Yet more police brutality


Jedi Master
Police forces in the UK are now starting to mirror more closely the ongoing terror tactics used by their US counterparts. Here is another example of blatant overuse of force, on an innocent man (actually trying to help police). And it is followed by another article highlighting the hysterical drive to criminalise the masses for the most ridiculous and least offensive acts imaginable.


A father-of-three has been left partially blind after he was allegedly kung fu kicked to the ground and then battered by two officers who mistook him for a joyrider.

David Markham, 35, told how he was woken in the middle of the night by the sounds of sirens as police chased the suspected car thief on to a remote farm.

When the chicken farmer stepped out of his bungalow to investigate the 5am disturbance he was pounced on by the officers who then launched their attack.

Such was the ferocity of the beating, Mr Markham - who, ironically, has two brothers in the police force and a third who directs the television series Crimewatch - feared the officers were actually robbers dressed as police for a disguise.

He said: 'You don't expect to walk out of your front door and be battered by the police.' I thought I was going to die - it was like something out of Life On Mars.

'One officer ran towards me and knocked me to the ground with a kung fu kick in the ribs. Then he kicked me in the eye and three or four times on the back of the head while I was face down on the ground.

'The other officer sat on my back pummelling me. I was in agony and screaming for help from my wife and I was shouting, 'You've got the wrong man - it isn't me'.'

Police were hunting for a passenger who fled from a stolen car. The driver was arrested.

The drama unfolded when David and eight-week pregnant wife Stephanie were woken by one of their children crying early on Sunday at the farm in Corley, Warwickshire.

The family, who breed chickens, rent a bungalow on the farm from landowner Michael Harris, 65.

Mr Markham said he had gone outside to see if he could help the police catch the man they were looking for. But he was met by an officer on the drive who grabbed his hands and asked for his name, date of birth and telephone number.

Mr Markham supplied the information and the officer then waved at a colleague to join them.

'He then came charging at me full tilt and kicked me to the ground kung-fu style', Mr Markham said.

He added: 'I didn't imagine the police could ever behave in this way. I've always had a really high respect for my brothers and we bring up our children to respect the law - but how do you tell an eight-year-old you've just been beaten up by the police?

'I don't know why they did what they did. There was no reason for it at all. Even if I had stolen a car I wouldn't expect to end up looking like this and be beaten up.'

The farmer's brother Dan is a director on BBC TV programme Crimewatch, second brother Matt is a detective chief inspector and third brother Richard is a police sergeant.

Mr Markham spent seven hours in hospital after the attack and has only 40 per cent vision in his left eye and bruising to his head, ribs and back.

But he returned to University Hospital in Coventry on Wednesday with severe headaches and remained there yesterday.

Dog breeder Mr Harris, who drove Mr Markham to hospital after the attack, said: 'After the attack, David told the police they had been filmed by the security cameras and when they heard that they were shaking like a leaf.

'Fortunately for them though, the cameras were not recording at the time. What happened to David was absolutely outrageous. He told me the attack was so vicious that he thought the police were really robbers in disguise.'

Mr Markham - who is 6ft 2in and weighs 15st - said he intends to sue Warwickshire Police.

A force spokesman said: 'Warwickshire Police can confirm that a complaint has been made by Mr Markham following an incident that took place in the early hours of Sunday 22 June.

'This matter is currently being investigated and the Independent Police Complaint Commission have been informed. It is inappropriate to comment further at this time.

'Future deployments for the officers concerned are being considered.'
Notice that future deployments for these two officers is "being considered", instead of being immediatley fired, and charged with Grevous Bodily Harm, as they should be treated. No doubt the Warikshire police will likley either promote these guys or put them in a place where they can make the use of force like this more plausible when it next happens, maybe in the riot police squads Or SOCPA squads around parliament.


As he paddled along one of Britain's most beautiful stretches of river, Nigel Conway pondered the stand he'd just taken.

The keen sportsman had refused to pay £3 to a rafting company for the right to take his canoe on the waterway.

Mr Conway mused that such defiance might stir up debate, perhaps even a bit of a row with the firm – and he was happy to argue the point. But unfortunately, he was heading for much rougher water.

The company contacted North Wales police officers, who arrested Mr Conway and took him to a police station and questioned him for more than two hours.

His fingerprints and a mugshot were taken, as was his DNA. 'I was totally shocked,' said Mr Conway, 32, from Shrewsbury, Shropshire. 'I couldn't believe they had come to arrest me.

'I refused to pay to paddle the river – it is a matter of principle – everyone should have the right to access water free of charge.

'But because I politely declined they took me to a police station and I had my fingerprints, a photograph and my DNA taken. That was the most annoying thing because that will be kept on permanent record.

'It was such a joke, even the officers at the station were laughing about why I'd been arrested.'

Mr Conway's ordeal is the latest controversy for North Wales police, whose chief constable Richard Brunstrom, has a habit of making headlines.

Nicknamed 'the Mad Mullah of the Traffic Taliban' for his zeal on road safety issues, he has called for the number of speed cameras to be trebled, the legalisation of hard drugs and been forced to apologise for handing out pictures of a decapitated motorcyclist without the permission of the victim's family.

Mr Brunstrom also defied Crown Prosecution Service advice by investigating claims that Tony Blair shouted 'f****** Welsh' after Labour's poor performance in the 1999 Welsh Assembly election.

Arthur Roberts, spokesman for campaigners People for Proper Policing, said: 'This beggars belief. It is another example of North Wales police going too far and criminalising innocent members of the public trying to go about their daily lives.

'Not content with making the lives of motorists a misery, it seems North Wales police are going for canoeists as well. This is a total waste of taxpayers' money.'

Mr Conway was arrested last Thursday, a week after he refused to pay to paddle along the River Dee, in Llangollen, North Wales.

James Jayes, an Olympic canoeing coach who owns JJ Canoeing and Rafting and leases land on either side of the river from a local landowner, claims he owns the rights to the riverbed.

He charges the public between £3 and £5 to paddle a 830-yard stretch of water near his premises.

Mr Conway, a married father of one who owns a canoe shop, 'politely declined' to pay the fee when approached by a member of staff on the riverbank.

He was arrested under Section 11 of the Fraud Act 2006 for 'obtaining services dishonestly' before being released on police bail. He is due to find out next month whether he will be charged.

There is no specific law governing rights of access on rivers in England and Wales. Landowners who have bought land along a stretch of riverbank argue they own that stretch of river, therefore they have a right to charge people to use it.

However, boating and canoeing organisations disagree.

Mr Conway is a member of Shrewsbury Canoe Club. If his case goes to court it could be an important test case for river access rights, a spokesman for the club said.

A spokesman for JJ Canoeing and Rafting refused to comment.

A North Wales Police spokeswoman said: 'A man has been arrested on suspicion of obtaining services dishonestly and has been released on police bail pending further inquiries.'
If these two articles weren't enough to convince you of the rapidly forming police state and hysteric actions of the UK police, this last one should be the icing on the cake.

The effect that having sniffer dogs inspecting people on the trains and you can bet eventually in the streets, will only add to the public paranoia and help to reinforce the media fearmongering against those invisble terrrists we should all be so afraid of.

Im now deeply regreting leaving Australia (where i spent time working recently) and coming back home to the UK :(


Questions have been raised over using sniffer dogs to search Muslim passengers at train stations following complaints that it is against their religion.

Some Muslims had raised objections over being searched by the explosive-detecting animals, but British Transport Police have said they will continue to use the specially trained animals.

Dogs are considered to be unclean or impure in Islamic teaching and it is forbidden to keep the animals as pets.

The complaints came after a rail security trial at Brighton station, the Government revealed.

The Muslims reported that it was not permissible for them to have direct contact with dogs due to their religious or cultural beliefs.

In another trial on the Heathrow Express platform at London's Paddington station, there were instances when the body scan was considered unacceptable on religious grounds by female Muslims, the Government report said.

The report - on five rail security trials conducted in 2006 and the public's response to them - also showed:

Some Asians and black people felt they could be selected for tests because of their ethnicity "or because their appearance fell in line with screening staff perceptions of a terrorist".

Being selected for screening was an "embarrassment for Asian respondents in particular".

Some people were uncomfortable about giving their personal details to BTP officers, as they were not sure why they were needed, or how they would be used.
Some Muslims said they would avoid using a station with sniffer dogs because of their religious beliefs, while some young males, both black and white, said they would also avoid some stations as they feared the dogs would be able to detect drugs as well as explosives.

Asked if the findings would lead to certain measures not being used on certain people, a BTP spokesman said: "The legislation applies to everyone. It's not a case for exemptions.

"Officers will be sensitive where appropriate but obviously there are practical implications."

He added: "These dogs do not have to be clawing and barking up at people. These are highly trained dogs that can pick up scents from distance. There doesn't always have to be physical contact."
Our Metro Police here is SA also have quite a bad reputation for becoming more and more heavy handed. This week they organised a riot about wages and nepotism and blocked the traffic on the busiest highway (M1) going into Joburg during peak hour traffic. When the local police tried to disperse them (Metro Police) with rubber bullets they returned live ammunition. The public was caught in the middle of the shootout and one motorist even jumped off a bridge to escape the cross fire. One female member of the Metro police was killed in the shootout and several wounded.

Cop rampage sparks chaos in the city
A police officer killed a homeless because he is threatened with a metal pipe.
Antonio Torres (41), a police officer with 20 years of experience, he shot an African-American Fritz Severea (46) in a park full of children because he was allegedly threatened


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