Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

French embassy recommend to leave Tokyo due to 70% probability of magnitude 7 replica under 3 days and 50% under 2 days.

source : http://www.ambafrance-jp.org/spip.php?article4569
"TOKYO — The weather agency says a volcano in southern Japan is spewing ash and rock again as the country struggles with the aftermath of a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in the north"


edited for: :scared:
Pashalis said:
the power plant 3 in Fukushima has exploded (plutonium )!

What? where can I see this?

To this explotion is to what you refer???

Here is a clip of the 2nd explosion put up by Zero Hedge. Many conflicting reports about this. I get the sense that the MSM is really downplaying all in order to keep people from panicking. Also get the feeling the people in charge have less control of this than they are letting on.

drygol said:

err whats that on 2:45 ?????

Hey that's weird, looks like something with a smoky tail is flying and it looks like it changes direction before the camera zoom in onto the tsunami :huh:
drygol said:

err whats that on 2:45 ?????

If I see what I think you're referring to, I think it's another helicopter flying at a lower altitude and at a distance, but it's too far away for me to be completely certain.
It's a helicopter which is clear when you watch the higher rez version.
Hi Laura, i want to say thanx for all the hard work you have put into this fantastic site and channeling and everything else, I am new here and am still learning about the C's through the wave chapters (on part 8 )

i posted something about anti gravity in the questions for the C's section, there is so much information here its amazing, although i couldn't wait to post my thoughts on the anti gravity thought i had because it would take me a long time to catch up on everything, if what i suggest is nothing new then no worries

also about earthquakes I had heard through a random source that 15 or 20 years ago science guys changed the Richter scale so that a 9 is 8 etc dropping the # down 1 so that quakes do not appear as severe to the layman, if any of you could corroborate this or debunk it that would be great,

if its true then it was actually a 9.9 quake serious indeed
Dan Chung
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 13 March 2011 11.36 GMT


Guardian photographer captures the devastation wrought on the town of Shintona in Miyagi prefecture, one of the worst-affected areas: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gallery/2011/mar/13/japan-earthquake-and-tsunami-japan#/
44 photos, some are impressive: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/03/japan_earthquake_aftermath.html
According to the Jiji agency, the engineers don't succeed in cooling the reactor n° 2 of the central of Fukushima Dai-Ni. The level of water lowered to the point that, for part, cartridges of nuclear fuel are perhaps exposed to free air. :(
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