Hi! Thanks for answering.
Ordinarily, I would agree with you. However,
"If there were anything significant to be found out about Sara Palin, we'd know it."
We do know it, just not from mainstream media. According to much of what I have been reading, the mainstream media (TV and newspapers, etc) are all owned by just 5 major corporations. Occasionally, one does hear something real from them, but not too often. For example, I did not hear on the news about all the people protesting in over a hundred cities nationwide over this bailout plan. So, I am not sure I can count on the media. What I have noticed is that they report ad nauseum on how the candidates present themselves, but not a lot on the substance of the candidates platforms. It has become just a big show, where appearances are more important than reality.
An Aside: Machiavelli said that it is more important to appear virtuous than to actually be virtuous...And for some time I have noticed the four letter word "even" missing from such statements as "We must avoid
even the appearance of wrong doing" as made by some of our so-called leaders. I have actually heard Bush say "We must avoid the appearance of wrong doing". That little word "even" implies that in
addition to avoiding wrong doing, one must also avoid the appearance of wrong doing". Although, he may not be bright enough to know what he was saying, it is significant to me that this is the thinking that is prevalent these days. So much concern with appearances, and little concern with substance.
"That is why we have a balance of power. So we can survive the nutjobs who make it to the executive branch. Both houses of congress would have to support this freak and that isn't going to happen....The executive just isn't all that powerful. It is just easier to focus on one or two people than it is on the better part of a thousand (congress). And Congress is where it all happens."
Again, ordinarily, I would agree. In fact, until recently, I trusted this very system to protect us from the occasional nutjob. However, this system has been largely dismantled. And Congress has been complicit. That is why I am convinced there is a cabal (like the Dominionists for example, although they may only be one form of it). According to the videos from Cornell University, this has been a long range plan, with people placed within Congress. So,it is not just one or two people. Check out these links:
1. USA Patriot Act <http://epic.org/privacy/terrorism/hr3162.html> - A 342 page document presented to Congress one day before voting on it that allows the government access to your bank and email accounts, as well as your medical and phone records with no court order. They can also search your home anytime without a warrant.
2. USA Patriot Act II <http://w2.eff.org/Censorship/Terrorism_militias/patriot-act-II-analysis.php> - This one allows secret government arrests, the legal authority to seize your American citizenship, and the extraction of your DNA if you are deemed a potential terrorist.
3. Military Commissions Act of 2006 <http://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/MC_Act-2006.html> - Ends habeas corpus, the right to an attorney, and the right to court review of one's detention and arrest. Without this most basic right, all other rights are gone too since anyone can be detained indefinitely. Now anyone may be arrested and incarcerated and nobody would know.
4. NSPD 51 <http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/05/20070509-12.html> - A directive signed by George W. Bush on May 9, 2007, that allows the President to declare martial law, effectively transforming the U.S. into a dictatorship with no checks and balances from the Legislative or Judicial Branches. Parts of this directive are considered classified and members of Congress have been denied the right to review it.
5. Protect America Act of 2007 <http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/08/20070806-5.html> - Allows unprecedented domestic wiretapping and surveillance activities with a reduction in FISA court oversight. Probable cause is not needed.
6. John Warner Defense Authorization Act <http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?tab=summary&bill=h109-5122> - Signed by George W. Bush on October 17, 2007, this act allows the President to declare a public emergency and station troops anywhere in America without the consent of the governor or local authorities to "suppress public disorder."
7. Homegrown Terrorism and Radicalization Act <http://www.opencongress.org/bill/110-h1955/show> - Passed overwhelmingly by Congress on October 23, 2007, is now awaiting a Senate vote. This act will beget a new crackdown on dissent and the Constitutional rights of American citizens. The definitions of "terrorism" and "extremism" are so vague that they could be used to generalize against any group that is working against the policies of the Administration. In this bill, "violent radicalization" criminalizes thought and ideology while "homegrown terrorism" is defined as "the planed use of force to coerce the government." The term, "force" could encompass political activities such as protests, marches, or any other form of non-violent resistance.
So when you add in:
* Halliburton Confirms Camps Constructed
* Halliburton's Immigrant Detention Centers
* Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention Camps
* Halliburton Confirms Concentration Camps Already Constructed
* KBR awarded Homeland Security contract worth up to $385M
* From Halliburton's own website
Have Faith? What little faith I had has been destroyed. But, I am not freaking out. That would do no good. I am just trying to be prepared and share the info I find.