Work for the STS Foundation

I have read the post, and as the STS forces need to announce themselves; I wonder why so obvious?
Maybe because not a lot of people are familiar ?
Here it is:

(L) Well anyhow, the two hats have now disappeared - both of them.

(Andromeda) BOTH of them?

(L) Yes. I don't know how that happened. One day they were there, and now they're gone. During the time the two hats were in existence in our possession, it was a very, VERY trying time. That was when Ark got sick, he had chemotherapy, and there were all kinds of other things going on. So, I want to know just what the heck was going on?

A: Attempt on the part of 4D STS to split and then totally divert the reality of your mission.

Q: (Pierre) So, the two hats having disappeared, it means they failed to split the reality?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, they failed to split it, but they had a temporary loop.

(Pierre) But it's gone now.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Um... Well that's weird. So just exactly how does something like that work?

A: Alternate reality is created for manipulation purposes and then elements sent through the realm curtain which bleed into current reality with intent to overwhelm and replace. That was the hat.

Q: (L) So the hat was one of the elements that was sent. Is that because when this attempt to send things through the realm curtain was made, Ark was actually wearing the hat?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So the hat got involved. Well, how come he didn't get a second shirt, second pair of pants, second bicycle? I mean... Geez! [laughter]

A: Hat was sent as sign. 4D STS are required to declare themselves in some way.
Wow, this thing is real! (in Neo`s voice when Trinity removed the metallic bug out of him)
Initially, I thought it was a good joke...but they even list compensations and the rest. Not hiding at all.
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