-Revolutionary Warfare team when training for hostage rescue scenarios in the Killing House, a building at the SAS barracks in Hereford used as a mock-up for terrorist situations. ‘Before storming the Killing House, we would go through in our heads the precise drill for engaging the enemy and getting the hostages to safety,’ says Andy.
‘Lobbing in a flash-bang, a stun grenade . . . quick scan of the room . . . short burst — tap-tap — of machine-gun fire if necessary . . . room clear, move on.’

2. Focus on the future
Their dictatorial amygdalae cause procrastinators to fold in the face of immediate challenges, opting for short-term pleasure over long-term gain. So next time you find yourself putting off something important, stick your feet up in a quiet corner, and ask yourself this: Is how bad I’m going to feel when I have to rush this task under pressure going to be anything like how great I’ll feel when I’ve got it under my belt in good time?

3. Downsize your time.
Procrastinators wait for large, unbroken, marble-smooth slabs of time upon which to get started instead of rolling their sleeves up and making do with more temporary, makeshift, rough-and-ready surfaces.
That’s very different to Andy, who once told me that he hammered out large chunks of his books not in some big comfy armchair at home or some sun-dappled villa on the Algarve, but in train carriages and in the food courts of motorway service stations.
‘I spend a lot of time on the move,’ he said, ‘and you just have to work when you can.’
Recently, much of that work has gone into collaborating with me on our no-nonsense guide to being a good psychopath.
Over the course of this series, we will show you how to use psychopathic principles to get served first in a busy bar, win over that girl or guy or your dreams, and get the promotion you deserve.
You will also learn, among other things, why talking to telephone cold-callers can be to your advantage, get tips on effective dressing from Barack Obama and discover why taking a cold shower might help you get a raise.
But of course none of this will be of any use if you don’t get on and do it and, on that subject, I’ll leave the last word to Andy.
‘We used to have a saying in the Regiment,’ he says. ‘Leave till tomorrow only the stuff that you’re prepared never to do.’

Amazing isn't it? A self-proclaimed psychopath "Dr" & a famed whack-job trained killer that writes movies & books. In fact I think that I've read a book of McNab' s or seen a movie he's worked on or something. He's definitely familiar. Seriously, reading this manipulative junk once was bad enough, going through it for the bolding emphasis got me vexed. I thought I was getting a handle on triggers like this article. As if Ukraine-Russia - imperial western shenanigans wasn't enough. :mad:
H-kqge said:
Amazing isn't it? A self-proclaimed psychopath "Dr" & a famed whack-job trained killer that writes movies & books. In fact I think that I've read a book of McNab' s or seen a movie he's worked on or something. He's definitely familiar. Seriously, reading this manipulative junk once was bad enough, going through it for the bolding emphasis got me vexed. I thought I was getting a handle on triggers like this article. As if Ukraine-Russia - imperial western shenanigans wasn't enough. :mad:

I think the two are related. When the psychos in government so blatantly flaunt their lies, their distortions of reality, their conscienceless acts for everyone to see and get away everyday with murder, it gives individual psychopaths the boldness to come out of their closet and make such proclamations as the above. Because they can and can get away with it. And because the rest of the population is ponerized enough to accept it. :mad:
That article is so wrong in so many ways...

Perhaps it's also a positive sign if they need to re-brand psychopathy in this manner because more people are becoming aware of it ?
Maybe that's just me being too optimistic though.
Thanks for sharing.
Interesting how psychopaths have that perspective to combat against human society, when normal people want to trust in others (that give them an advantage, people project their good intentions on them). That's the mother of all "conspiracies" and excessive secrecy: that psychopaths hate humans, but they can not say or show this openly because if their enemy, the normal people, know this they would turn against them.
Psychos hate peace (which is one thing that science requires to develop: peace!). That mutant soldier can easily pass of killing people to write books and movies, because that is another way of killing people through official culture. It's always the same: the war against humanity. The army mentality goes so well with psychopathic bugs. The culture, education, health, religion, policy, relationships are experienced by them like war strategies against others. From birth have been designed to improve how to damaging, manipulate and control people.
Would be a good idea against these bastards, a book about psychopaths on their ongoing war against humanity, their truly "secret of successful businesses". And in the same superficial style using by them to spread their crap.
Maybe in today's liberal and secular society being a psychopath isn't "evil" anymore. The implication of the article seems to be that psychopathy is not a bad thing, and is even a good thing. Psychopaths are just different, and we should all do our best to get on with them and let them be their psychopathic selves.

I have just been looking at the reviews on Amazon for The Death of Satan: How Americans Have Lost the Sense of Evil (1996), a book by Andrew Delbanco (a Professor of Humanities at Columbia University). This book seems to make a similar point about the dangers of losing a sense of the reality of evil (at least in a 'metaphorical' sense, if not fire-and brimstone and devils with horns). Here is a quote from the Publishers Weekly review of it:

Delbanco argues that in contemporary America, the Devil and the evil the Devil represents are stranded between the liberal tendency to explain heinous acts as the consequence of bad social luck and the fundamentalist hunger to demonize one's enemies. The author takes his most useful notion of evil from St. Augustine by way of Jonathan Edwards, Reinhold Niebuhr and Martin Luther King Jr., who, he argues, all saw Satan not as an invading other but as a symbol of "our own deficient love, our potential for envy and rancor toward creation." When we cease being able to imagine and name this evil (whether in horror movies or serious literature or daily conversation), Delbanco argues, it will have truly gained mastery over us.
Alana said:
When the psychos in government so blatantly flaunt their lies, their distortions of reality, their conscienceless acts for everyone to see and get away everyday with murder, it gives individual psychopaths the boldness to come out of their closet and make such proclamations as the above. Because they can and can get away with it. And because the rest of the population is ponerized enough to accept it. :mad:

:curse: :headbash: :curse:

Yep. Makes me wanna spit and bite my tongue when I see those things on a podium spouting out their boldface lies.
Now, who should the anger be directed at? The psycho leaders or the dumbed down sheeple? Seems like people are comfy and just don't wanna see reality... And backstage, the psychos are getting belly fulls of laughs at our expense...
Tigersoap said:
That article is so wrong in so many ways...

Perhaps it's also a positive sign if they need to re-brand psychopathy in this manner because more people are becoming aware of it ?
Maybe that's just me being too optimistic though.

I also think that this may be more of a positive thing that people are exposed to the idea of psychopaths being everywhere around them. While they are trying to spin it as something positive, there is a very big chance that exposing themselves like this will backfire on them.

EDIT: The most popular comments under this article:

"The world is full of them and they victimize everybody. They are your bosses, VPs, CEOs, and executives."

"They are hell to be married to. My daughter was together with one for 9 years and was left with a feeling of being helpless and useless. One of the problems is their ability to charm and tell lies as the truth which, when coupled with the fact that they have no sense of empathy at all, leaves the partner feeling that everything is his/her fault in some way as many others can't see the problem."

"You can sell it all you like Mr McNab, psychopaths are not a benefit for society in general. Psychopaths have a predatory approach to life and are only successful due to values of narcissism and greed, they are co-opted by corporations and the military. However this can change at any moment. If the shoe is on the other foot, psychopaths would be the first to be exterminated for the social vermin that they are."

People are not as dumb as they would like to believe.
Tigersoap said:
That article is so wrong in so many ways...

Perhaps it's also a positive sign if they need to re-brand psychopathy in this manner because more people are becoming aware of it ?
Maybe that's just me being too optimistic though.

Too true- it was hard going reading the article and seeing the blatant manipulation. I agree that 'they' wouldn't go through the trouble of doing this, unless there was increasing awareness which they then need to 'manage'. I think thanks to SoTT & books like Political Ponerology, awareness is increasing, 'hence damage' control articles to manipulate the masses into thinking psychopathic traits are great, even desired, for success & happiness. Ugh!!
It appears that psychopaths are now being glorified, however I wonder if the surgeon (quoted in bold below, from H-kaqge's post) is in fact just making the choice to disassociate emotionally from his patients while operating on them. After all he knows that if he doesnt, he could make a mistake. Maybe the difference is choosing to disassociate as opposed to a psychopath who just disassociates most of the time.

I guess what I am saying or wondering.....is there a correlation between automatic disassociation with psychopaths compared to those people who choose to disassociate. Or is the difference..... that you know you are disassociating and a psychopath doesnt.

I would say that any smart surgeon would take this approach. What do others on the Fourm think?

A certain level of psychopathy is also required to be a great surgeon because you must disassociate yourself emotionally from your patients.

‘I have no compassion for those whom I operate on,’ one leading neurosurgeon told me. ‘That is a luxury I simply cannot afford. In the theatre I am reborn: as a cold, heartless machine, totally at one with scalpel, drill and saw. Emotion is seriously bad for business. I’ve hunted it down to extinction over the years.'

Andy McNab sounds like a real piece of work :

You will also learn, among other things, why talking to telephone cold-callers can be to your advantage, get tips on effective dressing from Barack Obama and discover why taking a cold shower might help you get a raise.

........get tips on effective dressing from Barack Obama? Who the hell cares?!
axj said:
Tigersoap said:
That article is so wrong in so many ways...

Perhaps it's also a positive sign if they need to re-brand psychopathy in this manner because more people are becoming aware of it ?
Maybe that's just me being too optimistic though.

I also think that this may be more of a positive thing that people are exposed to the idea of psychopaths being everywhere around them. While they are trying to spin it as something positive, there is a very big chance that exposing themselves like this will backfire on them.

EDIT: The most popular comments under this article:

"The world is full of them and they victimize everybody. They are your bosses, VPs, CEOs, and executives."

"They are hell to be married to. My daughter was together with one for 9 years and was left with a feeling of being helpless and useless. One of the problems is their ability to charm and tell lies as the truth which, when coupled with the fact that they have no sense of empathy at all, leaves the partner feeling that everything is his/her fault in some way as many others can't see the problem."

"You can sell it all you like Mr McNab, psychopaths are not a benefit for society in general. Psychopaths have a predatory approach to life and are only successful due to values of narcissism and greed, they are co-opted by corporations and the military. However this can change at any moment. If the shoe is on the other foot, psychopaths would be the first to be exterminated for the social vermin that they are."

People are not as dumb as they would like to believe.

Those are some awesome comments. :D

A certain level of psychopathy is also required to be a great surgeon because you must disassociate yourself emotionally from your patients.

‘I have no compassion for those whom I operate on,’ one leading neurosurgeon told me. ‘That is a luxury I simply cannot afford. In the theatre I am reborn: as a cold, heartless machine, totally at one with scalpel, drill and saw. Emotion is seriously bad for business. I’ve hunted it down to extinction over the years.'

This is such an insidious conflation of control over one's emotions with psychopathy. Psychopaths have no higher or empathic emotions to control. The article's praise for such is equivalent to giving somebody a gold medal for arm wrestling stick insects.
The emotional language of it, is like, light. I mean he talk about it like someone talking about how charm a puppy is, like "oh dear, I bought them yesterday at the mall, aren't they pretty?" "oh dear, I killed someone yesterday, the bloody bastard spilled some blood on me, inconsiderate fella". He's talking about a serial killer like the cartoon of a cereal. The problem in his article, specially for those uneducated on the topic, is the black and white thinking, making others believe that mastering procrastination is proper to psychopaths, it's not about lack of procrastination that makes a psychopath, is their lack of stress maybe for their lack of emotions and fear.
There's also this documentary about this "famous SAS-hero's" mission Bravo Two Zero and how most of the story is totally ridiculous, exaggerated lies.

Personally, I don't mind much when this closet psychos show their true colors by openly spewing their filth and passing it as normal, desirable and geared for survival and evolution. When they are confident about it, at least we can have no doubts as to who they are, rather than them hiding in the shadows and trying to pass an normal.

Sickening but these sorts are everywhere... I wish more of them started coming out and proclaiming their inner landscapes for all to see. That way, all the normies who side with them will be openly and clearly making their choices for the universe to see i.e. no excuses or crying about lack of knowledge when one is accused of utterly and completely selling their soul for nothing but paper and cheap thrills.
Prometeo said:
The problem in his article, specially for those uneducated on the topic, is the black and white thinking, making others believe that mastering procrastination is proper to psychopaths, it's not about lack of procrastination that makes a psychopath, is their lack of stress maybe for their lack of emotions and fear.
Exactly. It is likely psychopaths may have an air of always being in control of themselves and not doubting. 'Action' individuals that want to sell their lack of scruples like something valuable to ordinary people stuck in fears, expectations and memories of failures. But psychopaths do not do anything really. They can not do in the full sense. They are like 3d images of cinema, that only operate because humans are projecting their energy in them (by manipulation). But there is "nobody at home", no conscience / being, emotions and fear, neither truly joy!.

Here's some info to start working procrastination:


I will search more information about it, as it is an important issue. Since many people hideously wasted their lives waiting in vain (false hopes as a mortal danger in Greek myths) and is a recurrent "gap" in the life of normal people that can lead to envy psychos.

luke wilson said:
Sickening but these sorts are everywhere... I wish more of them started coming out and proclaiming their inner landscapes for all to see. That way, all the normies who side with them will be openly and clearly making their choices for the universe to see i.e. no excuses or crying about lack of knowledge when one is accused of utterly and completely selling their soul for nothing but paper and cheap thrills.
I share your wish that psychos show themself more and more everywhere. What I doubt, and it is sad, it's if actually many normal people would take note of this invaluable information. People are programmed by dogmas and authorities that have shown alarming signs of psychopathy in many occasions, and always have found ways to rationalize and deny it. I can easily imagine that certain priests or psychoanalysts could protect psychopaths with "we must forgive all sinners", "we are all equal" or "psychopaths are just misunderstood, people injured in their infancy". And there is the problem of authoritarian followers. Only when faced the disaster that people will cease to follow the diverted. I'm thinking in the case of Mussolini for example. But I really hope there will be enough number of people awake, that become in certain authorities, to make a counter weight to the psychos and pathologicals.
These pieces are mostly hanging on a myth that having emotions cloud decision making, that we need people without empathy to make the "hard" decisions "normal" people are incapable of making.

What's never taken into account is a large part of a psychopath's information processing is broken, so any decision made would be done in the dark. It's like saying a blind man is the best guide because they'll make the tough decisions that lead us off a cliff, worse still when that man actually for any self serving purpose would intend just that.

You can't make better decisions by lacking awareness, you'll make worse decisions. Given that "normal" is also broken, its easy to see how many are receptive to these concepts of the "good psychopath".
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