Worm in our ears


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thought I'd share this dream with you all from Feb 08:

' I'm with my mum and her boyfriend in a huge house.
I'm pulling a kind of worm -slimy like a snail- out of my ear.
I start experimenting with this worm: if you just ignore this worm, letting it lie there, it dries up and dies.
If you spit at it or put it into water, then the worm is alive and starts growing.
I suddenly 'know' that each of us humans has such a worm deep in their ears and this worm is living in there, in our ears! (could also be that there's one worm in each ear, that makes two worms to each person).
Only if you remove this worm from your ear will you be successful in The Quest For Truth.
It dawns on me that I need to remove this worm from my ear by all means. '

What a symbol, huh? A worm in our ears refraining us from getting onto the path of Truth.

It's interesting in the dream when I do the experiment that if you ignore this worm it dries up and is dying.
While when you spit at it (contempt) or put it into water (either emotions and/or subconscious) it is alive again and even grows! ...
Some time ago, I looked up memes (from wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meme) for an article I was writing for my blog. (_http://fireshadow48.wordpress.com/2008/01/25/freedom-versus-tyranny/)

Interestingly, there was this little comment: (It looks like it has been edited out of the meme entry since then, though)
(emphasis mine)

"A short story written in 1876 by Mark Twain, A Literary Nightmare, describes his encounter with a jingle so "catchy" that it plays over and over in his mind until he finally sings it out loud and infects others (also known as an earworm)."

But here are some Wikipedia links to:

"Earworm" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earworm)

And, "A Literary Nightmare" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Literary_Nightmare)

With a quote:

"A Literary Nightmare" is a short story written by Mark Twain in 1876. The story is about Twain's encounter with a virus-like jingle, and how it occupies his mind for several days until he manages to "infect" another person, thus removing the jingle from his mind. The story was also later published under the name "Punch, Brothers, Punch!"

The story is significant in that it is a fairly accurate description of a meme, and how it can replicate itself in a short time, thus acting like a virus in some respects.

So, thinking about what I read in Secret History of the World about ligands and how pre-existing "beliefs" (or memes?) prevent acquiring new knowledge...you have had an interesting dream.
Thanks for supplying some context to this!

When I had the dream I thought the symbol 'worm in our ears' could mean there's some artificial apparatus, by default, set inside our heads to keep us asleep. This apparatus installs some kind of wall surrounding all our thought and feeling mechanisms, hence blocking any actions that would/could lead to consciousness. And the only way to get rid of this 'worm' is to consciously seek to and do remove it by oneself.

So, combined or rather, enhanced by what is taught in relation to The Work, it seems to fit.
The symbol of the 'worm in our ears' would then represent the whole range of beliefs, wishful thinking, memes (?), so the totality of everything we've been taught to believe, all the sacred cows, all the full cups.. and so on. Our whole mechanicalness maybe. The 'earworm' of our daily and mechanical habits, be it actions or thoughts (edit:) or emotions.
And I dimly remember having read somewhere in the C's sessions that the more you are stuck in beliefs -in contrast to having and ever accumulating & applying knowledge- the more vulnerable you are to manipulation.

(edit: removed the link to 'memes' as FireShadow had already provided it!)
Tried to post but it didn't go through--still getting the hang of this. The following is what I think I said:

Did your awareness change when you stopped feeding the worm or? While I don't have the understanding to comment on your dream, there are I few things from my own experience I can add.

Firstly, sometimes inscects leaving me can symbolize a release of "negative" energy.
Sometimes singing is a good way to stop the mind--but it is right that identifcation with false emotions can be a kind of feedback loop (is that a meme?).

William Blake talks about the importance of the lowly worm (I'll look up the poem if you'd like) in that they aerate the soil. Some Native Americans use dragonfly medicine in a positive way relating to insticts. Yes, I've noticed that I have been repeating the words dragon, worm, and feed. On another note this reminds me of what Laura wrote (I beleive) about how she was a mantis in a parallel world eating babies.

Thanks for sharing your dream and letting me respond.
Nathancat7 said:
Tried to post but it didn't go through--still getting the hang of this. The fo;;owing is what I think I said:

[/right  Did your awareness change when you stopped feeding the worm or? While I don't have the understanding to comment on your dream, there are I few things from my own experienceI can add.
   Firstly, sometimes inscects leaving me can symbolize a release of "negative" energy.
Sometimes singing is a good way to stop the mind--but it is right that identifcation with false emotions can be a kind of feedback loop (is that a meme?).​

Why would you think it is a good idea to stop the mind?

n said:
  Yes, I've noticed that I have been repeating the words dragon, worm, and feed.

Yes - why is that?

n said:
On another note this reminds me of what Laura wrote (I beleive) about how she was a mantis in a parallel world eating babies.

Thanks for sharing your dream and letting me respond.

You need to re-read that material.  The story you seem to be relating was not Laura, but a hypnotherapy client.  Quite frankly, this post of yours verges on nonsensical.  Is there a reason for this?​
My thoughts must be reflecting the mind of the preditor and therefore must not be of my own mind.
I guess I should say that I should not stop my mind but rather mechanical thoughts.

Perhaps the nonsensical nature of the post--I didn't intend it--is a reflection of me not using my mind enough and thinking faster than I can post.

I don't know how to drag quates yet but thankyou for correcting me regarding the Mantis info.
You've definitely given me something to think about. Looking over my previous two posts today I can definitely see there is something asinine about them and even vampiric and for that I apologize.
I also apologize for the fact that this is not relevent to the original persons thread.
Before I post again I will endeaver to figure out.
I was in a hurry before and forgot to mention I like the imagery and your ideas for interpretation here in this passage.
essence said:
It's interesting in the dream when I do the experiment that if you ignore this worm it dries up and is dying.
While when you spit at it (contempt) or put it into water (either emotions and/or subconscious) it is alive again and even grows! ...

Allow me to free associate here for a moment if I may:

Spitting - disdain
water - emotions (which ones? all the others I would think...)

worm in ear - earworm - meme/beliefs obtained from what we are told/what we hear (through the ears)

Basically giving emotion (disdain being a specific emotion) to the worm feeds it so to speak, as it grows when you keep it wet. Giving emotion is giving energy to the worm. Feeding it keeps it alive. Reminds me of how our negative emotions feed the 4D STS. Feeding it emotions/energy keeps us invested in the worm. Interesting to be reminded that even and maybe especially disdain is an investment in a belief/meme/earworm.

Yes, I do think this is an interesting dream.
FireShadow said:
Allow me to free associate here for a moment if I may:

Spitting - disdain
water - emotions (which ones? all the others I would think...)

worm in ear - earworm - meme/beliefs obtained from what we are told/what we hear (through the ears)

Basically giving emotion (disdain being a specific emotion) to the worm feeds it so to speak, as it grows when you keep it wet. Giving emotion is giving energy to the worm. Feeding it keeps it alive. Reminds me of how our negative emotions feed the 4D STS. Feeding it emotions/energy keeps us invested in the worm. Interesting to be reminded that even and maybe especially disdain is an investment in a belief/meme/earworm.

Great, FireShadow! That's exactly how I understood it, only you've expressed it much more precise and thus I could rearrange my interpretation! Having put something into words in a precise and concise way helps to sort out 'thought trash'. Thank you for that! :)
What I meant FireShadow is you kept straight to the symbols at hand, while I started to digress as soon as I was 'writing more'.
And it seems to me your 'free association' has pretty much hit the bullseye. At least it rings so with me.
I'm not sure if I should have started a new thread or continue here.  So moderators, please move this if you think it belongs as its own thread.

Essence, I was immediately drawn to your dream.  Now, I think I know why.

I have long had "disdain" for Christianity.  Your dream and our work on it, has brought to light (for me) how this disdain colors my perceptions and limits my thinking.  Sure, I have known of the theory of this for quite some time.  But, seeing it in action makes it more "real".  It brings it home so to speak.

My disdain caused me to minimize/marginalize what the "Moral Majority" was up to.  I remember back in the 80's when we began to hear about them.  I wrote them off as many others did with this slogan "The Moral Majority is Neither" (it was even on some bumper stickers).  So, I went back to sleep and ignored what they were up to.

Synchronistically, just as your dream was triggering thoughts about Christianity for me, I was reading Political Ponerology (great book by the way).

One of the things I really don't like about Christians is how so many of them try to force others to believe as they do.  Then, I came to the passages in Political Ponerology that talks of egotism (page 103)


"Egotism:  We call egotism the attitude, subconsciously conditioned as a rule, to which we attribute excessive value to our instinctive reflexes, early acquired imaginings and habits, and individual world view....An egotist measures other people by his own yardstick, treating his concepts and experiential manner as objective criteria.  He would like to force other people to feel and think very much the same way he does."
Okay, come one, I knew this.  At least I thought I did.  But, there is an interesting little rule of thumb I learned from a 12 Step program many years ago.  When you find yourself having strong adversarial feelings towards someone or something, it may be because of a mirror effect.  In other words, what is bothering you about someone else may be because you have those same traits albeit repressed.  Ouch.  In this case there was some truth in this.

Right about the same time, I had sent an email to my friends and family with some information on Dominionism (along with some links).  Basically a more personalized version of this post on my website (_http://fireshadow48.wordpress.com/2008/09/26/will-theocracy-be-our-new-reality/)

One person responded with:

It was actually Stalin who said that what matters was who counts the votes.  And it was Hitler who said that a lie, even a big lie, if told often enough, becomes truth.
I think you can relax.  Every TV newsroom (even FOX) is populated by Democrats.  (84% at Fox, over 90% at ABC/CBS/MSN/CNN/ABC)  They all have reporters (um.. following Democratic operatives) scouring Alaska for dirt on Palin all the way back to grade school.  Even Obama, the media darling, had to watch us discover his half brother hidden away in a poverty stricken hut in a little African village (he was himself hiding from public view, I don't mean Obama was hiding him) and Obama's shameful secret --  HE SMOKES!  On the other side we know things like how much Sara Palin's eyeglasses cost.  And that she has a tanning bed in her home!  If there were anything significant to be found out about Sara Palin, we'd know it.
Plus think of it this way;  let's imagine the:  Some hideous Dark Christian splinter group gets into the executive branch!!!!!!!!!!!  Well; so what.  That is why we have a balance of power.  So we can survive the nutjobs who make it to the executive branch.  Both houses of congress would have to support this freak and that isn't going to happen.  I mean how many anti-abortion Presidents have we had and Roe v Wade stands to this day?  The executive just isn't all that powerful.  It is just easier to focus on one or two people than it is on the better part of a thousand (congress).  And Congress is where it all happens.
Anyway, take a breath and have some faith!

So I responded with:

Hi!  Thanks for answering.

Ordinarily, I would agree with you.  However,

"If there were anything significant to be found out about Sara Palin, we'd know it."

We do know it, just not from mainstream media.  According to much of what I have been reading, the mainstream media (TV and newspapers, etc) are all owned by just 5 major corporations.  Occasionally, one does hear something real from them, but not too often.  For example, I did not hear on the news about all the people protesting in over a hundred cities nationwide over this bailout plan. So, I am not sure I can count on the media.  What I have noticed is that they report ad nauseum on how the candidates present themselves, but not a lot on the substance of the candidates platforms.  It has become just a big show, where appearances are more important than reality.

An Aside:  Machiavelli said that it is more important to appear virtuous than to actually be virtuous...And for some time I have noticed the four letter word "even" missing from such statements as "We must avoid even the appearance of wrong doing" as made by some of our so-called leaders.  I have actually heard Bush say "We must avoid the appearance of wrong doing".  That little word "even" implies that  in addition to avoiding wrong doing, one must also avoid the appearance of wrong doing".  Although, he may not be bright enough to know what he was saying, it is significant to me that this is the thinking that is prevalent these days.  So much concern with appearances, and little concern with substance.


"That is why we have a balance of power.  So we can survive the nutjobs who make it to the executive branch.  Both houses of congress would have to support this freak and that isn't going to happen....The executive just isn't all that powerful.  It is just easier to focus on one or two people than it is on the better part of a thousand (congress).  And Congress is where it all happens."

Again, ordinarily, I would agree.  In fact, until recently, I trusted this very system to protect us from the occasional nutjob.  However, this system has been largely dismantled.  And Congress has been complicit.  That is why I am convinced there is a cabal (like the Dominionists for example, although they may only be one form of it).  According to the videos from Cornell University, this has been a long range plan, with people placed within Congress.  So,it is not just one or two people.  Check out these links:

1. USA Patriot Act <http://epic.org/privacy/terrorism/hr3162.html> - A 342 page document presented to Congress one day before voting on it that allows the government access to your bank and email accounts, as well as your medical and phone records with no court order. They can also search your home anytime without a warrant.

2. USA Patriot Act II <http://w2.eff.org/Censorship/Terrorism_militias/patriot-act-II-analysis.php> - This one allows secret government arrests, the legal authority to seize your American citizenship, and the extraction of your DNA if you are deemed a potential terrorist.

3. Military Commissions Act of 2006 <http://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/MC_Act-2006.html> - Ends habeas corpus, the right to an attorney, and the right to court review of one's detention and arrest. Without this most basic right, all other rights are gone too since anyone can be detained indefinitely. Now anyone may be arrested and incarcerated and nobody would know.

4. NSPD 51 <http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/05/20070509-12.html> - A directive signed by George W. Bush on May 9, 2007, that allows the President to declare martial law, effectively transforming the U.S. into a dictatorship with no checks and balances from the Legislative or Judicial Branches. Parts of this directive are considered classified and members of Congress have been denied the right to review it.

5. Protect America Act of 2007 <http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/08/20070806-5.html> - Allows unprecedented domestic wiretapping and surveillance activities with a reduction in FISA court oversight. Probable cause is not needed.

6. John Warner Defense Authorization Act <http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?tab=summary&bill=h109-5122> - Signed by George W. Bush on October 17, 2007, this act allows the President to declare a public emergency and station troops anywhere in America without the consent of the governor or local authorities to "suppress public disorder."

7. Homegrown Terrorism and Radicalization Act <http://www.opencongress.org/bill/110-h1955/show> - Passed overwhelmingly by Congress on October 23, 2007, is now awaiting a Senate vote. This act will beget a new crackdown on dissent and the Constitutional rights of American citizens. The definitions of "terrorism" and "extremism" are so vague that they could be used to generalize against any group that is working against the policies of the Administration. In this bill, "violent radicalization" criminalizes thought and ideology while "homegrown terrorism" is defined as "the planed use of force to coerce the government." The term, "force" could encompass political activities such as protests, marches, or any other form of non-violent resistance.

So when you add in:

  * Halliburton Confirms Camps Constructed

  * Halliburton's Immigrant Detention Centers

  * Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention Camps

  * Halliburton Confirms Concentration Camps Already Constructed

  * KBR awarded Homeland Security contract worth up to $385M

  * From Halliburton's own website

Have Faith?  What little faith I had has been destroyed.  But, I am not freaking out.  That would do no good.  I am just trying to be prepared and share the info I find.

Edit: sorry, forgot to indicate that this next quote was her reply to me.

Sorry, I don't believe any of it.  I think it's the sort of thing people manufacture to explain things about reality when they don't like the real explanation.  There is probably a kernel of truth here and there but way too much extrapolation going on.

I see Christians villified everywhere - go to any film, most books (I am a prolific reader), and most print media.  I know for a fact that all arms of the media barring talk radio are controlled by Democrats and particularly left leaning folks who don't want anyone talking about God at all anywhere and they make outright fun of people who do.  I mean every Republican figure running for office is a) a moron according to the Democrats or b) an evil genius.  If he/she is a Christian the ruling tends to be moron.  It looks to ME as if there is a left wing cabal still in place to make us as near communism as makes no difference.  Take a look at Ann Coulter's "Treason".  We WERE being run by communists, hello, directed from Moscow.  These people, I believe are still in our Government or thier ideological children.  Certainly they are controlling our public school system and most of our universities.  I don't mean spies for foreign governments, I mean people who have been corrupted by anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-capitalist theories.  I choose to watch what works in the real world.  Christianity does pretty well for folks.  America has done better for folks than any government past or present, ever.  And capitalism has always taken care of people better at every level of society when it is left mostly alone by the government.

The notion that some shadowy right wing organization is in power to me is kind of laughable.  And especially when Bush is suggested as part of it.  First, Bush is one of the Lefties, IMO, in spite of the fact that the lefties publically loathe and despise him.  He is no conservative and never has been.

Anyway, I think we aren't going to come to an agreement here.  The whole notion that this many people, especially over time, could possibly work together in secret doesn't seem very likely, from what I know about people.  People are people and they spout off right and left no matter what.

I have long thought of this person as quite intelligent.  I was shocked.  I had no idea she believed this way.  I could not respond right away as I detected a strong urge to "convince" her.  I saw this as my own egotism.  For external consideration's sake, I did eventually respond with "You are right.  We are not going to agree on this.  I will not bother you about it anymore".  Shocks are useful, you say.  Okay, I agree, but wow, they can be soooo SHOCKING!

I got to see how my own egotism is alive and well.  Darn.  Oh well, just more to work on.  At least now I have been able to connect some personal dots.

Thank you Essence for posting this.
Hi essence, I had a different interpretation of your dream. To me it has a strong sexual theme. The slimy worm is a phallus...you spit on it (lubrication), and it grows. If you ignore your sexuality it will die. If you stimulate it, it is invigorated. Being alone in a large house with your mother and her boyfriend, you are a "third wheel", so to speak. Sexuality is in the air but it only affects you through your ears. On another level, you are aware that a worm in your ear is blocking your consciousness. This sexually saturated society tends generally to block higher awareness. Removing the sexual pest from your ears opens the pathways of deeper understanding, but at the same time you don't want your sexuality to die. You want to control it, not be controlled by it (having it thrust in your ear by the media). Just a thought.

essence said:
Thought I'd share this dream with you all from Feb 08:

' I'm with my mum and her boyfriend in a huge house.
I'm pulling a kind of worm -slimy like a snail- out of my ear.
I start experimenting with this worm: if you just ignore this worm, letting it lie there, it dries up and dies.
If you spit at it or put it into water, then the worm is alive and starts growing.
I suddenly 'know' that each of us humans has such a worm deep in their ears and this worm is living in there, in our ears! (could also be that there's one worm in each ear, that makes two worms to each person).
Only if you remove this worm from your ear will you be successful in The Quest For Truth.
It dawns on me that I need to remove this worm from my ear by all means. '

What a symbol, huh? A worm in our ears refraining us from getting onto the path of Truth.

It's interesting in the dream when I do the experiment that if you ignore this worm it dries up and is dying.
While when you spit at it (contempt) or put it into water (either emotions and/or subconscious) it is alive again and even grows! ...
salo99 said:
Hi essence, I had a different interpretation of your dream. To me it has a strong sexual theme. The slimy worm is a phallus...you spit on it (lubrication), and it grows. If you ignore your sexuality it will die. If you stimulate it, it is invigorated. Being alone in a large house with your mother and her boyfriend, you are a "third wheel", so to speak. Sexuality is in the air but it only affects you through your ears. On another level, you are aware that a worm in your ear is blocking your consciousness. This sexually saturated society tends generally to block higher awareness. Removing the sexual pest from your ears opens the pathways of deeper understanding, but at the same time you don't want your sexuality to die. You want to control it, not be controlled by it (having it thrust in your ear by the media). Just a thought.

Hi salo99, and welcome to the forum.  I must admit that this is a rather bizarre first post, considering the content.  Your dream interpretation seems to say more about you than it does about Essence and her/his dream.  I'm curious as to why you chose this as your first post to this forum?
sorry but I don't think it's bizarre at all to interpret a slimy worm as a phallus - especially one that grows when you spit on it! Sexuality is a major aspect of the human psyche, and shows up in dreams with great reguarlity, in case you didn't know. Thanks for the welcome.
salo99 said:
sorry but I don't think it's bizarre at all to interpret a slimy worm as a phallus. Sexuality is a major aspect of the human psyche, and shows up in dreams with great reguarlity, in case you didn't know.

I'm very well aware of that and you seem to have missed my main point.  That point is that it is a rather unusual first post, since you have yet to introduce yourself and due to its content.  Secondly, there are very many less graphic ways to phrase your interpretation, yet you chose to put it the way you put it.  The question now becomes 'why?'.

salo99 said:
Thanks for the welcome.

You are welcome - if you have not yet had a chance to fully read the forum rules, it might be worth your while to make your stay here more productive and pleasant.
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