(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 26 66.7%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 13 33.3%

  • Total voters
Hi y'all,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 2 & 3 of Michael Prescott's Life & Afterlife. Luis collated the audio and video for this meeting.

Interesting discussion today with the book covering multiple different topics such as remote-viewing, OBEs, and NDEs. Sharing personal experiences with the paranormal and linking these to what we've learned in life and from the Cs sessions really get the mind going!

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form.

For Next Meeting - March 31st, 2024

We will continue with chapters 4 of Life & Afterlife for the next workshop. See y'alls then.

Thank you all for a great discussion! 🤩
I wanted to ask, will there be a meeting next week, as next Sunday is an Easter Sunday? I doubt I will join then....

I believe we are still holding the meeting then, but correct me if I'm wrong Luis or Turgon. I'll make sure to collate extra good notes for anyone missing next meeting if we do have one!


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Jumping ahead somewhat but we are moving through Life and Afterlife pretty well so this is a suggestion for the next one. I was discussing Life etc with a friend and he suggested "Staying Connected" by Rudolf Steiner. I just ordered it on Thriftbooks for US$8.69. It is subtitled "How to Continue Your Relationship With Those Who Have Died." Another Steiner title is "Life Between Death and Rebirth." If we continue down this road. The Amazon write up is very interesting to me, but pricey.
Or as has been suggested, do Iain McGilchrist.
Thanks to all for a terrific Easter session
Hi everyone,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 4 & 5 of Michael Prescott's Life & Afterlife. Turgon collated the audio and video for this meeting.

Man, while reviewing the video to do these notes I regret not being there! Thanks for an awesome and fruitful discussion. This kind of knowledge that there is life beyond life can benefit everyone I feel as our physical world becomes more turbulent and chaotic.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form:

Chapter 4: Perception Outside the Body
  • OBEs are sometimes characterized by confusion or bleariness, but other cases point to the opposite--zero confusion. The author notes that this my be the case more often then not.
  • Cases of heightened awareness or supra-normal perception after separation from the body. A sense of the physical body limiting these perceptions.
    • Objects in the distance were as clear as those that are near. The ability to see past physical walls.
    • Those suffering from blindness or poor vision account being able to see perfectly and clearly.
  • P.M.H. Atwater explains that during her NDE, she had abilities of 360 degree and x-ray vision. Another individual mentioned that she was able to see the numbers of a machine behind her head.
  • In Dying to be Me, Anita Moorjani writes that in her NDE, her perception was so sharp that she was able to tell how people were feeling, and understand what was going on around her. Not only that, but she knew that her brother was on a plane to see her.
    • (Bluefyre): Anita Moorjani's account of coming back from an OBE with knowledge that helped completely cure her cancer. She knew at a profound level that she is more than just her body.
    • (Cassandra): There's a need for discipline in thinking, as this environment is more malleable to thoughts.
      • (Turgon): Bluefyre has said that energy follows thought.
  • There are numerous accounts of individuals having a NDE and recounting with veritable, dense details of what went on when their physical body was nonresponsive. Coined "veridical NDEs".
    • Jack Bybee was hospitalized an had an NDE where she met nurse Anita who told him to tell her parents that she was sorry for destroying her red MGB. When he awoke, he told a nurse who was close friends with Anita. She wept and had to leave the room.
    • After a plane crash, E.L. Huffine had an NDE where he was able to perfectly hear a couple talking behind his back a great distance away. After going back in the body, he later spooked them by repeating what the woman said about him.
  • (Mike): These experiences seem more like what 4D is like.
    • (Breo): There's a report of a doctor passing that it takes a bit to adjust to life that takes on a non-physical form. Learning how to lessen physicality as beings.
      • (Cassandra): No pizza & cake!
    • (Bluefyre): The more light one has, the more choices one is able to see. The chaos of the world & one's trauma tend to blind us to these choices.
Chapter 5: Deathbed Vision
  • Deathbed visions are similar to crisis apparitions. As a dying individual releases his hold on life, there are cases where he/she is able to see a different reality, where his/her own spirit and that of others are visible.
    • The accounts point to being able to see & greet loved ones who've also passed away.
  • A hospice worker in 2021 recounts his patient that nearing the end of his life, he saw an elderly WWII veteran glowing with light looking at him with heartfelt love. "All the pain and cruelty wasn't what was real. [...] No matter how screwed-up and cruel the world looks, on some level, somehow, we are all loved. We are all connected".
  • Some folks have the ability to effortlessly switch between perceptions of the physical & nonphysical. That's the distinction between deathbed visions and delirium-induced hallucinations. The latter state causes one to not function as well as the former.
    • Typical deathbed visions are comforting experiences with a sense of clarity (terminal lucidity) while delirium-induced hallucinations have a tinge of agitation & fear, impairing mental faculties.
    • Classical scholars such as Hippocrates, Plutarch, Cicero, Galen, and Avicenna report on terminal lucidity, in that damaged mental faculties are increasingly restored as death of the body nears.
    • These hallucinations are seen to be caused by fever and/or drugs.
  • (Laurs): Her grandfather on her mother's side had an incredible experience where, being unable to move due to cancer, was able to stretch his arms in the air, joyfully exclaiming that he's on his way now right before he passed.
    • (Breo): There's a lot of cases very similar to this one in hospice.
      • (Cassandra): Need to be wary of attachments and negative energy in hospitals.
    • (Bluefyre): Her friend/neighbor looked after Bluefyre's dog Sara and loved her very much. While her friend was in a coma and on her deathbed, Bluefyre brought Sarah to her bed to say goodbye to her, and the most miraculous thing happened--her friend opened her eyes, radiantly smiled, and whispered "goodbye Sarah" and looked at Bluefyre. She went back into the coma and passed away the following morning.
  • "Peak in Darien" cases are those on their deathbed that has a vision of someone that hasn't been known to have died by the experiencer.
  • There is an account by doctor Raymond Moody of his patient who was near death with heart problems that had an NDE where he spoke with his sister, who was also near death. She told him he couldn't go with him and that it wasn't his time. This experience was recounted after he was resuscitated.
  • There are multiple cases where there are completely healthy observers who are able to see glimpses of those who have passed away while with loved ones on their deathbeds.
  • Not all deathbed visions elicit calm & joy. Anthony Everitt's biography, Augustus, states that the Roman emperor exclaimed in fear right before his death that "forty young men are carrying me off!"
General Notes
  • (Cassandra): Are there schools in 4D? In 3D there isn't an instruction manual. I wonder if it's the same in 4D.
  • (Turgon): Channeled material from 5D speak of a veil blanketing the Earth that makes it hard for communication to reach those in 3D. Is the line of communication restored in some way in 4D?
  • (Turgon): Gurdjieff talks about the idea that when one progresses, the less laws that they are susceptible to. Take animals for example, they are bound more tightly to their programming and instincts. The Work in 3D in a way frees humans from outside control and programming.
    • (Bluefyre): Similar to the point that there's a distinction between living in the laws of the spirit vs the laws of man in Paul's Necessary Sin.
  • (Laurs): Most of 3D is suffering, which is needed to progress in life.
    • (Cassandra): Having a correct perspective on life and its myriad sufferings is needed so as to not be pulled under. (Bluefyre): Finding the meaning of suffering.
    • (Mike): For many on Earth, the point of life is to have fun as a way to cope with suffering in 3D.
    • (Breo): The perspective can be enhanced by learning about the infinite--that there is something eternal out there. That there is life beyond death.
      • (Redrock12): It's important to gather knowledge in this area. Having this perspective eases the pain of living in 3D. In the long-term care home there are so many that are so afraid of dying.
    • (Turgon): His lovely grandma who has suffered heavy health issues that resulted in her becoming blind and having one of her legs amputated. Despite this, she perseveres, having still a positive outlook on life. It's inspiring to see her shine on. There's a lot we take for granted in life & it's important to be grateful for the blessings we've received already.
      • (Bluefyre): Crisis reveals who you are. It was printed on a SOTT t-shirt (wink wink!).

For Next Meeting - April 7th, 2024

Some of these chapters are pretty short so we'll be doing a triple chapter read-through with chapters 6, 7, and 8 of Life & Afterlife for the next reading workshop. See y'alls!


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Thank you, your sharing is very enriching, this subject is fascinating...
Yes @cassandra there are courses in the afterlife to improve again and again, from Xavier Chico's books I've already talked about on the forum... I'm just finishing reading "Les Messagers"... I've already read two of his books, "Dans le monde supérieur" and "Dans les domaines de la Médiumnité" and I've ordered two more, "Evolutions dans deux mondes" and "Missionnaires de la Lumière". Of course, I saw the film "Notre Demeure", based on his first book "Nosso Lar".

I've also read "Le livre des Esprits" by Allan Kardec, which is in the same spirit, and I've ordered "Le Ciel et l'Enfer" and "Obsession: apprenez à reconnaître les Esprits qui se manifestent" by the same author.
I feel that these books give me wings and make me think that I no longer belong to this world, I'm detaching myself from it...
Thank you, I look forward to reading your next report... 🥰
afternoon @Arwenn,
im going to be quite late to todays workshop mate. Im aiming for only 30 minutes but it may be a little longer. Just wanted to let you know.
No worries placematt, thanks for letting me know & see you when you jump on!

Hi everyone,
Here’s the meeting ID for the Au-Asia-Am meeting. We will start in 50 minutes. :-)

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 8687 7275
Passcode: 4nuFri

See you soon!
I thought I would share this story of a sailor who at first didn't know he was dead. He was welcomed there by a lovely lady whose job it was to look after him and make him feel happy. To his astonishment, he also met a 60-year-old cat called Nelly. Animals seem to be quite intelligent and understanding on the other side apparently. The community of souls there all seemed to know him, and indeed always knew when a new soul had arrived, and were ready to be of assistance. Such a sweet story:

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