Wierd dream


Jedi Master
I was dreaming and realized that I was dreaming. Whenever this happens I feel a evil presence.
I started flying above a strange city with this feeling of fear and a voice was telling me how to customize my dreams. It told me to say what I wanted to dream, and then, without looking, reach to my right to hold hands with my guide. I said wanted a guidance dream and reached to my right and grabbed onto a rubbery hand. It was a goofy looking guy dressed up in a Grey alien outfit smiling at me. I freaked out and thought I woke up with paralysis screaming, but I was still dreaming, and then I actually woke up with a burning forehead.

I ate a massive Chinese takeaway that night, loads of carbs and probably additives. Probably just the food, but the dream really freaked me out and I just wanted to share it to get it off my mind.
Timey said:
I ate a massive Chinese takeaway that night, loads of carbs and probably additives. Probably just the food, but the dream really freaked me out and I just wanted to share it to get it off my mind.

Why did you eat poison? Being eaten by evil forces sounds like a logical consequence to doing so.
Foxx said:
Timey said:
I ate a massive Chinese takeaway that night, loads of carbs and probably additives. Probably just the food, but the dream really freaked me out and I just wanted to share it to get it off my mind.

Why did you eat poison? Being eaten by evil forces sounds like a logical consequence to doing so.
Was out and about and I hadn't eaten all day.
Timey said:
Foxx said:
Timey said:
I ate a massive Chinese takeaway that night, loads of carbs and probably additives. Probably just the food, but the dream really freaked me out and I just wanted to share it to get it off my mind.

Why did you eat poison? Being eaten by evil forces sounds like a logical consequence to doing so.
Was out and about and I hadn't eaten all day.
It can be tricky to find a meal when we're out but that's when it becomes really important for us to make choices that support our aim. A good rule of thumb is to find a place that serves bacon and eggs or some kind of plain (roasted) meat and vegetables/salad. In order to do this though, one has to become tired of living life the way they always have. Once we become "hungry" for change, our choices reflect that decision.
truth seeker said:
Timey said:
Foxx said:
Timey said:
I ate a massive Chinese takeaway that night, loads of carbs and probably additives. Probably just the food, but the dream really freaked me out and I just wanted to share it to get it off my mind.

Why did you eat poison? Being eaten by evil forces sounds like a logical consequence to doing so.
Was out and about and I hadn't eaten all day.
It can be tricky to find a meal when we're out but that's when it becomes really important for us to make choices that support our aim. A good rule of thumb is to find a place that serves bacon and eggs or some kind of plain (roasted) meat and vegetables/salad. In order to do this though, one has to become tired of living life the way they always have. Once we become "hungry" for change, our choices reflect that decision.

Thank you, truthseeker. Ultimately, the reason I ate what I did was because I was intoxicated and was in a period of self-pity. I dont think I was truly hungry, and was just indulging myself.

On the subject of my dream, I've think I have been coming under increasingly frequent attack while asleep. This is not helped by the fact that I am terrified of the idea of malevolent aliens and the dark. Meditation before sleep always helps with this, but sometimes I cannot or do not do the meditation. If I encounter this kind of thing again, how can I deal with it? Because, to be honest, I'm getting kinda sick of it.
This may not be in line with what I have been reading here and how many people seem to practice things. However, a few years ago I became associated with someone who thought he was an alchemist while I was practicing shamanic journeys. I will not judge the choices of others in what they decide to do or believe, but this guy was a bit loose in the head. He would tell me of this being, Lucien, whom he talked to and worked with, and if asked, would do anything this guy wanted him to do. I did not believe him and, considering his reputation in the military (this was also while I was in the Army), had no reason to trust him with anything more than a casual hello and goodbye.

After humoring him a few times with his talking about this Lucien character, I began to see this 'being' in my shamanic journeys. I have always felt that if something showed up in my journeys, that there was a reason for it. If they had a message, as they always have a message. When I asked this 'being' why it was there, it would only grin. I pressed further and demanded that it either tell me what it is doing in my journeys, or get out. It took two or three journeys of this being entering my shamanic journeys, while I was searching and exploring my inner self, for me to finally work up enough energy to push it out, completely; and since then, when I journey, it does not appear.

I think that knowing or being aware that you are being attacked, or knowing what you know about grays and lizzies, you can use that awareness during your dreams to 'fight' back. We do not have that ability while our perception is on 3D, but the mind does not work on 3D while dreaming, it is free from the confines of 3D perception (this is partially why we can defy physics in our dreams). If you have these dreams, and are aware that you are dreaming, you can take control of this dream and, essentially, push this being, whether gray, lizzie, or some other negative influence, out of your dreams.

I am not sure this helps, and it may relate more with what others have said, but I hope it does.

Most important is to gain control over your diet- I have found self indulgence brings about most unpleasant consequences- including disturbing, frightening dreams / nightmares. If you eat foods loaded with sugar, msg (a large component of Chinese cooking) and so on it can kick up all kinds of toxic reactions in the body, which will translate into your dream state

Alchohol consumption is also a big factor-especially before retiring. It disrupts your normal sleep and taxes your liver which has to work overtime to process the toxins-so, as difficult as it is the booze has to go (plus alcohol is carbohydrates and calories you do not need)

I have found when I have night fears-wakening suddenly with that feeling something is in the room-or cannot get to sleep for the same reason-saying the Prayer of the Soul quickly diminishes the sensation. It is (for me) a very powerful bane for the "creepie crawlies"-if you cannot do meditation try reciting POTS (Prayer of the Soul) and see if that helps
tschai said:
I have found when I have night fears-wakening suddenly with that feeling something is in the room-or cannot get to sleep for the same reason-saying the Prayer of the Soul quickly diminishes the sensation. It is (for me) a very powerful bane for the "creepie crawlies"-if you cannot do meditation try reciting POTS (Prayer of the Soul) and see if that helps
I've found this works when I've just woken up scared, but haven't tried it when I feel that theres "something" in the room. I get this a lot, so I'll have to give it a go. Cheers, Tschai.

edit: tried it out last night. Worked like a charm.

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