William Deagle granada forum 2006 talk.


The Living Force
I have listen to William Deagle´s radio-program a few times and found much of what he´s saying in resonance with the material on this site. When I found this talk with him on Google.video I was pleasantly surprised. He claims to be a whistleblower with a very high security clearance, in a way he reminds me of Phil Schneider.
Just a few points: He talks about peoples current mechanical'nature'. Hyper-dimensional beings 'good' and 'evil'. He describes the underground-bases (d.u.m.b´s) in a way that is in tune with the Cass. explanation of them. He talks about the wave ('nexus' 'protonbelt'). Alien interaction. That Crop circles are hyperspace messages.

I would love some comments about the material and with the most objective approach possible.

Conspiracy Realities of 911 to Avian Flu and Beyond
_http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=672428451751234223&q=granada+forum+deagle&total=11&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1 part: 1

Technologies of the Electronic Cage
_http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2175422411326961501&q=granada+forum+deagle&total=11&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=4 part: 2

Meeting the Challenges of Wellness in a Toxic World
_http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4832500995605790173&q=granada+forum+deagle&total=11&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=5 part: 3

Questions for the End of the Age ??
_http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4247440996007891775&q=granada+forum+deagle part: 4

Questions from audience
_http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2014494460891596371&q=granada+forum+deagle&total=11&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=7 part: 5

Playtime: 1h29m + 37m + 1h1m + 45m + 9m = 2h21m

Here is his medical website and bio:
(copy + paste from his site)

American Board Family Physician

Founder of NutriMedical, 1999.
Member of the American Board of Family Practice, Canadian College of Family Practice, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and A.C.O.E.M., the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Dr. Deagle is also completing board certification examinations in the American Board of Pain Medicine, February 2003.
Board eligible in Occupational and Environmental Medicine since 1996.
An ACOEM Board Certified Independent Medical Examiner, and member of the American Academy of Legal Medicine.
Dr. Deagle has a teaching appointment as medical student preceptor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
Dr. Deagle plans completion in 2003 of the Board Certifications in the American Academy of Thermal Imaging, the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, and the American Board of Holistic Medicine. Research interests include clinical consulting with Genovations and Great Smokies Laboratories for gene SNP, single nucleotide DNA polymorphisms. These are the genetic basis for current of future disease.
Dr. Deagle is writing a text on Functional Medicine - The Genetic and Immunotoxic Basis of Health and Disease with Dr. Ari Vojdani, PhD, Director of Immunosciences Clinical Laboratories, in Beverly Hills, California.
Dr. Deagle holds a patent pending for new topical pain pharmacotechnologies for pain control and new pain blockade trigger point technologies. Research interests include sensory nerve mapping for pain control utilizing the new 1997 FDA approved VsNCT, voltage actuated sensory nerve technology, MediDx 7000 from NDA Nerve.
Dr. Deagle has completed a study for the State of Colorado Department of Revenue on repetitive motion injury induced nerve entrapment diagnostics and trauma release interfacial therapeutics for the upper extremities. Plan is for future research of pain diagnostic of C.T.I. - Computerized Thermal Imaging technologies with a delta sensory nerve mapping for Interventional Pain Blocking Therapies.
Dr. Deagle is a public speaker on application of advanced laboratory testing or organ function in wellness and disease and the genetic basis for Holistic Integrative Medicine.


edit: updated part 4.
Thanks for the link GRiM. The videos helped bring to my attention that I need to really start applying all the things I've been reading from this group and the recommended books now before the window of time for growth closes.
I just wanted to ask if anyone have as we say in sweden 'kastat ett öga' (thrown a eye/taken a look at) on the material or have any comments about anything related. I listen to his radioshow sometimes and I think he says a few interesting things, like references to the wave, underground bases, cyclic catastrophes and so on..
I watched the videos - thanks for the link GRiM. Maybe he did make a pact with Pindar. How would a guy like this stay alive? - Divine intervention (as he suggests)?
LQB said:
I watched the videos - thanks for the link GRiM. Maybe he did make a pact with Pindar. How would a guy like this stay alive? - Divine intervention (as he suggests)?
True, one can not be certain. I think one reason that he is alive because this information is out there already and/or it would give him attention if he did die.

As for the divine intervention, maybe I don't know. Me thinks it would be hard to define it :)
I sent the Deagle links around and received a reply from a friend with some research findings based on his viewing of the Deagle videos. These follow in his words and quotes:

Deagle's avian flu of doom prediction:

The impression I picked up from the portion of Deagle's talk that I heard was that we a virtually certain to experience an avian flu pandemic in the VERY near future and that conspirators have probably developed a version of the flu to be used for that purpose.

After looking a several sites, it looks like the probability of a pandemic avian flu outbreak in a given year from a naturally occurring variation of the current H5N1 virus is not great and definitely not certain. If it did occur it would be devastating and so great fear is justified, but saying that is will certainly occur, that it will be virulent, and that it will occur within a short amount of time doesn't appear to be justified.

As far as a group developing a lethal, controlled variation of the avian virus with the co-intent of developing a vaccination that could be used to protect their people, but doom the rest of us, the probability of a low risk (to them) solution appears very small.

From http://www.nti.org/e_research/e3_82.html .


In spite of its appeal as a highly virulent and relatively stable infectious agent, there are several important reasons why the avian influenza A H5N1 virus would be a poor choice as BW agent.

The genome is highly unstable and to stabilize it would be a major undertaking, if it is possible at all.
The risk of a weapons strain becoming contagious, or adapted to birds or other animals, through genetic instability or recombination with related influenza A viruses is too great.
Because of worldwide public health measures underway to prevent or contain a potential global influenza pandemic, it is likely that a target population would be at least partially immunized.
The risk of unleashing a virulent infectious agent that would either adapt or revert to a contagious form, that could then not only cause the much feared pandemic but infect the perpetrator's own people is simply too great.
If one should chose to employ an infectious agent in a biological weapon, there are numerous other candidates to be found in nature that do not have the drawbacks of avian influenza A H5N1 virus.
The authors consider it highly improbable that any party will choose to pursue the development of BW using this virus. However, like the arsonist with a box of matches, an irrational individual with access to a highly virulent strain of the virus could still cause a great deal of harm.


I my opinion Steven Jones shows that mini-nukes were not used to bring down the WTC towers.

From http://www.journalof911studies.com/letters/a/Hard-Evidence-Rebudiates-the-Hypothesis-that-Mini-Nukes-were-used-on-the-wtc-towers-by-steven-jones.pdf

"Conclusion and a challenge
The hard physical evidence presented is strongly against the
hypothesis that mini-nukes destroyed the WTC Towers:
1. Observation of tritium (an important component of hydrogen-bomb
fuel) at WTC sites at the few nano-curie level only. This is strong
evidence against the mini-nuke hypothesis.
2. The fact that radioactive iodine concentrations were actually lower in
the upper/WTC debris-filled layers.
3. Radioactive hot-spots in NYC were found to be due to radium, which
is traceable to industrial uses (not bombs). This in itself does not rule
out mini-nukes, but these data certainly do not support the mini-nuke
4. Lioy et al. report that radioactivity from thorium, uranium, actinium
series and other radionuclides is at or near the background level for
WTC dust.
5. Nuclear activation or residual "fall-out" radioactivity (above
background) was NOT observed, in tests performed by the author on
actual WTC samples. This result is consistent with the low Iodine-131
measured by independent researchers (point 2 above) and the low
radionuclide counts (point 4 above) and again provides compelling
evidence against the mini-nuke-at-Towers hypothesis.
6. No fatalities due to radiation "burning" were reported near ground
zero. William Rodriguez survived the North Tower collapse.
7. No observed melting of glass due to the collapse-process of the
8. One more: The mini-nuke idea fails completely for WTC 7 where
vertically-directed plumes of dust were absent during the collapse, and
the building fell quite neatly onto its own footprint. (Molten metal
was observed under the WTC7 rubble as well.)
While many pieces of evidence may support a hypothesis it logically takes
only one soundly established contradictory piece of evidence to require the
abandonment of a hypothesis. In the list above, we have not one but several
pieces of evidence which contradict the mini-nukes-at-WTC-Towers

Deagle's depleted Uranium prediction of doom:

It looks to me that Deagle's comments about depleted Uranium hold up.

From http://www.marxist.com/depleted-uranium-wmd-iraq011007.htm:

Depleted Uranium (DU) is the by-product of processing Uranium ore for use in nuclear reactors (and weapons) and from re-processing spent reactor rods. It is 60 percent as radioactive as natural uranium and it is estimated that America has stockpiles of between 480 million to 680.4 million kilograms (1.058 billion - 1.5 billion pounds) in hazardous waste storage sites. Like all nuclear waste it is very expensive to dispose of. However, it has unique properties that make it ideal for bullet tips and tank armour at a cheap price and in high quantity.

However, DU has one property that elevates it way above other possible metals. It is pyrophoric. This means that it ignites (at 500°C, generated when it hit its target) and burns (at some 2000°C) in ordinary everyday conditions. This not only adds massively to its penetration power but also means it is likely to ignite fuel or shells in a tank or storage depot for example.

When a DU tipped shell or bullet hits a target and ignites it produces a fine black cloud of dust; a radioactive cloud of dust. The larger particles in this dust can settle and give the appearance of soot but more than 60% of the dust is invisible to the human eye and can be easily carried by the wind and be absorbed by rain clouds, etc. In the United States DU contamination was recorded up to 25 miles from one manufacturing site. The main form of radiation emitted from Depleted Uranium is alpha radiation, high energy but with a range of only a few millimeters. As a result it is largely harmless if slight precautions are taken, i.e. wearing gloves while carrying shells and bullets. However, if inhaled into the lungs the dangers are catastrophically greater, and as a dust cloud it is not hard to comprehend how this could occur. Inhaled particles get into the lymph and blood systems, bones and reproductive organs. The alpha radiation will then permanently damage nearby tissue. While research on the effects on humans is worryingly low (or at least unreleased) research involving mice and rats has shown that DU can result in cancerous tumors and genetic mutations, and pass from mother to unborn child, resulting in birth defects. Information collected in Basra hospital from 1991 to 2000 shows massive increases in leukemia's and other malignancies among children, some having increased as much as 600%.

However, there is other evidence that DU is not as harmless as is claimed. Many U.S. soldiers who have served in the various wars involving the United States since the first Gulf War have been left needing constant medical attention for a wide array of grim illnesses and many claim it was due to exposure to Depleted Uranium without prior warning when searching old battle sites for "trophies" and "souvenirs". Their claims are still unrecognized by the U.S. government.

It is estimated that the U.S. alone fired 118 tonnes of DU munitions in the latest Iraq war and 259 tonnes in Iraq and Kuwait in 1991.

DU has a half-life of almost 4.5 billion years.

From http://www.llrc.org/du/subtopic/aldermastonrept.htm :

Uranium weapons have been increasingly employed in battle action since their first use by the US and UK forces in the Persian Gulf War in 1991. Since then they have been used in the Balkans in the late 1990s, then Kosovo in 2000, probably in Afghanistan in 2002 and then also in the 2nd Gulf War (GW2) in March and April 2003. On impact, uranium penetrators burn fiercely to give an aerosol of sub micron diameter oxide particles which are largely insoluble and remain in the environment for many years. There is considerable public and scientific concern that these radioactive particles may remain suspended for long periods, or may become resuspended and are therefore available for inhalation by non combatants at some distance from the point of impact. Little research seems to have been carried out on the distance travelled by the uranium aerosols. The military maintain that the uranium remains near the point of impact, and the Royal Society report (2002) also states that the material does not travel more than some tens of metres. On the other hand, measurements of uranium in local populations in Kosovo some nine months after the use of uranium weapons all tested positive for depleted uranium in urine (Priest 2004) and The United Nations (UNEP) found uranium particles in air filters in Bosnia some years after its use. The question of the dispersion of uranium aerosols from the battlefield is of significant legal interest, since if a radioactive weapon resulted in the general contamination of the public in the country of deployment or elsewhere, the weapon would be classifiable as one of indiscriminate effect. There is now conceded to be no safe level of exposure to radiation. Further, there are major scientific questions over the risk models used to assess the health effects of uranium particle exposure from weapons use. In addition there is evidence of ill health in many of those exposed to uranium particles from Gulf veterans to the population of Iraq. In this paper we examine the trend in uranium shown by the measurements made on high volume air sampler filter systems deployed by the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Aldermaston Berkshire UK. AWE have been routinely monitoring uranium in air since the early 1990s but since 2000 have carried out filter determinations from high volume air samplers (HVAS) every two weeks. They were required to set up these monitors in the late 1980s following the discovery of a child leukaemia cluster near the plant. There are monitors onsite but they also deploy them at various other sites some 15km distance from the plant. We have obtained their results using the Freedom of Information Act. Examination of the trends in uranium reported here show that there was a statistically significant increase in uranium in all the filters beginning at the start of GW2 and ending when it ended. Levels in the town of Reading exceeded the Environment Agency Reporting threshold of 1000nBq/m3 twice during the period. We report the weather conditions at the time and show that over the period there was a consistent flow of air from Iraq northwards and that the UK was in the centre of a anticyclone which drew air in from the south and from the south east. On the basis of the mean increase in uranium in air of about 500nBq/m3 we use respiration data on standard man to calculate that each person in the area inhaled some 23 million uranium particles of diameter 0.25 microns. We suggest that health data, particularly birth data be examined for possible effects from this exposure. As far as we know, this is the first evidence that uranium aerosols from battle use have been shown to travel so far.
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