⭐Astrology & Card Readings (Public)

Dear @Artemis

I cannot properly express my gratitude for the readings. I don`t know what I expected, but what you did is nothing short of amazing.

First impression was like having my brain smashed by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick ;-)

Second impression was like: How...how is it possible to be this accurate with someone you`ve never met?

I was hoping for a clue as to where I should be directing my attention to. I got at least 10 different ones...

Thank you!
Just a quick update that I'm half through the orders. I did get quite a few so working as fast as I can. As for all the people who've sent messages asking to be informed when I'm available again, just know they've been received and I shall indeed reply to you when I'm ready :knitting: Lastly, it seems sometimes when certain people pay by Stripe, it doesn't send me a notification of your order :nuts: So if you used Stripe, PM me just in case. 🤍
Just a quick update that I'm half through the orders. I did get quite a few so working as fast as I can. As for all the people who've sent messages asking to be informed when I'm available again, just know they've been received and I shall indeed reply to you when I'm ready :knitting: Lastly, it seems sometimes when certain people pay by Stripe, it doesn't send me a notification of your order :nuts: So if you used Stripe, PM me just in case. 🤍
Thank you for the update and infos! ☺️
Just a quick update that I'm half through the orders. I did get quite a few so working as fast as I can. As for all the people who've sent messages asking to be informed when I'm available again, just know they've been received and I shall indeed reply to you when I'm ready :knitting: Lastly, it seems sometimes when certain people pay by Stripe, it doesn't send me a notification of your order :nuts: So if you used Stripe, PM me just in case. 🤍
Looking forward to place an order, when the moment will be right. Good 'luck' and strength with the current ones !
Hi Artimis, I also humbly would like to reserve the readings you do, once the backlog has been completed.
No matter how much we seriously study or apply what we know we always have much wanting even unconscious sacred cows!
Thursday my son repeated my mantra to me." Nobody is perfect, we would not be here if we were"! Lol To prove he is listening!
If you do pest life I would certainly be interested and intrigued as to verification, or otherwise, of what I have been told previously.
Many thanks for your very helpful and educative works Artemis x
Dear @Artemis
I was religiously opening the mail every day in anticipation of the Reading :-D I am very happy and thankful for it, as well as the huge effort you put into it. Few tears appeared on my face, this is how I knew it resonated with the deepest part of my being. Wow.. The Reading is very profound and it's amazing how it hits the core of what I struggle with the most. As @Honzap previously wrote - How is it possible to be this accurate with someone you`ve never met? I highly recommend! ✨
Wow, based on this thread Astrology, I was convinced that the ,,Elders" of this forum don't see much usefulness in astrology, which honestly caused me some cognitive dissonance as I am quite interested in astrology myself. It's good to know that I was, at least partially wrong. Much love to you all!
Wow, based on this thread Astrology, I was convinced that the ,,Elders" of this forum don't see much usefulness in astrology, which honestly caused me some cognitive dissonance as I am quite interested in astrology myself. It's good to know that I was, at least partially wrong. Much love to you all!
There was this in the August 9, 1997 session:

A: The art of astrology lies within the interpretations of the astrologer, and if accurate, it is because of psychic talents. Same as with all methods, they are merely mediums.
Great! congratulations and I wish you a lot of success. Do you have a fixed price for each service or is the payment by donation? I have PayPal account but no affiliated credit card, can I pay you that way too?.
Here is the website for the Astrology and card readings. And she does take Paypal.

However, note that she is not taking on any orders at the moment Once her backlog is taken care of, she will again be taking orders. You can tell because there is no place to place an order on the pages for each service. When she is ready for new orders, it will be obvious where you place your order.
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