Yawn, a way to detect psychopathes ?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
There's a French article here : _http://www.rue89.com/2010/10/04/si-je-baille-tu-bailleras-toi-aussi-la-faute-a-lempathie-169475
which say that yawning replication is due to empathy and that 25% of the population is not concern by this phenomenon. So, perhaps a clue...
The mere fact of having read the title of this thread made me yawned. I guess I'm cyber-empathic or something.
There was an article on Sott about this too. Here's the link http://www.sott.net/articles/show/215147-Yawning-Why-is-it-Contagious-
WhiteBear said:
Interesting article, but I must have yawned about 50 times while reading it, lol

Me too, and not only did I start yawning, but so did the dog AND the cat ..... and I'm fairly sure they can't read. ;)
This is something I had wondered about myself and have even experimented when in the presence of individuals I thought might be "suspect". It really is interesting to notice who will yawn in response to your own yawn. Geeze, just talking about it is making me yawn!
That is very interesting and I have to say that I am also a big yawner too. I always thought yawning was strictly due to fatigue or tiredness.
G had some interesting things to say about yawning and accumulators in ISOTM
On accumulators
[quote author=ISOTM]
A very important role in the human machine is played by a certain kind of accumulator. There are two small accumulators near each center filled with the particular substance necessary for the work of the given center.
"In addition, there is in the organism a large accumulator which feeds the small ones. The small accumulators are connected together, and further, each of them is connected with the center next to which it stands, as well as with the large accumulator."
"Accumulators work in the following way," he said. "Let us suppose that a man is working or is reading a difficult book and trying to understand it, in which case several 'rolls' revolve in the thinking apparatus in his head. Or let us suppose that he is walking up a hill and is getting tired, in which case the 'rolls' revolve in the moving center.
"In the first instance the intellectual center, and in the second the moving center, draw the energy necessary for their work from the small accumulators. When an accumulator is nearly empty a man feels tired. He would like to stop, to sit down if he is walking, to think of something else if he is solving a difficult problem. But quite unexpectedly he feels an inflow of strength, and he is once more able to walk or to work. This means that the center has become connected with the second accumulator and is taking energy from it. Meanwhile the first accumulator is refilling with energy from the large accumulator. The work of the center goes on. The man continues to walk or to work. Sometimes a short rest is required to insure this connection. Sometimes a shock, sometimes an effort. Anyway, the work goes on. After a certain time the store of energy in the second accumulator also becomes exhausted. The man again feels tired.
"Again an external shock, or a short rest, or a cigarette, or an effort, and he is connected with the first accumulator. But it may easily happen that the center has drawn energy from the second accumulator so quickly that the first one has had no time to refill itself from the large accumulator, and has taken only half the energy it can hold; it is only half full.
"Having become reconnected with the first accumulator the center begins to draw energy from it, while the second accumulator becomes connected with and draws energy from the large accumulator. But this time the first accumulator was only half full. The center quickly exhausts its energy, and in the meantime the second accumulator has succeeded in getting only a quarter full. The center becomes connected with it, swiftly exhausts all its energy, and connects once more with the first accumulator, and so on. After a certain time the organism is brought to such a state that neither of the small accumulators has a drop of energy left. This time the man feels really tired. He almost falls down, he almost drops asleep, or else his organism becomes affected, he starts a headache, palpitations begin, or he feels sick.
"Then suddenly, again a short rest, or an external shock, or an effort, brings a new flow of energy and the man is once more able to think, to walk, or to work.
"This means that the center has become connected directly to the large accumulator. The large accumulator contains an enormous amount of energy. Connected with the large accumulator a man is literally able to perform miracles. But of course, if the 'rolls' continue to turn and energy which is made from air, food, and impressions continues to pour out
of the large accumulator faster than it pours in, then there comes a moment when the large accumulator is drained of all energy and the organism dies. But this happens very seldom. Usually the organism automatically stops working long before this.
We must learn how to draw energy straight from the large accumulator.
"This however is possible only with the help of the emotional center. It is essential that this be understood. The connection with the large accumulator can be effected only through the emotional center. The instinctive, moving, and intellectual centers, by themselves, can feed only on the small accumulators.

On yawning
[quote author=ISOTM]
"You have noticed that you yawn when you are tired. This is especially noticeable, for instance, in the mountains, when a man who is unaccustomed to them yawns almost continually while he is ascending a mountain. Yawning is the pumping of energy into the small accumulators. When they empty too quickly, that is, when one of them has no time to fill up while the other is being emptied, yawning becomes almost continuous. There are certain diseased conditions which can cause stoppage of the heart when a man wishes but is not able to yawn, and other conditions are known when something goes wrong with the pump, causing it to work without effect, when a man yawns the whole time, but does not pump in any energy.
"The study and the observation of yawning from this point of view may reveal much that is new and interesting.
You must remember that both yawning and laughter are very contagious. This shows that they are essentially functions of the instinctive and the moving centers."
If the last statement is true, then the contagiousness of yawning could be related to social bonding but may not necessarily be related to empathy. Like others, I also yawned several times reading the article and posting this response. It seems like the word "yawn" triggers some moving/instinctive center related memory and causes the action. Similar thing probably happens in the presence of someone else who is yawning. Social bonding could be based on shared actions - not necessarily an empathetic condition.
I yawn almost always when doing the warriors breath part in the full EE program. It also occurs to me that many yawn when somebody is endlessly talking about something and has lost any consideration for his audience, submerged in his feelings of self importance. I thought this could be because the others yawn to re energize while their energy is drained by the self centered talker. If that is the case yawning could indeed be a sign that tells it might be better to leave the audience and not feed the talker.
There is something my grand father used to do, in crowds or when stuck in traffic he liked to yawn to trigger it in other people
It happened that people were yawning as well without seeing him do it.
So maybe there is some limbic resonance going on.
Infiniteness said:
I always thought yawning was strictly due to fatigue or tiredness.

When I was studying kinesiology and practicing on people, I would yawn a lot, with lots of tears in the eyes (like Trevizent during EE sessions:)). My clients yawn a lot during the first sessions also, then not so much.
obyvatel said:
G had some interesting things to say about yawning and accumulators in ISOTM
On accumulators
[quote author=ISOTM]
"This means that the center has become connected directly to the large accumulator. The large accumulator contains an enormous amount of energy. Connected with the large accumulator a man is literally able to perform miracles. But of course, if the 'rolls' continue to turn and energy which is made from air, food, and impressions continues to pour out
of the large accumulator faster than it pours in, then there comes a moment when the large accumulator is drained of all energy and the organism dies. But this happens very seldom. Usually the organism automatically stops working long before this.
...unless you happen to work for a Japanese corporation. http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=49047

mod fixed quotes
Very interesting topic! Thanks for the article and quotes. :) However, I think that obyvatel may be right as far as yawning not necessarily being related to empathy goes. Many times when I yawn next to my dog, she yawns too, and vice versa. I wouldn't call my dog very empathetic, but maybe it's a sign of progress? Who knows. I do the same thing with my grandmother, who tends to be stubborn and almost never changes her POV in spite of new evidence. I can't say whether or not she's an OP, though.

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