Joe said:
To be more accurate the study should have posted separate scores for internal and external 'peaceyness'
In that case, on the external score, and if the score was relative to the peaceyness of the nearest no very peacey country, America ...
One can see the raw scores by visiting the
Rankings page, [] and then clicking on the desires country. It is messy, but these scores may be copied, one by one, into a spreadsheet and then cleaned a bit in order and compare the various indicators. Below is an example that process; It come closer to dividing the internal - external elements.
Level of organised conflict (internal) Conflict & propensity to conflict 1 1
Number of deaths from organised conflict (internal) Conflict & propensity to conflict 2 2
Relations with neighbouring countries Conflict & propensity to conflict 1 1
Number of external and internal conflicts fought: 2000-05 Conflict & propensity to conflict 4 3
Estimated number of deaths from organised conflict (external) Conflict & propensity to conflict 2 3
Ease of access to weapons of minor destruction Militarization 2 3
Volume of trsfrs of major convl weapons, as recipient (Imports) / 100M people Militarization 1 1
Military expenditure as a percentage of GDP Militarization 2 2
Number of armed services personnel per 100,000 people Militarization 2 2
UN Deployments 2006-07 (percentage of total forces) Militarization 5 5
Non-UN Deployments 2006-07 (percentage of total forces) Militarization 3 5
Aggregate number of heavy weapons per 100,000 people Militarization 1 1
Volume of trsfrs of major conv weapons as supplier (exports) / 100M, people Militarization 2 3
Military capability/sophistication Militarization 4 5
Level of distrust in other citizens Society safety and security 3 2
Number of internal security officers and police 100,000 people Society safety and security 2 2
Number of homicides per 100,000 people Society safety and security 1 2
Number of jailed population per 100,000 people Society safety and security 2 5
Likelihood of violent demonstrations Society safety and security 1 2
Level of violent crime Society safety and security 1 1
Political instability Society safety and security 1 1
Respect for human rights Society safety and security 2 3
Potential for terriorist acts Society safety and security 3 4
Number of displaced people as a percentage of the population Society safety and security 1 1
As to the 'ey' you tack onto 'peac,' I'm guessing you don't place a lot of value in these studies or perhaps just this particular one. I think that most of these studies are not all that practical, but do try to appreciate them for what they are and what worthwhile parts I can glean.
Yeah, the world is a mess and there doesn't seem much that I am going to be able to do about it. But, I'll keep trying for as long as I can. In the long look, empires come and they go. This isn't the first and it probably will not be the last. I do hope that the knowledge of ponerology becomes mainstream in the world's people, schools, etc. Then, maybe there will be a chance of staving off the next round; if we are ever vigilant.