You Tube. America, Time to End the Madness


Padawan Learner
I accessed this presentation at I think it can also be accessed
by running a search on You Tube, title- America, Time to end the Madness.
This is a presentation with a strong statement, the American people must bring their troops home.
I felt myself biting back the acid like taste in the back of my throat when this presentation included
clips of Bush making jokes about- where are the weapons of mass destruction? or Cheney's
smirk and answer "So?" in reply to the statement, "Two thirds of the American people say--Its
Not Worth Fighting." If every American took the Stand and Spoke out like Cindy Sheehan, our
troops would come home. Think I'll take my own advice and start talking in an area common with
bumper stickers that say- Vote McCain.
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