Zoé Sagan, pushing further the war on information ?


Jedi Master
As in title, it looks like the war on information is proceeding in France, with a revolution building up on that side.
In addition to Candace Owens recently connecting with Xavier Poussard, who's behind the "Brigitte Macron/Jean-Michel Trogneux" investigation, a related case is the Zoé Sagan's one, actually a friend of Xavier.

As a pseudonym behind an author of "info-fiction" books, and a whistleblower X account with previously milions of views per day, Zoé heavily exposed the links between the Deep State, Free Masonry and "Pedo-land". Of course, it made big waves in the pool of controlled information, and the real person behind it had to recently come out of anonymity to basically spare his life, Aurélien Poirson-Atlan.

The PTB effectively did the same to him as it did to Xavier Poussard (who now lives in Milan), and to Laura and our Chateau's community, some years back.
In Zoé's case, the tyrants deleted all content from the X account, email addresses, and confiscated Aurelien's digital devices containing all material. They also stopped publishing his series of 3 books under Zoé's name (Kétamine ; Suspecte ; Braquage), as no editor would do it anymore.

Very quicly after, a collective of programmers from all around the world had united to create a new AI based in London, called Lora.py (or Lor4.py ?), that successfully archived all the data gathered by Aurélien. This data contained tons of proofs increminating political figures, Big CEOs, BigPharma, BigMedia etc. in their acts of pedophelia with Epstein for instance, and many darker cases...

Now, some connections appear between different points.
In her last interview, @Laura made a reference to this exact same psy-ops process she had to go through when she was precisely researching the very topic of "international child-molesting pedophiles" (11:10).
Also, she explained being disappointed by Chat GPT because of it being very limited in its learning ability, and thus not so helpful (50:10).

Hence, I wonder :

1) Would that new AI Lora.py correspond to the kind of help Laura was searching for ? (you will obviously notice the name synchronicity)

2) Would it be an opportunity for Les Éditions Pillule Rouge to stand out as the perfect independent editor to publish this other ground breaking series of 3 books, currently asked by many readers who can't get any copy of them ? They already also exist translated in english, from my understanding.

I'm not very well versed in technology and the AI business so far, nor in the book editing world, so many of you will be able to analyse all this better than I can, to see if it could fit.
These are ideas that felt like being worth sharing here... Who knows what bridge could be built from them ?

For more details, see these 3 interviews given by Aurelien Poirson-Atlan (french).
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