Worried about the libyan situation


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I'm very worry about what is happening in Libya. Is this the beginning of the Third World War? Is this the beginning of something that we will be unable to stop? Can Laura ask our friends the C's about this situation? I also just read that banks in Spain have immobilised the banks accounts of Iranians. This is not good news. How come? Why?

I'm worried, not because I'm afraid. I'm a valiant person, I'm not afraid of what is coming. But what is coming? Can we do something to stop this folly?

I think you should watch all Zeitgeist movies unless you haven't. Anyways what i think they just want those dictators out of power, because the ppl who are behind this mayhem cannot control them like other puppets in other countries. What i think is that those elite want to create is a one big governement and decrease human population. First of all Egypt and other countries nearby, how come they all suddenly start rioting etc, i think because "THEY" want them to.
And in the end i don't know bout aliens and their part at this ,but what comes to world war 3 , it's likely to happen, that's what those ppl want.
Just my opinion.
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loreta said:
I'm very worry about what is happening in Libya. Is this the beginning of the Third World War? Is this the beginning of something that we will be unable to stop? Can Laura ask our friends the C's about this situation? I also just read that banks in Spain have immobilised the banks accounts of Iranians. This is not good news. How come? Why?

I'm worried, not because I'm afraid. I'm a valiant person, I'm not afraid of what is coming. But what is coming? Can we do something to stop this folly?


Hello Loreta, have you read the last session, also when Lybia at that time isn't mentioned?
Hello Loreta.

It is natural to be worried because things are not going well on our planet. But at the same time, thing that have to happen will happen because all is a part of a cycle. All we can do it to be aware and be prepared to Be what we choose to be in those moments, and in such a way do our part of the cycles.

What is happening in Libya is but the manifestation of what is happening in the entire world. If we draw a parallel with the mythological representation of the last cycle, we are in the times of Noah, in the times of Atlantis. In Atlantis days there were wars and a cosmic cataclysm. Maybe we are entering in such a period?

In any case, there are only possibilities, and those possibilities may or may not manifest. But according to how things are evolving and accelerating, it is better to be prepared inside oneself to what can happen outside. And what happens happens, because that's how the universe works.
Bm83 said:
I think you should watch all Zeitgeist movies unless you haven't. Anyways what i think they just want those dictators out of power, because the ppl who are behind this mayhem cannot control them like other puppets in other countries. What i think is that those elite want to create is a one big governement and decrease human population. First of all Egypt and other countries nearby, how come they all suddenly start rioting etc, i think because "THEY" want them to.
And in the end i don't know bout aliens and their part at this ,but what comes to world war 3 , it's likely to happen, that's what those ppl want.
Just my opinion.

Hi Bm83, please search the forum for Zeitgest to get more information on those movies. Most, if not all, dictators were placed in power by the people behind all the 'mayhem' on the planet - they are puppets.
Hi loreta,

As mkrnhr has said, things are going exactly as they should be according to the Universe. And it is not our task to try to change anything. What is best to do is to do as mkrnhr has said, to do the Work on ourselves, to clean our machines so we will be ready for what comes and able to handle it and help others handle it as well.

Yes, it is tragic what is happening in Libya and around the world. But from how I understand it, this has to happen in order to wake people up to what is really going on in the world. We are being ruled by non-humans, psychopaths. The C's said that there will be wars, famine, earth changes, and more. So knowing this, we need to be able to Work on ourselves and make ready for when we are needed to help others.

At least this is how I understand it at this time.
Thanks to all of you for your words. Today I feel better, less sad and worried. I thought all day long that I have no control with what is happening and what is happening in Libya is what has to be. You are all right in your words and vision of the situation. Yes, I read the last session of our friends C's, I will read it again. I remember also what Gurdjieff said about we are the mirror or reflexion of what is happening in the Cosmos and our actions are influenced by the comets, the stars, the planets and their dance.

I need to calm myself, accept this earth destiny, this human destiny.



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