Women leading the meeting in Istanbul, Turkiye


Jedi Master
This is the second of a series of meetings in protest for the acting government and their ideology. The acting government is the ally of the Global Industrial military complex led by USof A. They are the collaborators for implementing their Greater Middle East project which has cast the role of a mild Islamic state for Turkiye. They have systematically eroded the principles of the Turkish republic, beginning by laicisim and laic education. they have sold our profiting national institutions to global finance-capital for prices way below their worth. The debt of Turkiye has arisen to 300 billion us dollars in the last 4 years. They are the true traitors. This meeting is organized by civil organizations, not political parties. Now the acting government has proposed their candidate for the presidency. Although the presidency is not like the one in US, i.e. not having the same powers, but it is the head of the state nonetheless And the US and The European Union have expressed their satisfaction for this canditate. That same day the Turkish Military published a statement in their website towards midnight saying in short that the Turkish military is the defender of a laic and independent Republic of Turkiye. The Turkish military does not want to rule the state but the statement is a stern warning for those that attempt to divide and sell the country. This meeting is going on right now.

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