YAHOO NEWS...Something Fishy Going On

Has anyone but me noticed that Yahoo has NOT changed their main Front page news stories since August 29??!!! What the heck is going on??

The Leading story (believe it or not) posted at that time was/is..."Was Beethoven Killed?" with 3 other main pieces listed just below on "Burning Man icon torched too soon", "World's largest casino opens in China", "Viral video hit: UFO's over Haiti."

Below that we have:

Taliban free 3 South Korean Hostages
Craig and GOP await voters' judgement
U.S. troops release detained Iranians
Bush to tour New Orleans, Bulf Coast
Mexico extradites record 4 criminals to U.S.
NASA report due on alcohol, astronauts
Housing crisis keeps buyers on sidelines
MLB, NFL, NCAA Football, NBA, Soccer, NASCAR

Below this there is a blog on how to prepare for Labor Day etc. All OLD news, over and done with.

These were the top stories, that first appeared on Wed Aug 29 and still have yet to be changed. Of course I'm wondering what are they trying to pull? This has been happening with Yahoo more and more. As bad a reputation as AOL has had of late, at least they change their news sometimes twice and three times a day as stories break.

The "VIRAL" UFO video over Haiti is also strange to be included in this mix. By Viral I assume they mean BOGUS.

Any thoughts?
Yahoo is fine for me. Perhaps you're not refreshing the page? Especially if it is a homepage, sometimes a temporary file will be saved in the browser and that page will open up as soon as you open Internet Explorer. It does not even matter if you are on the internet because that page is viewed from your hard drive. If this is not the case than something a little odd is going on with you. By the way, the UFO over Hati video has already been discussed in some detail in the UFO Phenomenon forum.
First time post due to the mention of the "Haiti UFO". I saw this video at UTube that my Dad showed me at _ and it goes through how most of it was done in CG and some discrepancies in the trees. Not sure FWIW but something to think about. Though I would think it would have been neat to see that if it were real :)

Neil thanks for giving me the answer about Yahoo not changing their news stories. I'm use to things automatically refreshing when it comes to the Yahoo homepage, but for some reason it stopped doing that cus I must have done something with a temp file that caused it to not change. Thanks much. I'll check what was said about this Hati UFO video under the UFO Phenomenon category.
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