Why You Are Being Deceived by the News Media

Miss Isness

Jedi Master
In the last 15 years, your sources for news have shrunk drastically.

Whereas in 1983, 50 corporations ruled the U.S. news media, by 2004 this number decreased to a minuscule six corporations.

When Ben Bagdikian predicted this more than 20 years ago in his book The Media Monopoly, he was called "alarmist". But when he updated his book in the 1990's, there were already fewer than two dozen media corporations controlling almost all of America's newspapers, magazines, TV stations, radio stations, books, records, movies, videos, wire services and photo agencies. He predicted that the number would fall even farther, and was greeted with skepticism. But his critics have been proven wrong as an increasingly small number of corporations control an increasingly huge percentage of the media market.


Media Reform Information Center

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

Today, your mind is controlled by Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, Viacom (formerly CBS) and General Electric's NBC. These are the top owners of the entire media industry, which includes everything you read and hear in newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, books, records, movies, videos, wire services and photo agencies. Is this a problem?

You bet it is!

There is Virtually No Competition in the Media Market Today Whatsoever

With a paltry six mega-corporations deciding what's news and what's not, you end up with a watered-down, hyped-up, "Paris-Hilton-Daily-Blow-By-Blow" censored for entertainment-value type information, which somehow now passes for news.

The Internet has Become the Last Bastion of Independent, Free-Thinking News

And health-related information is no exception to this rule. These mega-companies wield incredible power when it comes to slamming down the natural health industry and dumbing down the public. You have seen proof of it on numerous occasions already, with their "shocking news that vitamins are bad for your health" articles, just as an example.

I am proud to be a top-ranked independent voice in the vastness of corporate monopoly, offering information to empower you with alternative choices that can revolutionize your health, open your eyes to the truth, and keep you safely out of the pharmaceutical sickness loop.

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Just another one of the constant reminders that, that no matter how impartial and scientific the information found via the mainstream media may appear to be, it is always there in support of an agenda that is contrary to the best interests of the average Jane and John Doe.
How about the possibility of Micro Nuke usage? They wouldn't want that discussed in mass media, now would they?
Check out this gent's post....
FORUM FOR DISCLOSURES Update: Evaluation of the DOE WTC Tritium Report - 911
"Ed Ward, MD" <edward19@cox.net>

3:54 am (3½ hours ago)
Update: Evaluation of the DOE WTC Tritium Report - 911

The DOE report, "Study of Traces (Traces = 55 Times the Quantified Background Level of 20 TUs or 0.0638 nCi) of Tritium at the World Trade Center",
<http://www.llnl.gov/tid/lof/documents/pdf/241096.pdf> clearly nuggets:
1. "No Tritium Signs at the WTC", On page 7, 5. Sources and Fate of Tritium at the WTC, paragraph 2, "We were informed by PANYNJ authorities that there were NO TRITIUM SIGNS AT THE WTC, only photluminescent ones (Lombardi, F.J. Port Authority of New York and New
Jersey, personal communication, 12/10/2001). This is entirely consistent with our observations."

2. No Tritium Present in the Firefighter Equipment, On page 9, Last paragraph, "It was concluded that fire and emergency equipment could not have been a source of tritium,...".

3. A One Hour Dry Fire with 3000 Ci of Tritium Leaves 0.0000065% (6.5 Millionths of 1%) Tritium residue with 99.9999935% of the Tritium escaping, page 8, Last paragraph,. Jensen, G.A.; Martin, J.B. Investigation of fire at Council, Alaska: A release of approximately 3000 curies of tritium. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Report PNL-6523, Richland, WA, 1988. This is a very similar scenerio to the plane fires in the WTC burning for 1 hour without water intervention.

0.000000065 X 3000 Ci original = 0.000195 Ci residual, = 195 millionths of 1 Ci, = Started with 3,000 Ci and ended with 195 millionths of 1 Ci (Curie - As long as the same unit value is used, it does not matter what that unit is called. Think of a Curie as just another unit of measurement like pounds, tons, kilograms, grams, ounces, etc. As long as the same units are used throughout the calculation one need not know the unit name nor be concerned with it. Started with 3,000 pounds and ended with a residual of 195 millionths of a pound. Similar to leaving your car and when you come back to the parking space, you would need an electron microscope to find what is left.

The DOE report continues, "It was a free-burning fire, which consumed the building in 1 hr. Tritium assessment was done 11 days after the accident. The remaining GTLS tubes were mostly undamaged but disfigured, indicating that all tritium had escaped. No air-borne tritium was detected. All tubes were carefully wiped on surfaces, and the HTO activity from the wipes amounted to 6.5×10-8 of that originally present. No HTO was found in bioassay or environmental samples. The release scenario at the WTC from the airplanes is consistent with this accident. However, the Twin Towers collapsed before their complete burning, so the fraction of tritium deposited at the WTC might be larger."

"This oxide immediately vaporized due to the intense heat. Most of the HTO would be transported in the vapor phase with the wind, since the weather was dry on 9/11/01." Page 8, 3rd paragraph, DOE report. This intense heat lasted for hours before water was brought to the WTC. It is doubtful that anything other than residual Tritium was subjected to collection by water with 99.9999% of the Tritium escaping into the air.

(Note the disinformation provided after "However,... ". Whether or not the building collapses is irrelevant. Just as a quantitative value can not be defined under the scientific method as "well below the levels of concern to human exposure", and reports the actual value of 55 times background levels. The determining factors would be heat, time and exposure. If anything all of those factors would have been at least as large or larger. The burn times were almost exact at 1 hour of burning for both fires. The heat, since it was supposed hot enough to weaken steel according to the official government theory, while the 3,000 Ci fire still had unmolten 'mostly undamaged' glass tubes. Thin Glass tubes will melt long before massive steel girder heat sinks will significantly weaken. The supposed Tritium level only significant source is the 34 Ci in the 'commerical airliners'. I'm not going to quibble about a couple Curies. The DOE is scrounging to find a Curie here a Curie there. I'll spot them their 2 Curies and give them an extra lagniape Curie for a gimmie of 37 Curies. 34 of these Curies were slammed into a building at 500 mph, consumed in a massive fireball and fire that burned for an hour, certainly they were exposed to tremendously more than the 3,000 Ci fire undamaged glass tubes.)

0.000000065 X 37 Ci original = 0.000002405 Ci = 2,405 nCi residual. Started with 37 Ci, according to the laboratory data proven by DOE lab testing, leaves 2.4 millionths of 1 Currie residue.

0.000000065 X 3 Quadrillion nCi = 195,000 nCi residual, 195,000 residual/3,000,000,000,000,000 (3 Quadrillion - original) = 1.95 nCi residual/30,000,000,000 (30 Billion) = 1 nCi residual for every 15.385 Billion nCi escaping. (195,000 = 1.95 X 10 to 5th. 3,000,000,000,000,000 = 3 X 10 to the 15th)

0.000000065 X 37 Billion nCi = 2,405 nCi residual.
There was 3.53 nCi/Liter of water at the WTC in one sample of the 'flowing' water pool. 2,405 nCi/3.53 nCi/Liter of Water = 681.3 Liters (170 Gallons - Three 55 Gallon Drums) of WTC water accounts for All of the expected Tritium residue.

How much water was sprayed on WTC 6? Approximately 1 Million Liters. Since we only have 2 real specimens of all of the WTC and they are from WTC 6, this sample's pool of water should have less total volume (less dilution than the lower value second sample), so it is fairly safe to assign a value of less than 50% and since the ratio of the differences are 3/2, the assigned percentage of the total volume of 1 Million Liters at 1/3 of the total. Bear in mind this is a very crude calculation/approximation and is mainly being used to show the massive amounts of Tritium present in the WTC waters.

3.53 nCi/Liter of water X 333,333 Liters = 1,176,000 nCi for 1/3 of the total volume of the rain and firefighters efforts. This is 6 times the amount of residual Tritium (only found on the tubes themselves - every where else = none found) found in the 3,000 Ci fire.

Approximate amount of original Tritium required to leave that amount of residue = 18,000 Ci original. Again, this is only for 1/3 of the total amount of water dispersed fairly evenly over WTC 6.

The second sample contains 2.83 nCi/Liter of water from a 'flowing' water pool in WTC 6. Again, since it is the more diluted value it has been assigned a percentage of the total volume that is larger than the first pool of 'flowing' water.

2.83 nCi/Liter of water X 666,666 Liters of water = 1,885,000 nCi present in 2/3 of the total volume of water present in WTC 6. This is right at 10 times the residual Tritium of the 3,000 Ci fire.

For more on the water dispersal and simiilar information on TUs at the WTC, see an earlier response to Prof Jones hxxp://groups.yahoo.com/group/EdWard-MD/message/8 and the breakdown of 4 million gallons of WTC dilution. hxxp://groups.yahoo.com/group/EdWard-MD/message/136

Approximate amount of original Tritium required to leave this amount of residue (3 Million nCi)? 30,000 Ci.
The third sample from the NY sewers which must have a massive total volume contained 0.164 nCi/Liter of Water. 0.164 nCi/Liter X 120,000,000 Liters = 19,680,000 nCi present in a total dilution of the WTC waters. If one subtracts the amounts of Tritium residue found in WTC 6 (3 Million nCi) that leaves us with 16.7 Million nCi for the 250 feet wide by 35 deep craters surrounding WTC 1, WTC 2, the DOE's 37 Ci, and the standard 20 TUs from environment anywhere in the world that there is not man made nuclear contamination.

The DOE report gives a breakdown of the 30 Million gallons (120 Million Liters), the total volume of the Tritium diluting water on Page 9.

Total original Tritium needed to leave the residues from the only 2 WTC samples with a dilution by the rain and fire fighters efforts = 48,000 Ci. To leave this amount of residual Tritium requires a huge source of Tritium.
4. "Tens of Thousands Ci of Tritium" (original amount) did leave traces of Tritium in the second DOE reported fires with Tritium. Page 9, first paragraph.

What is it with Tritium? Tritium is only made in our atmosphere through nuclear interactions with the sun's radiation. It is very evenly dispersed throughout the world at 20 TUs/0.0638 nCi of Tritium (up from 10 pre nuclear testing, reactors, waste, etc). Any value above 20 TUs must come from man made nuclear events. Man made nuclear contamination is the only way to make the Tritium level rise above 20 TUs. It takes alot to keep Tritium from dispersing and even then 1/2 will be gone in 12.5 years.

Why is the usage of Micro Nukes so important?
Until it is shown the government is using them, the tyrants will continue using them. The corporate media has already laid the groundwork for blaming a nuclear explosion in a city on terrorists.
The usage Micro Nukes shows that the tyranny exists in more depth than the original 'usual suspect' government departments, agencies and both political parties.
The usage of Micro Nukes points to possible other national neo fascist assistance with a most likely scenerio of Israel.
People generally like to know what is killing them.

Thermate, explosives and thermonuclear devices are the only thing that explain all of the WTC debris.

Why is Micro Nukes in the WTC being censored, hidden and scammed? For the very reasons it is so important.

In order to be good disinformation, the disinformation must contain some truths. One must not concern themself with the "interpreted" disinformation (the non Tritium information on the terrorist attacks has no bearing in the scientific method) - , but dig for the true information/data that is hidden and included to give the accuracy/acceptance of the disinformation. Some disinformation can be an excellent weapon for truthers - multifacet - that shows what was hidden, the source is unimpeachable since it comes from the disinformers, and completely refutes the "interpretations". Disinformation can sometimes contain 'nuggets of gold' as my friend Captain May, (GhostTroop) would say. The DOE report, "Study of Traces (Traces = 55 Times the Quantified Background Level of 20 TUs or 0.0638 nCi) of Tritium at the World Trade Center",
<http://www.llnl.gov/tid/lof/documents/pdf/241096.pdf> had a trail of gold nuggets.

How Does a Truth Finding Scientist Quantify At Least 55 Times Environment Data Constants ( 20 TUs or 0.0638 nCi Tritium) Quantity as: "well below the levels of concern for human exposure" while ignoring massive dilution of the sample. A scientist looking for the truth would never and can not use 'well below the levels of concern for human exposure' because it is not a value. "...well below the values of human concern" is just a false reassuring feel good statement and is completely useless. The statement does not even lead to a value since the levels of concern are not given a value. It appears that the scientists are using the EPA value of 8,000 TUs for the 'level of human concern' - 400 times the environmental amount. 399 times the environmental level does not get reported as a level of concern. It only takes one particle of radiation to kill a person. No amount of radiactivity exposure is safe. Some radiation exposure is merely acceptable by this government and some scientists based on a loss of life vs monetary expendatures to prevent excess radiation. It's a simple cost/benefit scenerio, not a safety scenerio.

If the reader is new to the information being evaluated, the author suggests starting with the first article and reading them chronologically. There should be around 200 references that many times contain significantly more information than the individual referance indicates.

Ed Ward, MD

911 Related Articles - Chronological:
Bombs in the WTC Buildings Proves Nothing to Racist-Fascist Bigots xxp://www.thepriceofliberty.org/06/08/21/ward.htm
Micro-Nukes at the WTC hxxp://www.thepriceofliberty.org/06/09/25/ward.htm
Update: Micro-Nukes at the WTC hxxp://www.thepriceofliberty.org/07/03/05/ward.htm
Update: Proves Micro Nukes in the WTC hxxp://www.thepriceofliberty.org/07/04/16/ward.htm
Verifying the Source of WTC Tritium Levels that Are 55 Times "Background Levels" Prof. Jones Denies, Ignores, Misrepresents Proven Tritium Levels 55 Times Background Levels xxtp://www.rense.com/general77/levels.htm
Steven Jones Replies To Dr. Ed Ward hxxp://www.rense.com/general77/ward.htm
Prof Jones Gladly Assists Testing Unaffected WTC Items hxxp://www.rense.com/general77/profjh.htm
Vancouver Conference: Drs Deagle and Jones debate Micro Nukes in the WTC hxxp://www.911blogger.com/node/9590
9/11 Sicknesses consistent with environmental radiation contamination hxxp://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/home/Frontpage/2007/06/22/01625.html
Articles referencing my micro nukes articles.
Ted Twietmeyer's excellent article on EMP effects: What May Have Melted the WTC Vehicles.
Jerry Mazza's insights on 911 and current political scams: Ground Zero Illnesses Come Back to Haunt Giuliani.

Radio Interviews on Micro Nukes in the WTC with Ed Ward, MD:
The Dr. Bill Deagle Show - Clay and Iron. Scroll down to:
March 22, 2007, March 28, 2007, April 9, 2007, April 26, 2007 and May 10, 2007 another show has been scheduled for June 26, 2007.

Micro Nukes in the WTC information has also also been presented on reputable radio shows: CurrentTv with host Dr. Hesham Tillawi, Radio Liberty with Dr. Stanley Monteith, and TruthRadio with host D'Anne Burley.

Physicist Ron Larsen has called the (Micro Nukes in the WTC) articles "a fresh perspective" (6:38), "Dr. Ward thinks like a scientist" (8:28), "can spot hocum from yokum", "logical people like yourself (Ed Ward, MD)" (55:20), "dealt with issues that were beyond technical" (in other articles)(10:26), read several of my referenced documented facts (over 100 of them in the first article) (11:00), read the full quote of his later partial quote (12:30), noted the beams thrown upward (1320). "spent several hours looking over the research" (16:40), notes the pyroclastic flows, their ability to carry fine particles and the "vaporization of metals" (25:32), notes the problems with reflectivity of conventional heat vs much more powerful neuton (ray) heat (32:17), makes a comparison between his, Gspooner and my methods (44:00), "Dr. Ward is creating value for me" (45:30), "clearly telling the truth", "neutrons could do something like this (bend the 8 ton 6 inch thich beam) (46:08), and notes rare legended LIDAR documented evidence of massive craters around WTC 1, 2 and in WTC 6 (46:36). Although, in what seems to be an interesting reversal, his more recent newsletter does not seem to share the same content. (From my open/personal letter to Alex Jones) hxxp://groups.yahoo.com/group/EdWard-MD/message/135 hxxp://media.putfile.com/RL-interview-Micro-Nukes-WTC

Ed Ward, MD
jim46, your post on this thread really has nothing to do with the thread itself - why did you post it here? Please search the forum for Rense to understand why we do not link to that website, among others.
Christmas is about a fat man in a red suit (money). Easter revolves around a bunny with colored eggs (money). The Fourth of July is about..... fireworks???? And your tele news is information you are intended to know. If information equates to power, then I'm thinkin DISTRATCTION itself..... is power!

and why not. After a hard day's work, MOST flop into a recliner and allow 'mental decomposition' under a lazy blue tint that projects nonsense, maybe even crack open a beer and have some potato chips. During these lax vegetable-like moments, I seriously doubt people are exercising their minds... they're just absorbing, whether it's CNN, Desperate Housewives or Girls-Gone-Wild. I'm thinkin this IS knowledge that those in power use! Deception in media?!?... bah, I wouldn't be surprised. In fact I expect it.

My questions are.... When it comes time to vote, what mind machine channel has the greatest ability to influence the most dangerous weapon on earth? ---> the uneducated voter<---
Would the answer to that question be CNN? IF this is true, and I were a man of power, then I would be extremely interested in media.
Is money involved in news? Does this mean we vote for a president or buy one? I believe the answer to this question lies in the affect that executive decisions have on major corporations (like Halliburton)? Major corporations that contribute millions.. millions of dollars to buy their president. Does any of this 'contributed money' go into media (money with intent to deceive)? Would deception in media be confined to one thing (politics), or is it simply... widespread?

I'm thinkin that a lazy mind will simply accept information, while an active mind will research and develop on its own in an attempt to conclude -- truth.

and from what I gather of Miss Isness's post and many current states of affair.... I'm also thinkin that the latter is of an extreme minority :(
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