Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Interesting information about the enemas, thanks everyone! I've never done one before, but I've got a kit on the way and will try both the coffee and probiotic after it arrives and I finish reading the articles about them. Will also go back and listen to the H&W show where they talk about enemas for more info.

I've been taking a probiotic once a day orally for about a month, and I've noticed a few subtle changes in mood, acne, etc. that have been for the better. So I'll be interested to see what happens with a probiotic enema if it does a better job of getting the healthy bacteria into the gut.
A Jay said:
Interesting information about the enemas, thanks everyone! I've never done one before, but I've got a kit on the way and will try both the coffee and probiotic after it arrives and I finish reading the articles about them. Will also go back and listen to the H&W show where they talk about enemas for more info.

I've been taking a probiotic once a day orally for about a month, and I've noticed a few subtle changes in mood, acne, etc. that have been for the better. So I'll be interested to see what happens with a probiotic enema if it does a better job of getting the healthy bacteria into the gut.

For those that missed it, the show where enemas where discussed is: The Health & Wellness Show: Detox Protocols starting at 1:32:50.
Hi, some update: Been doing the Iodine protocol and coffee enemas for the last 3-4 weeks and it's ok. Will try probiotics next week, just wanted to check some things before I started. When I do the coffee enemas I experience the same thing like when I was a kid. I always feared the bathroom due to my stomach problems. I get these cramps, back/groin pain, sweating, heart palpitations, anxiety. Afterward it's ok.

Just visited my doctor today and he noticed that I lost weight since last time, 1 month ago, now I weigh 63 kg! That is a new low for me as an adult, I lost 5 kg since new year, totally 15 kg in 2.5 years.

I'm also weaning off some meds, will only have my Valium and some painkiller, same as before.

The worst is my diaphragm (like a vacuum) and now problems with swallowing, food gets stuck in my throat. Sometimes I take a pill and after a while, if I cough or something, a white cloud comes out. My larynx feels like a tennis ball. Also coughing up mucus, never done that before ever.

The doctor will do a full blood work and check my thyroid and check the reason for loosing weight, he wanted to give me some beta blockers for my high blood pressure, but I declined...I said it's due to my neck and diaphragm problems, which is true.

Well, that's all.
You might want to go to the hospital to have your esophagus scoped. My mother has a very similar problem, and if you can't control it through your diet you might want to find out what's up. It sounds like you've got some kind of constriction in your esophagus that is trapping food. If it is not taken care of it may become extremely painful and prevent you from swallowing.
monotonic said:
You might want to go to the hospital to have your esophagus scoped. My mother has a very similar problem, and if you can't control it through your diet you might want to find out what's up. It sounds like you've got some kind of constriction in your esophagus that is trapping food. If it is not taken care of it may become extremely painful and prevent you from swallowing.

Yes, forgot to mention that I will do a X-ray of my throat first, then maybe a gastroscopy to check the whole esophagus and stomach. My neck and throat muscles are very tense, also upper back, and having hard time to take deep breaths, get exhausted very easily. So, yes. I'm on to it.
I guess any useful info that comes up in this thread could be helpful to you:,42654.msg672559.html#msg672559
monotonic said:
I guess any useful info that comes up in this thread could be helpful to you:,42654.msg672559.html#msg672559
Ok, thanks. I had GERD/heartburn as a child, very seldom as an adult, especially the last 15-20 years. Maybe something happened when the L1/L2 disc herniated and/or the neuropathy kicked in, put a pressure on the whole esophagus/stomach/throat system. Maybe the Iodine protocol is factor also...

I'll wait for the results, will let you know.
Some new updates from Lynne Farrow about Iodine protocol from her webpage.

_ said:
In updating The Iodine Crisis for 2017, I included some discoveries that arose since the first
printing. The new information comes from personal experience, reading medical research,
conversations with my personal iodine literate practitioner, new info from Drs. Flechas and
Brownstein and the experiments on the Facebook Iodine Workshop Group.

I'm publishing the information early on the web so people can put it to use before next year and
so people who already have the book can get these updates. We need to keep in mind that
supplementing iodine is a strategic system, not just a list of supplements. Upward and onward!

The new discoveries can boost the effectiveness of the original Iodine Protocol. That’s why I’m
calling them Iodine Boosters.

First, a reminder that Iodine supplementation can create some issues. The problem is, we
need to find better ways to minimize the effects of these three top concerns.

• Detoxification of the toxic halides fluoride and bromide
• Die-off of many bacteria, fungi, and viruses
• Stress on the detox pathways which jolt the immune system

All these complications can block iodine from getting into the cells just as a rusty lock would
keep a key from entering.

An Iodine Booster is a supplement that has shown to support the function of iodine through
various different mechanisms of action. The Boosters support the immune, endocrine and
detox systems making the processes easier.

These three should help not just absorption, but the refine the metabolic process so less
iodine may be needed.

Zinc 15-50 mg
Vitamin A 25,000 units
Vitamin C to bowel tolerance

In fall of 2015, I had a conversation with Dr. Jorge Flechas, one of the original Iodine Project
doctors. I discovered he was enthusiastically recommending zinc to his patients.

The conversation inspired more investigation so Lynn Razaitis and I headed up a zinc research
team in the spring of this year to explore the many uses of zinc and how it could enhance our
immune response to the mischief iodine supplementation stirs up.

Vitamin A
It was known since the 2007 Iodine Conference that Vitamin A was very protective to the
thyroid. Dr. Brownstein reported at a conference last year that A helps redevelop the iodine
symporters (NIS), one of the important tissues that may atrophy or disappear when iodine
deficiency is present. The extra supplementation of Vitamin A has shown to many benefits to
thyroid patients to ignore. Like zinc, Vitamin A is also important to underlying infections we may
be unaware of. Auto immune diseases such as Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Graves' Disease
are often linked to underlying infection.

Vitamin C
On The Iodine Workshop Facebook Group, we learned early on that "more vitamin C helps."
But only in the last year have we redefined "more" as to bowel tolerance, the convention of the
great Vitamin C scholars. Vitamin C works to both add to the organs' strength and at the same
time subtract unwanted toxins, bacteria and viruses. When the organs are working better you
need less compensation nutrients. Thus, less iodine may give more benefit if maximum C is
included in your protocol. Separating Vitamin C from Iodine is not necessary but I wouldn't
suggest mixing any supplements in a glass of water in which C has been dissolved.

Alkalizing the body -- one final tip

The Lemon Water Strategy has been around a long time as a "good for you" drink that many
people take without specific understanding of how it works. But the fact is, even in the 1800s
chemists and doctors used ash to alkalize iodine. The Alka Seltzer Gold offers an effective
alkalizing rescue remedy for people who are suffering a wide range of detox effects.
Sometimes Lemon Water can do the same thing. Lemon Water doesn't work like a booster
supplement --but it's so valuable it's worth considering as a companion drink.
Konstantin said:
Some new updates from Lynne Farrow about Iodine protocol from her webpage.
Thanks for sharing those updates Konstantin, that's very interesting information about the vitamin C.
Un grand merci Constantin pour votre partage instructif.
Suite à ma dernière prise sang je reste pendant 3 mois sans Lugol et sans Sel Celtic mais je prends du zinc...
Quand j'aurais les résultats de ma prise de sang suite à ces 3 mois d'abstinence, je verrai pour reprendre mon Lugol 12% 5 gouttes ainsi que ma demie-cuillerée de Sel Celtique et je rajouterai de la vitamine A comme vous le suggérez...

One thank you Constantin for your instructive division(sharing).
Further to my last grip(taking) blood I stay during 3 months without Lugol and without Salt Celtic but I take some zinc...
When I would have the results(profits) of my blood test further to these 3 months of abstinence, I shall see to resume(to take back) my Lugol 12 % 5 drops(gouts) as well as my half spoonful of Celtic Salt and I shall add of the vitamin A as you suggest him(it)...
ermete55 said:
Has anyone tried topical iodine with dmso on a large zone? thank you

Yes, I have used undiluted DMSO and Lugol's Iodine mixed in a 50/50 ratio over my breasts and under my arms along the lymph nodes. You may want to do a small area first, to see how you react before doing a larger area. If you experience severe detox reaction, vitamin C is an antidote for iodine. Also, drinking a 1/4 tsp of salt in water a couple of times a day helps with detox.

added: Just to be clear, I would use Lugol's Iodine 2 or 5 %, not the topical povidone iodine, which has questionable purity/ingredients.
PERLOU said:
When I would have the results(profits) of my blood test further to these 3 months of abstinence, I shall see to resume(to take back) my Lugol 12 % 5 drops(gouts)

I'm not sure that you would need that much iodine. In the beginning I felt like I needed a lot of iodine, but now that my body is saturated with iodine after a couple of months, I feel like I don't need that much anymore.
lainey said:
Konstantin said:
Some new updates from Lynne Farrow about Iodine protocol from her webpage.
Thanks for sharing those updates Konstantin, that's very interesting information about the vitamin C.

Yes, thank you Konstantin! I found the zinc in particular has been wonderful for my skin. I normally have had some psoriasis and mild eczema, especially when I forget to take salt during the iodine protocol. That's all vanished pretty much, although I've had this problem before taking iodine as well (perhaps I was just zinc deficient from before... it also tended to improve when I went sunbathing with zinc oxide-based sunscreens).
Lilou said:
ermete55 said:
Has anyone tried topical iodine with dmso on a large zone? thank you

Yes, I have used undiluted DMSO and Lugol's Iodine mixed in a 50/50 ratio over my breasts and under my arms along the lymph nodes. You may want to do a small area first, to see how you react before doing a larger area. If you experience severe detox reaction, vitamin C is an antidote for iodine. Also, drinking a 1/4 tsp of salt in water a couple of times a day helps with detox.

added: Just to be clear, I would use Lugol's Iodine 2 or 5 %, not the topical povidone iodine, which has questionable purity/ingredients.

Me too. I use Lugol's and 75 percent DMSO gel. Smear it on my chest, under arms, throat.
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