Why was my topic deleted?


A Disturbance in the Force
Why was my topic deleted?

my topic

countdown of a japanese McCarthyism?
It was posted twice, in two separate section of the forum, so I deleted the one that was in What's on your mind . Looks like the other one got deleted as well, perhaps by another mod thinking the same thing I was. Sorry about that. My suggestion is to not post the same thing in multiple areas of the forum to avoid this confusion.
Sanma, when you post a link to something, it is a good practice to include some of your thoughts as to why it is interesting. It would be more externally considerate as well.
I looked up the links that you posted.
I understood them because I am a Japanese and I think your topic is interesting, but I still think it is more considerate to post only news that is written in English since this is an English forum, or you should write explanation about it so that people can understand.
The external consideration is very important in this forum. ;)
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